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December Wrasslin' |OT| This title has been held by all the greats...and Triple H

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Pro Wrestling NOAH 12/23/00

As it is hard to find full shows from NOAH before the past couple of years, I went to Ditch's site and picked a few matches from a single show. For those that have no knowledge of Pro Wrestling NOAH, after Giant Baba's death, there was a power struggle in AJPW. Misawa left and took much of the roster with him, forming the group known as NOAH, because symbolism only comes heavy handed in Japan.

Kentaro Shiga/Takeshi Morishima/Yoshinobu Kanemaru vs Masao Inoue/Takeshi Rikio/Takeshi Suguria

This is Sugirua's pro wrestling debut. Morishima and Rikio start the match. They would form a tag team later on. Morishima is completely unrecognizable as he has short hair and is significantly lighter than what he would be in his ROH appearances. They trade some stiff shots, with Inoue winning the exchange with a shoulder block. Morishima then does a series of lariatooos. Sug and Shiga are tagged in. Sug was an accomplished amateur wrestler, while Shiga was trained in shoot style. They have an amateur exchange before Kanemura and Inoue are tagged in. Morishima is tagged back in and hits a hard back elbow. In comes Sug. Dropkick. Shiga is tagged in soon after and he and Sug have a forearm battle. Shiga wins it. Rope assisted Boston crab to Sug. Shit and Sug take it to the floor. Sug is put on the guard rail and Shiga holds him as Kanemura stomps on his back. High angle Boston crab from Shiga. Morishima is back in. Sug tries to fight out of the corner, but Morishima puts him down and does a big suplex. Sug hits a snap suplex and tags out to Inoue. Lariatoo is ducked and countered with a superkick. Inoue hits a rebound lariatooo anyway. Cobra clutch Russian leg sweep. Things are breaking down. Inoue gets Kanemura in a torture rack, but it is broken up by Shiga. Kanemura does a low blow an in ring Asai moonsault. He tags out to Morishima, who is immediately powerslammed. Rikio is tagged in and does a bear hug into a suplex, then a weird chokeslam. Sug is back in and hits a spear on Morishima. The second was countered with a kitchen sink. Shiga tags in and is right away caught in a belly to belly and rolling Karelin Lift into a cross arm breaker. Shiga gets to the ropes and then applies a Fujiwara arm bar. It is broken up. All three men hit moves in the corner on Sug. Shiga makes Sug tap out to a rolling cross arm breaker. Nothing special, but Sug looked pretty good for a guy in his pro debut.



Shinya Hashimoto vs Takao Omori

This was a big deal because this was between Hashimoto leaving NJPW and starting Zero-One. Zero-One was still in the planning stages at this point, but wouldn't run a show until March of 2001. They immediately start by slapping the shit out of each other. Omori tries uppercuts and kicks, but Hash won't have any of it. Hash slaps on a headlock. Slam and big elbow drop. They start trading chops again, which Hash seems to go a little too stiff on, and then kicks Omori in the face. These two clearly aren't on the same page. Hashimoto gives a few more stiff kicks that Omori doesn't seem to like. He stays on the mat for quite a while, seemingly refusing to get up. When he finally does, Hash gives anotehr stiff kick that puts him back down. Hash goes for a DDT. Omori shoves him into the corner and hits an Axe Bomber. Hash tries to no sell it. The second one takes him down. Dragon suplex from Omori. Hash blocks the next Axe Bomber with a chop and hits a brainbustaaaaaah for the win. The real story is that Omori felt Hashimoto wasn't cooperating and called for the finish early, which led to him getting Zigglered and eventually future endeavored.



Mitsuharu Misawa vs Vader

This was kind of Vader's revenge run, trying to make up for his WWF run. He had a few matches in AJPW in 1999 and made the jump to NOAH with most of the AJPW roster. He opts to start this match without his mask and flips the double birds during entrances. They trade slaps and then elbows. You can't trade elbows with Misawa. Vader ducks an elbow and JESUS FUCKING CHRIST TRIES TO KILL MISAWA WITH A GERMAN SUPLEX. Misawa rolls to the floor, which seems like a good idea. Misawa gets back in the ring and they have a collision. Vader gets Misawa in the corner and starts unloading. Series of corner splashes and more punches. Short arm lariatooo. Huge powerbomb. Misawa dodges the next corner splash and hits some elbows and a dropkick. German suplex to Vader. Vader bails to the floor. Misawa comes right out with an elbow suicida. Once they get back in the ring, Vader starts doing headbutts and punches. Misawa counters another short arm lariatoo into a cross arm breaker. Misawa hits a big elbow combo that knocks Vader down, but he kicks out. Misawa blocks another German suplex, so Vader does a modified powerbomb instead. Lariatooo to the back of the head followed by a chokeslam. Misawa comes back with an inverted cross arm breaker. Misawa starts throwing a ton of elbows at Vader's arm. Vader gets sick of it and just wallops Misawa with the other arm. Vader Bomb! Vader hit his elbow on the way down and couldn't make the pin. He goes back up, this time for a second rope moonsault. Misawa kicks out. Misawa goes back to the arm and does some spin kicks. Big elbow to the back of the neck, then one to the jaw. Then another. A running elbow puts Vader down for the count. Ditch described this as "Two old guys huckin' bombs at each other" and it is pretty accurate.





