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December Wrasslin' |OT| This title has been held by all the greats...and Triple H

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Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I imagine a Cornette podcast sounds like those random youtube 'wrestling WHAT I THINK OF RAW' with a replica belt over their shoulders

Talking about something they don't know about(Cornette due to being completely out of touch with a modern product), complaining that they could do it better, and swearing repeatedly to sound more mature than they actually are.


It's not like these wrestlers decide to start a podcast to share their stories with the world. Pretty sure these big podcast manager companies approach them and they get paid while the companies edit their stuff and tell them what to shill.


more money than God
It's not like these wrestlers decide to start a podcast to share their stories with the world. Pretty sure these big podcast manager companies approach them and they get paid while the companies edit their stuff and tell them what to shill.
To be fair, SCSA started off great, and it still is. His success is just driving others to the market.
I imagine a Cornette podcast sounds like those random youtube 'wrestling WHAT I THINK OF RAW' with a replica belt over their shoulders

Talking about something they don't know about(Cornette due to being completely out of touch with a modern product), complaining that they could do it better, and swearing repeatedly to sound more mature than they actually are.

I immediately thought of this guy: http://youtu.be/FdVM-pzfMH0?t=1m13s
I imagine a Cornette podcast sounds like those random youtube 'wrestling WHAT I THINK OF RAW' with a replica belt over their shoulders

Talking about something they don't know about(Cornette due to being completely out of touch with a modern product), complaining that they could do it better, and swearing repeatedly to sound more mature than they actually are.

That's pretty much exactly what it is.

He also loves Family Guy so that shows how out of touch he is.


I imagine a Cornette podcast sounds like those random youtube 'wrestling WHAT I THINK OF RAW' with a replica belt over their shoulders

Talking about something they don't know about(Cornette due to being completely out of touch with a modern product), complaining that they could do it better, and swearing repeatedly to sound more mature than they actually are.
His rants on Kevin Dunn, Kliq (mostly Shawn and Triple H) and Russo are pretty hilarious.


The very first episode had 15 minutes of shilling. Killing me. "...so we can keep giving this to you for free" doesn't mean dick on your debut episode.

I think podcasting is the last thing you should be doing if you're looking to make money.

At the very least go full paywall like F4W and earn your keep that way, ads for stamps.com don't really do it for me, not to mention US stamps are fucking useless over here anyways.

yeah the advertising on austin's podcast is pretty unbearable at times, and it's the main reason why I've pretty much stopped listening, unless he gets a really interesting guest on the show.

cause he really needs the money, right? lol

I guess it's that wrasslin mentality... never give it to them for free.

Are you guys joking? Both shows are great and free. Would you rather pay for it? A few minutes of ads doesn't bother me when I am being entertained for free and getting a lot value for zero dollars.


I don't mind ads. I can't stand the way they are portrayed on shows done by multi millionaires who are paid to do the shows. Just say you're doing ads to make more money. Don't bullshit people and say you're doing it to keep it free because you just love your fans that much. You're doing it to make money, just say that and go on with the show. Don't spend an extra 2 minutes trying to weave a personalized story for Gamefly. Just tells us what Gamefly is and that you can get a 30 day trial with your code. I don't need to hear about how you warm up for wrestling, and for singing, so why wouldn't you warm up for gaming? With Gamefly...blah blah.


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I'm amazed at how bad and misplaced ads are. Like podcasts are always sponsored by the most random shit not related to the subject matter. I guess in the case of gaming podcasts, publishers don't have to do that because the games journalists are already giving them free advertising.

Like, or in the case of Spotify. Why are the commericlas COME LISTEN TO MY NEW ALBUM I AM FEMALE POP SINGER #80 while I'm listening to Rick James. Why doesn't it go 'ok this person is listening to Rick James, let's show them a commercial for this new band's abum that sounds 80sish'


The way most podcasts do it is every bit as bad as the product placement on Raw. I don't understand why so many still stick to the radio show format with ad breaks and recaps and shit. Rogan has it right: If you have ads, do them up front and not cut up the flow of the show so you can do a stamps.com ad.


I'm putting together a personal music blog / reviews website, let me know what you guys think. I'm launching it January 1st. I think I've got the basic look down, with only a few minor things to tweak. I'm also working on a Facebook page to go with it.

Psycho Ramblin' Country


So not worth it
I find the argument "it's free, so why are you complaining" to be rather silly. Just because it's free doesn't mean I have to unconditionally like it.

I'd much rather pay for a good podcast so I can get it without shilling for vitamin supplements. I pay for f4wonline and I'm quite sure I enjoy Granny alot more as long as she's not trying to sell me two weeks of free Hulu Plus than I would if she was.


I really don't mind ads. Pretty much every form of media I've consumed since a child had ads on it at some point. I just hate how they're done on podcasts. "Help us keep the lights on!" Fuck off with that shit. You aren't paying for it. You're paid to do it. There is nothing wrong with that, but don't pretend like you're going to go broke if you don't get people to click on your Amazon banner. And stop pretending you're doing a radio show. Shit drives me crazy. Stuff like, "if you're just tuning in" should never be said on a podcast.


I really don't mind ads. Pretty much every form of media I've consumed since a child had ads on it at some point. I just hate how they're done on podcasts. "Help us keep the lights on!" Fuck off with that shit. You aren't paying for it. You're paid to do it. There is nothing wrong with that, but don't pretend like you're going to go broke if you don't get people to click on your Amazon banner. And stop pretending you're doing a radio show. Shit drives me crazy. Stuff like, "if you're just tuning in" should never be said on a podcast.

LOL so true Stro so true
The thing about podcasts that annoys me more than ads are the constant vocal inflections (uh, like, er, ummmmm). Listening to shows on NPR, with pros that have trained to avoid that, are so much more enjoyable than amateur hour bs.


This reminds me how much I can't stand Cornette.

His appearances on Austin's show were pretty great, but he's unbearable when talking about anything past 1997 or so. Talking about getting a Twitter campaign to get Brian back on Family Guy? Dude is in his 50s and Family Guy has been awful for years.

The thing about podcasts that annoys me more than ads are the constant vocal inflections (uh, like, er, ummmmm). Listening to shows on NPR, with pros that have trained to avoid that, are so much more enjoyable than amateur hour bs.

I actually agree with this. It's amazing how many comedians, people who get paid to talk for a living, are actually pretty bad at speaking clearly without ums or fucks in place of ums.


I actually agree with this. It's amazing how many comedians, people who get paid to talk for a living, are actually pretty bad at speaking clearly without ums or fucks in place of ums.

Yeah, that bothers me as well.

Took a speech class in college and they were super anal about not using um and the like.

Then you see people on tv do the exact shit you were told not to do.

Really annoying.


I don't mind ads. I can't stand the way they are portrayed on shows done by multi millionaires who are paid to do the shows. Just say you're doing ads to make more money. Don't bullshit people and say you're doing it to keep it free because you just love your fans that much. You're doing it to make money, just say that and go on with the show. Don't spend an extra 2 minutes trying to weave a personalized story for Gamefly. Just tells us what Gamefly is and that you can get a 30 day trial with your code. I don't need to hear about how you warm up for wrestling, and for singing, so why wouldn't you warm up for gaming? With Gamefly...blah blah.

I've been taking my Alpha Brain recently (it's like WD-40 for your brain, it'll make you think good) and I bought a Nintendo 3DS XL. I been thinking about GameFly.

Anyone with opinions on GameFly for the 3DS?
Ryogoku Kokugikan, Tokyo
7,500 Fans

A sizeable crowd assembles at Sumo Hall for one of WAR's biggest events of the year, drawn by the promise of a one night tournament to crown the WAR International Jr. Heavyweight Champion, appearances from New Japan's Masahiro Chono & Riki Choshu, plus a huge match between WAR owner Genichiro Tenryu and WWF star Yokozuna.

WAR International Jr. Heavyweight Title Tournament - 1st Round: Gedo vs Yuji Yasuraoka - (07:21, clipped to 02:32)

The participants in the tournament assemble in the ring for the official opening ceremony and then we're away with the 1st match, Gedo vs Yuji Yasuraoka. Gedo's mullet is marvelous. Yasuraoka was a student of Tenryu's 1st class at the SWS dojo in the early 90's and followed him to WAR and, although he did show some promise, his career survive WAR's demise. Gedo wastes no time, hitting a German suplex on an unsuspecting Yasuraoka. Big backdrop driver dumps him on the back of his neck. Powerbomb, followed up by the superfly splash for a 2-count. The tape cuts, seems the opening round matches are all clipped. Yasuraoka's on offence now, nice step-up plancha. Tombstone. He goes up top and hits a splash, following up with a bridging German for 2. Gedo counters a flying knee strike attempt into a powerbomb. He hits the ropes, but Yuji uses a drop toehold and then rolls Gedo up with a La Magistral for 2! Boot to the gut by Gedo. Tornado DDT for 2. Real nice step-up leg lariat counter out of the corner from Yasuraoka. He goes for a norhtern lights, but Gedo flips out of it. Huge lariatooooo floors Yasuraoka. Gedo applies the WAR Special, which is a seated double chickenwing, and Yasuraoka is forced to tap.