Jun Akiyama vs Kenta Kobashi

At this point, Kobashi's body is torn to hell. He's in really rough shape. In fact, this would be his last major singles match for about 2 years. But being in bad shape means nothing to Kobashi. Jun tries a few elbows and is immediately dropped with a massive chop. Kobashi blocks the high knee, Jun blocks a chop and hits a drop kick, but Kobashi comes right back with a shoulder block. You can't fuck with Kobashi's chops. Strike battles make no sense against him when you know he's going to cave in your chest with a chop. Jun takes Kobashi down and goes into full mount. Kobashi rolls over and gets to the ropes. Kobashi gets sick of this shit and starts unloading with chops, including a spinning back chop in the corner. They go to the floor. Kobashi is kicked over the railing. Snake eyes on the railing. Jun throws some mean elbows to the neck/shoulder in the corner. High knee. DDT on the ramp. Jun runs the whole length of the ramp to hit flying forearm. Kobashi responds with a stalling suplex on the ramp. Kobashi blocks an exploder off the ramp and instead hits a DDT. Another DDT back in the ring. Pretty rough looking chin lock from Kobashi. Neck chops. Standing guillotine, which is then turned into a suplex. Kobashi holds on to a headlock even after a back suplex. Jun hits a low dropkick to the already heavily wrapped knee. Lariatooos don't work on Kobashi and he hits a half nelson suplex. Jun gets up and hits an explodaaaah and high knee. I feel like puro companies can get away with that kind of stuff because fighting spirit is a big part of pretty much every form of puro and of the Japanese culture in general. When tiny white guys in ROH do it, it isn't quite the same. Jun attacks the chopping arm. Lots of nasty work, using the turnbuckles, ropes, and guard rail. Jun is trying to break it. Sleeper suplex OUTTA NOWHERE. Kobashi tries a powerbomb on the ramp. He's back dropped. He instinctively does a spinning back chop, only to damage his arm further. Half nelson suplex on the ramp. Koboshi won't allow the ref to count Jun out. Jun kicks out of a powerbomb in the ring. Vertical suplex into a Kanyon Cutter! Jun dodges two burning lariatooos before getting hit with the third. He kicks out! Kobashi went for the moonsault and got caught with a powerbomb. Kobashi is able to block an apron exlpodaaah in mid air. He wasn't able to block whatever Jun did off the apron that the camera missed. Nor the explodaaaah on the exposed floor. Jun hits a double arm DDT in the ring. He comes off the top with a diving forearm to the back of the head while Kobashi is getting up. Explodaaaah. 2 count. Wrist clutch explodaaaah. Jun attempts a super explodaaah. Kobashi lariatooos that shit off. After Jun kicks out of a few more lariatooos, Kobashi maxes out the special meter to win with the Burning Hammer. Pretty awesome match.






I paid a lot of attention to NOAH in the first few years. I always liked it. AJPW would turn into a completely different company after Keiji Mutoh took over. In 2013, a number of NOAH guys would jump to AJPW (including Jun and Kobashi, though Kobashi is retired and the PWF Chairman) and there would be another mass exodus, this time with Mutoh leaving and taking half the roster with him to form a new company.


So not worth it
Hey its nice to wish. Bray is going to face Bryan at Royal Rumble so who should win that match?

Chris Jericho: ”It was Team WWE vs. Team Nexus, and the finish boiled down to [Edge] and [Jericho] in there, but it was Cena against a couple of them. John wanted to do things a certain way and we told him ‘you’re wrong’. He did it anyways, and it sucked. And then after he came over to us and said ‘I should have listened to you, but I wasn’t seeing it that way.’”
Edge: ”I remember. I was like, fine I’m out of the match by that point.”
Chris Jericho: ”He wanted to get DDT’d on the floor by Barrett, then kick out and beat them both. And you and I were like, that’s the dumbest thing. That’s just throwing it away for no reason.”
Edge: ”They should have gone over because they were so hot.”
Chris Jericho: ”We were fighting for Barrett to go over. And where’s Wade Barrett now?”