WAR International Jr. Heavyweight Title Tournament - 1st Round: Negro Casas vs 1-2-3 Kid - (04:40, clipped to 02:20)

Negro is chopping the shit out of Kid's chest. He ships him into the ropes and Kid slides under, but Negro holds on to an arm and applies a wristlock. Kid flips out of it and goes for one of his own, but Negro trips his leg and covers for less than a 1 count. Kid kips up and does his martial arts pose. Indy stand-off. Crowd give no shits. Dropkick from Negro. Big lariatoo in the corner. He goes for it again, but Kid avoids it and hits a nice kick combo. Chops from Kid. He whips Negro, but it's countered into a sleeper. Negro goes up top for something, but Kid gets the boot up. He whips Negro into the ropes and tries for a hip-toss, but Negro just fuckin' chops him to the mat. Negro puts Kid into the ropes, but he hits a spinning heel kick that sends Negro to the floor. Twisting senton from the top by Kid and the crowd finally give a shit. Lots of applause for his goofy karate kid posing. Clip to Negro getting back in with a corkscrew crossbody. He drops the elbow and hits a back senton for 2. Kid reverses a waistlock and puts Negro into the corner, but he steps up and goes for the crossbody, Kid however ducks out of the way. Nice northern lights suplex and that's that. 1-2-3 Kid advances.


WAR International Jr. Heavyweight Title Tournament - 1st Round: Lionheart vs Masao Orihara (08:53, clipped to 03:26)

Orihara is attacked before the bell by Jado! He whips Orihara into the ringpost, then it clips to Jado hitting a nasty hurricanrana off of the top rope that was meant to send Orihara through a table, but instead sees him collide forehead-first with said table. Ouch. Jado says something on the mic and he sounds angry. I think Orihara cost him his place in the tournament. Jericho takes advantage of his opponent's predicament and rushes down to the ring. He throws Orihara to the floor and hits a weird doublestomp dropkick. Clips to Orihara on the top. He goes for a moonsault to the floor, but Jericho moves out of the way and hits a kneedrop. He works over Orihara's arm in the ring, but Orihara frees himself with a knee to the gut and a dropkick. He fucking SPIKES Jericho right on his dome. Orihara whips Jericho into the ropes, but he hops up to the middle rope. Orihara dropkicks his ass, which gets some laughs. He follows up with a sick spider-style German that folds Jericho in two. He goes for the diving headbutt, but Jericho gets his feet up. Missile dropkick from Jericho and another right to Orihara's shoulder. Jericho gives Orihara a receipt for that head drop earlier, hitting the Lionsault afterwards to score the win. This match sucked. Constant dives, made only worse by the clipping. Orihara wasn't at his best at this point in his career. He fared kinda badly after leaving All Japan with Tenryu.


WAR International Jr. Heavyweight Title Tournament - 1st Round: Ultimo Dragon vs Ultimate Dragon - (09:58, clipped to 03:12)

This match is notable because I think it's the first instance of someone hitting a SSP to the floor. Ultimate Dragon was a Canadian indie wrestler who still wrestles today as Dark Dragon or Brett Como, but this short rivalry with Ultimo was the high point of his career. Shoulderblock from Ultimo. Dropkick. He puts Ultimate into the ropes, but the Canadian lands on his feet from a backbody drop and hits a hurricanrana. Trading armdrags. Double dropkicks. Indy stand-off. Cut to a big sit-out powerbomb from Ultimo for 2. He whips Ultimate from corner to corner, hitting a series of clotheslines, before placing him up top. Hurricanrana gets 2 and Ultimate retreats to the apron. Twisting crossbody plancha from Ultimate, but Ultimo rolls through into a pin for 2. Spinning heel kick from Ultimo. The sell is so bad the crowd laugh. He elevates Ultimo to the apron and leaps up on top to hit a flying clothesline to the floor. Bodydrop from Ultimate, followed by a SSP to the floor! In 1995! Crowd goes suitably nuts. He tries for it in the ring this time but, predictably, Ultimo moves out of the way. La Magistral, but Ultimate kicks out at 2. Sick fisherman buster, but Ultimo's not done. German suplex with a bridge, which Ultimo turns into a jacknife hold to pin Ultimate Dragon and advance to the semis!


Masanobu Kurisu, Nobukazu Hirai & Ryumo Go vs Hiroshi Itakura, Osamu Tachihikari & The Missing Link - (10:41, clipped to 04:33

A break from tournament action next with a pretty random six man tag. Kurisu & Go were New Japan mid-card guys in the 70's, while Hirai is better known as Super Hate in AJPW (he collapsed in the ring in 2011 after a backstage fight with TARU and fell into a coma). On the other side of the ring, we have Itakura, who was some indie nobody that ended up in IWA Japan after a forgettable stint in WAR, Tachihikari who was a Tenryu trainee who did little once WAR folded and The Missing Link! He retired in '88, but randomly started taking bookings again in '94 and wound up in WAR for his first match in Japan since 1977! Wow. Kurisu throws a chair at some ringside photographers, lol. It clips in to Go locking on an armbar on Itakura. Tachihikari breaks it up and Kurisu tags in. Shoulderblocks from Kurisu, but he can't take the big man over. He tags in Hirai and they hit a double shoulderblock. Flying forearm in the corner from Hirai, followed up by an elbow drop to the back of the neck. It clips to Kurisu & Tachihikari exchanging slaps. Kurisu grabs his hand and does the old-school, before shaking a bemused Tachihikari's hand and tagging out, lol. Missing Link gets in. Big "LINKU!!" chants. Hirai goes for a test of strength, but Link just bites his hand. Headbutts to the shoulder from Link, before hitting a headbutt off the top. He throws Hirai out of the ring and hits him with a chair a few times. Clips to Hirai in the ring with Itakura. Big clothesline and he makes the tag to Go, who hits abodydrop. Moonsault from Hirai. Kurisu tags in. Powerslam. He tries to lock in an octopus stretch, but can't and falls over to big laughs. Itakura taps out anyway.


WAR International Jr. Heavyweight Title Tournament - Semi-Final: Gedo vs 1-2-3 Kid - (07:08, clipped to 03:30)

Kid tries a bunch of roundhouses and Gedo warily backs off into the corner. Sideheadlock from Gedo. Kid shoots him into the ropes, but eats a shoulderblock. Step-over from Gedo. Ducks under. BIG spinning heel kick from Kid. They trade slaps and Kid hits a nice roundhouse that spills Gedo to the floor. Kid goes to work with kicks as soon as Gedo gets back in, forcing him into the corner. Fast kicks from Kid, but he whiffs one of them and kicks Gedo right in the fucking face. He puts Gedo into the ropes and tries for another roundhouse, but Gedo sidesteps it and hits a snap suplex. Backdrop driver dumps Kid on his head for 2. Bodyslam from Gedo. He goes up top, but Kid cuts him off with a dropkick, before kicking Gedo in the jaw to send him to the floor. Twisting senton off of the top rope from Kid! He slams Gedo's head into a table before rolling him back in the ring. Gedo counters and Irish whip and goes to leapfrog Kid, but gets caught into a powerbomb for 2! Some support for Kid as he hits the northern lights suplex, but Gedo kicks out just before the 3 count. Kid locks in a sleeper, but Gedo makes it to the ropes and mule kicks Kid low. Big boos from the crowd. He hits a freaking awesome looking tornado DDT and follows up with a German suplex for the 3-count! That was pretty fun, Gedo looked pissed after Kid kicked him right in the nose. Would like to see the full match.


WAR International Jr. Heavyweight Title Tournament - Semi-Final: Ultimo Dragon vs Lionheart - (11:19, clipped to 08:49)

Big "DRAGON!" chants as they get things started. Real fast back and forth. Ultimo hits a hurricanrana for 2. Jericho comes back with an electric chair suplex for a 2 count of his own. Military press from Jericho and he throws Ultimo to the floor! Jericho hits a lionsault from inside the ring, landing on Ultimo!!! Ultimo makes it in for the 10-count. Bodyslam from Jericho. He goes up top and scores with a diving headbutt for 2. Pumphandle powerbomb for another 2 count. Jericho heads up top, but takes too long pandering to the crowd and Ultimo dropkicks him to the floor. Beautiful Asai Moonsault from the man the move's named after! Ultimo goes to get back on the apron, but Jericho pulls him to the floor and waits in the ring. Jericho tries for a vertical suplex, but Ultimo floats over and hits the ropes. Jericho goes for a clothesline, but Ultimo counters and messes up a crucifix pin for a near-fall. He whips Jericho into the corner and hits a clothesline, before placing him up top and hitting a hurricanrana for another 2 count. Ultimo tries for a Lionsault, but Jericho rolls out of the way and locks in a Figure 4! Ultimo struggles for the ropebreak and finally gets it. Jericho peppers him with kicks to the back, before placing him up top. He tries for a suplexplex, but Ultimo counters into a facebuster before rolling Jericho up with La Magistral! Jericho kicks out at the very last second and Ultimo can't believe it. He puts Jericho into the ropes, but Jericho counters into an awkward spinning DDT for 2. He hits a dragon suplex, but Ultimo won't stay down! He goes up top, but Ultimo cuts him off and tries for the hurricanrana, which Jericho counters into a powerbomb! Jericho goes for another powerbomb, but Ultimo counters it into a roll-up. Jericho puts the boots in and goes for the Lionsault, but Ultimo gets up and kicks him out of it. He heads up top for the moonsault, but Jericho gets up behind him, trying for the electric chair suplex. Ultimo counters into a sunset flip bomb for 2! He goes for the dragon suplex, but Jericho ducks out of it and rolls him up for the 3-count! Crowd loved that one, best match of the tournament so far.

Arashi vs Jado - (10:18, clipped to 06:40)

Not sure what the story is here, but Arashi was a midly-famous sumo wrestler in the 1980's that Tenryu recruited. He wasn't as big of a deal as Koji Kitao, but did more in the long run, finding a place in IWA Japan and then Big Japan until he retired in 2011. Unsurprisingly, Jado's somewhat at a size disadvantage. Arashi's wearing a mask to protect his sumo identity. Jado tries for a shoulderblock to no effect. He ttries again, but gets caught in a slam. Sumo slaps from Arashi send Jado reeling into the corner. Big judo throw and more slaps from Arashi. Jado momentarily stalls him with a headbutt, but eats a belly to belly suplex. Arashi charges him out of the ring. We cut to Jado hitting a flying clothesline, followed up by a big knee drop off of the top. He whiffs an enziguri and then tries for a vertical suplex to the floor, which actually happens. Huh, wasn't expecting that. Rolling senton off the arpon. Jado gets the crowd behind him and hits a freaking backdrop driver on the big man! 2-count only. Jado hits a northern lights suplex for another 2. He charges Arashi, but gets caught in a chokeslam. Arashi goes up top, but Jado cuts him off and hits a superplex! He whips Arashi into the corner and charges, but eats a boot. Arashi goes up top and Jado again cuts him off, this time with a hurricanrana for 2. Jado heads to the top rope, but gets caught in a bearhug when he leaps off. Another belly to belly from Arashi. Huge splash off the top rope, but Jado kicks out! German suplex, but Jado rolls through for another near-fall. Arashi puts him into the ropes and goes for a clothesline. Crucifix pin from Jado for 2. Awful spinning heel kick from Arashi. End this already. German suplex and that's that, Arashi wins.


Koki Kitahara vs Death Mask - (07:49, thankfully clipped to 03:00)

This is probably going to suck. Kitahara is an All Japan trainee, taught by Sayama & Tenryu, and he followed Tenryu to SWS when he quit AJPW. Koki's like a low-rent Hashimoto. Death Mask is Bradshaw with a fake Undertaker gimmick. Kicks from Koki to start things off. JBL no sells it. Big clothesline from Bradshaw. He drops the elbow and gets a 2-count. Bodyslam from Bradshaw. Another elbow drop for 2. Crowd don't care about this at all. We cut to JBL getting his noose from ringside. He chokes Kitahara with it and is warned by the ref. While he's arguing. Koki recovers and peppers Bradshaw with some kicks. Big German suplex for 2. He goes for a powerbomb, but can't get JBL up. Back bodydrop from Death Mask. Delayed vertical suplex for 2. Fame Asser by Bradshaw for another 2. Roll up out of nowhere by Kitahara and he pins Death Mask! Yep, that sucked.

WAR International Jr. Heavyweight Title Tournament - FINAL: Gedo vs Lionheart - (19:31, clipped to 11:26)

They lock up and Gedo forces Jericho into the ropes before slapping him. Jericho responds by doing the same. Side headlock takedown from Gedo, but Jericho wraps his legs around Gedo's neck to free himself. Gedo kips up out of the hold, ducks a clothesline, leapfrogs over, ducks under and tries a clothesline of his own, which Jericho avoids and rolls him up into a schoolboy for 2. Quick hip toss exchange from both men, double dropkick, indy stand off. Crowd seem fairly evenly split between the two. Gedo stomps away at Jericho and then they trade headbutts. Jericho puts Gedo into the ropes and goes for a backdrop, but Gedo sidesteps and scores with a bridging German for 2. Diving superfly headbutt for another 2. He tries for a hip toss, but Jericho counters into a backslide for a near-fall of his own. He tries for a German, but Gedo blocks it. Jericho reverses the waistlock, ties up Gedo's arms and hits a straightjacket suplex for 2! Big spinning heel kick sends Gedo to the floor and Jericho hits his awesome Lionsault plancha. Gedo makes it back in the ring at the count of 9. Bodyslam from Jericho. He goes up top and sort of hits a spinning plancha thing. He puts Gedo into the ropes and locks in an octupus stretch. Gedo struggles and finally makes his way to the ropes. Cut to Gedo hitting a DDT to gain control.

He goes for his tornado DDT, but it doesn't look that great this time around, before locking in the WAR Special. Jericho fights and finally makes it to the ropes to break the hold. Gedo tries for a powerbomb, but Jericho picks him up and just slams him back to the mat for a near-fall. Slaps from Jericho. He whips Gedo into the ropes, but eats a big boot. Gedo charges and gets elevated to the apron. Jericho hits a forearm that sends Gedo to the floor. Plancha from Jericho, but Gedo kicks him in the head on the way down! Both men struggle back to the ring. They trade slaps. Shoulderblock and both men go down. More slaps, Jericho ducks and hits a German, but Gedo flips out of it and hits a hurricanrana for 2! Jericho with a schoolboy for 2! Gedo with the jacknife for 2! Big powebomb from Gedo. He goes up top, but Jericho cuts him off. HUGE powerslam off the top rope gets another near-fall for Jericho!! Gedo hits the ropes and tries for a hurricanrana,b ut gets caught in a bearhug. Jericho places him up top, but Gedo headbutts him and hits a crossbody. Jericho rolls through to get a 2-count pin. Jericho tries for the military press, but Gedo victory rolls out of it, only for Jericho to sit down on top for yet another near-fall. Jericho goes up top. Gedo cuts him off. Jericho counters a superplex attempt into a powerbomb off the top rope, but Gedo counters it into a hurricanrana in mid-air!!! He makes the pin and defeats Lionheart Chris Jericho to become the 1st WAR International Jr. Heavyweight Champion! A bit near-fall happy, but that was a real fun match, even in its clipped form. Excellent work by both guys.


Animal Hamaguchi & Riki Choshu vs Mad Dogs (Michiyoshi Ohara & Tatsutoshi Goto) - (07:30)

Crowd go freaking NUTS for Riki Choshu, as per usual. Hamaguchi's a big fan favourite as well, but not as Riki's level. They face the team of Mad Dogs, who are both graduates of the New Japan dojo (Goto in 1982, Ohara in 1990) and became solid undercard wrestlers for the company. The biggest point of their career came when they won the IWGP Tag Titles in 1999. Hamaguchi gets on the mic and fires up the crowd, but it's Choshu who gets things started with Goto. They lock up and Goto forces Riki into the corner, but won't give him a clean break, so Riki kicks at his knee. He grabs a side headlock and tags in Animal, who hits a double axehandle and follows up with a sweet dropkick for a 48 year old. He's too close to the Mad Dog's corner, however, and Goto tags into Ohara. Big slaps from Ohara and a headbutt. Zero affect on Hamaguchi, who flattens Ohara with a headbutt of his own. He punches Ohara in the jaw a few times and tags in Choshu. Ohara tries to fire back with some big slaps, bit Riki just fuckin' floors him with one huge slap. Sasori Gatamai from Choshu, but he can't turn it over. Instead, he drags Ohara to his corner and tags in Animal.

Riki turns the Sasori Gatame over and Animal drops the elbow. He hits the ropes and drops the elbow a few more times, but takes too long pandering to the crowd and Ohara hits an atomic drop before tagging out. Goto elevates Choshu and the Mad Dogs hit the Hart Attack for a near-fall! Goto tries for a backdrop driver, but Hamaguchi rolls mid-air and turns it into a pinfall attempt. Goto shoots him into the corner, but eats a back elbow and Animal tags in Choshu. Ohara tags in and cheap-shots Riki, before gouging at his face. Double headbutts from the Mad Dogs. Goto tags in and tees off on Riki's forehead before choking him out. He whips Riki into the corner and charges, but eats a big boot to the face. Riki follows up with a lariat, but Goto won't go down. He tries for it again and Goto ducks, but Choshu grabs him into a DDT. Ohara tags in and scores with a back bodydrop. Series of elbow drops, but Riki rolls out of the way and fuckin' flattens Ohara with a lariatooooooo. Double-team backdrop/elbowdrop combo, followed by a double-team spike piledriver! Goto breaks up the pin, but Choshu throws him to the floor. Animal hits a Samoan drop on Ohara and that's the end of that. Fun match, nothing special.


Genichiro Tenryu vs Yokozuna - (11:30)

A face-painted Sonny Ono leads Yokozuna to the ring, plus Kengo Kimura's accompanying him. Big boos from the crowd. Tenryu comes out, seconded by Ultimo Dragon. Yokozuna tries to intimidate his opponent. Tenryu isn't very impressed. They lock up. Tenryu starts forcing Yoko back, so he just powers him into the ropes. Tenryu tries for a bodyslam and fails, unsurprisingly. Yoko hits one of his own. Tenryu tries again and again Yoko counters and slams him to the mat with ease once more. Lots of stalling from Yoko. They lock up and Yoko chops Tenryu, which probably wasn't a great idea. Tenryu shows him what a knife-edge chop should look like, before sending him to the floor with a big enziguri. Collar and elbow again, but this time Yoko forces Tenryu into the corner and stuns him with big right hands, before squashing him with a big splash in the corner. Tenryu wisely rolls to the floor. Bodyslam, legdrop combo from Yokozuna, but he doesn't go for the pin. Jumping headbutt, still no pin. Tenryu with a poor blade job that the camera clearly catches. Nerve hold from Yoko. Surely the most boring submission ever?

Yoko press slams Tenryu to the floor when he doesn't tap. The officials at ringside take their time checking on Tenryu's cut. He gets back in and ducks a clothesline, before hitting a neckbreaker on Yoko. Back elbow off the top rope earns Tenryu a 2 count. He tries to lock in the Sasori Gatame, but Kimura gets in the ring and starts beating on Tenryu. He's going after his arm and Tenryu's selling it big. Yokozuna, however, takes issue to the interference and knocks Kimura from the ring. He tries to get back in, but officials hold him back. Meanwhile, Tenryu has recovered a bit, but is still favouring his arm. He hits Yoko with a lariatooo (using his bad arm, bizarely). Another from Tenryu. One from Yoko, which Tenryu no sells. Really ugly belly to belly from Yoko gets a 2-count. Tenryu blades again because he's stopped bleeding. Big chops from Tenryu, but a Yoko headbutt floors him again. Oh shit, Banzai Drop time. Tenryu moves out of the way! One of the students at ringside throws what looks like a lump of wood to Tenryu and, while the ref's distracted, Tenryu lariatoooo's Yoko with it and pins him for the 3-count. MEH.

Heisei Ishingun (Kengo Kimura & Shiro Koshinaka) vs Hiromichi Fuyuki & Masahiro Chono - (20:38)

Tenryu's sitting at ringside to watch this one. Fuyuki starts out against Koshinaka. Shoulderblock and neither man goes down. Fuyuki winds up and tries again, but still Koshinaka stays standing. Fuyuki tries a lariat, but that doesn't work, so Chono gets in an hits a big boot that flattens Shiro. Fuyuki tags Chono and they hit a double shoulderblock. Kimura tags in. Bodyslam on Chono. They lock up and Chono rakes Kimura's eyes. They lock up again. Full nelson from Chono. Fuyuki tags in. Kengo punches him a few times and manages to escape to his corner. In comes Shiro. He works over Fuyuki's arm a bit, but Fuyuki comes back with a headbutt. He tags in Chono. Back bodydrop, then Chono goes straight after Kengo. He gets cut off by Koshinaka and both members of Heisei Ishingun work him over with some quick tags. Knees to the ribs by Kengo. He bodyslams Chono and Koshinaka comes off the top with a doublestomp. Shiro hits a shoulderblock and Chono scrambles to his corner, tagging in Fuyuki. They go for a test of strength, but Chono interrupts it by kicking Shiro in the ribs and throwing him to the floor. Some chair shots from Chono, before throwing him back in the ring. Fuyuki hulks up and hits a big lariat, but allows Shiro back to his corner to tag in Kengo, so Chono tags in and goes back to Kimura's eyes. Flying hip attack out of nowhere from Koshinaka! Kimura throws Chono to the floor. Shiro hits another flying hip attack on Fuyuki. Bodyslam. Double-team flying hip attack/flying elbow from Heisei Ishingun. Big DDT by Kimura.

Koshinaka tags in and somehow hits a powerbomb on Fuyuki. He hits a second. And a third. Damn. Chono breaks up the count with a kick to the head. Kengo tags in and hits a big leg lariat. He goes for a powerbomb, but Chono comes in and just kicks the shit out of his leg as he tries to lift Fuyuki. I don't think Chono likes Kimura very much. Chono tags in and works over the leg before throwing Kimura to the floor, where Jado & Gedo put the boots in before rolling him back in. Fuyuki tags in and locks on a single-leg crab, but Koshinaka breaks it up with a flying hip attack! Bodyslam, followed up by an awesome missile dropkick. He tries for a German on Chono, but Chono mule kicks him low before putting the boots in. Elbows & headbutts from Chono, Koshinaka's bleeding from the temple. Chono locks in the STF, but Kengo breaks it up with headbutts. Chono tags Fuyuki in and they shoot Koshinaka into the ropes, but Shiro kicks Chono in the mush and rolls Fuyuki up for a near-fall! He makes the tag to Kimura! Big leg lariat floors Chono, but Fuyuki chop blocks Kengo's knee. Chono comes off the top with a flying shoulderblock and Fuyuki grabs a single-leg crab. Chono brawls to the floor with Shiro as Kimura struggles, but he can't free himself and is forced to tap. Tenryu IMMEDIATELY gets in the ring and chops the shit out of everyone. Tenryu's fucking Chono up. He hits a big powerbomb, but Fuyuki makes the save. Fuyuki & Chono hit a spike piledriver then continue to beat on Tenryu, only to flee in a hurry when Riki Choshu hits the ring! Chono wants no part of Choshu, but Fuyuki brawls with him all the way to the back. Chono gets one last dig in, hitting a big boot to the already injured Tenryu. That was pretty messy, but it was a lot of fun.

Watching some of the Vince / Memphis stuff Stro reviewed a few pages back.

This early incarnation of Heel Vince is great. The promos seem more energetic and cocky then most from "Mr McMahon". Also Lawler seemed like the worst.


more money than God
His appearances on Austin's show were pretty great, but he's unbearable when talking about anything past 1997 or so. Talking about getting a Twitter campaign to get Brian back on Family Guy? Dude is in his 50s and Family Guy has been awful for years.
He's a slimeball. He'll kiss your ass if you're paying him, then shit on you afterwards.


Also, Stone Cold basically hated him after his shoot promo when he came back calling out his 3:16 catchphrase and calling it blasphemous. He basically killed his push before it even started.

Nothing Cena has done so far has hit Hogan level. Due to his creative control and influence he basically started the end of WCW.

Really? Is there a youtube video of this?
I know that because I listened to that podcast. My question is Bray is going to face Bryan at the Rumble before the possibility of cena at WrestleMania. So should Bray beat Bryan at the Rumble?

Also, I what Cena did there was stupid, but its not like all the top guys in the past didn't bury guys. Hogan is still King at that along with Nash and Triple H. Stone Cold didn't want to lose clean to Triple H at Summerslam and he basically killed double JJ's career when he came back to the WWE. Undertaker as well during his biker days.

Its like only Rock, Chris Jericho and Edge don't have stories on them burying people.

There is still debate about this. Ventura was the ref for that match and there was rumors that he or his advisers didn't want to raise the hand of a heel after the match. Austin put over HHH two months later at No Mercy.


Really? Is there a youtube video of this?


Go to an hour and 18 minutes in and its mentioned there.

Huge Spoiler on this Monday's raw since they are shooting Smackdown tonight:

* Renee Young is backstage with Big E Langston. He talks about Brock Lesnar attacking Mark Henry. Apparently Henry challenged Lesnar on RAW. Curtis Axel appears. Axel vs. Big E will take place later tonight.
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