I know that because I listened to that podcast. My question is Bray is going to face Bryan at the Rumble before the possibility of cena at WrestleMania. So should Bray beat Bryan at the Rumble?

Also, I what Cena did there was stupid, but its not like all the top guys in the past didn't bury guys. Hogan is still King at that along with Nash and Triple H. Stone Cold didn't want to lose clean to Triple H at Summerslam and he basically killed double JJ's career when he came back to the WWE. Undertaker as well during his biker days.

Its like only Rock, Chris Jericho and Edge don't have stories on them burying people.


So not worth it
I know that because I listened to that podcast. My question is Bray is going to face Bryan at the Rumble before the possibility of cena at WrestleMania. So should Bray beat Bryan at the Rumble?

Also, I what Cena did there was stupid, but its not like all the top guys in the past didn't bury guys. Hogan is still King at that along with Nash and Triple H. Stone Cold didn't want to lose clean to Triple H at Summerslam and he basically killed double JJ's career when he came back to the WWE. Undertaker as well during his biker days.

Its like only Rock, Chris Jericho and Edge don't have stories on them burying people.

It doesn't matter if Bray beats Bryan or Bryan beats Bray, for one, if that match happens (I doubt it) it will be a throwaway match. Bryan isn't going anywhere win or lose, he'll float in upper midcard forever. And Bray is going to job to WrestleMania to Cena and therefor nothing he does before it matters.


I know that because I listened to that podcast. My question is Bray is going to face Bryan at the Rumble before the possibility of cena at WrestleMania. So should Bray beat Bryan at the Rumble?

Also, I what Cena did there was stupid, but its not like all the top guys in the past didn't bury guys. Hogan is still King at that along with Nash and Triple H. Stone Cold didn't want to lose clean to Triple H at Summerslam and he basically killed double JJ's career when he came back to the WWE. Undertaker as well during his biker days.

Its like only Rock, Chris Jericho and Edge don't have stories on them burying people.

I think Austin was right not to want to do a program with Jarrett, especially in 1998. Jeff wasn't anywhere near that level and it would have devalued Austin more than elevated Jarrett. Also, WCW and TNA proved that he was not good as a main event heel. I also think he was right to not do a job to Bork in an unannounced, unhyped match. Refusing to drop the title to HHH was petty, though.


I think Austin was right not to want to do a program with Jarrett, especially in 1998. Jeff wasn't anywhere near that level and it would have devalued Austin more than elevated Jarrett. Also, WCW and TNA proved that he was not good as a main event heel. I also think he was right to not do a job to Bork in an unannounced, unhyped match. Refusing to drop the title to HHH was petty, though.

Also, Stone Cold basically hated him after his shoot promo when he came back calling out his 3:16 catchphrase and calling it blasphemous. He basically killed his push before it even started.

Nothing Cena has done so far has hit Hogan level. Due to his creative control and influence he basically started the end of WCW.


I know that because I listened to that podcast. My question is Bray is going to face Bryan at the Rumble before the possibility of cena at WrestleMania. So should Bray beat Bryan at the Rumble?

Also, I what Cena did there was stupid, but its not like all the top guys in the past didn't bury guys. Hogan is still King at that along with Nash and Triple H. Stone Cold didn't want to lose clean to Triple H at Summerslam and he basically killed double JJ's career when he came back to the WWE. Undertaker as well during his biker days.

Its like only Rock, Chris Jericho and Edge don't have stories on them burying people.

Austin didn't bury Jarrett though because they didn't feud at all. And him and Jarrett had beef from before the WWE. Jarrett and his dad did something to Austin in regards to money and Austin hasn't like them since then.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Let's put it this way. Who did John Cena put over? Daniel Bryan who's super over.

Who did Edge put over? Alberto Del Rio. lol. Who did Jericho put over? Dolph Ziggler. lol. Cena knows what's best for business.


Cena could have defeated Barrett, but Nexus absolutely should have won at Summerslam. I can't believe Vince didn't over rule Cena on it.


Guys, can we stop talking about this silly wrestling stuff and talk about how awesome Frozen is?

Cenation should see this movie.
but with chairs?

The chair thing was a bit excessive, yes. I don't think Barrett could've gone any higher than midcard, though. Dude seems like he has no business being in the main event scene.
So we now credit Cena for Bryan being over.

There's your answer as to why Cena put Bryan over I suppose.
"Now?" It was obvious from the start that Bryan owed Cena for that. Where have you been, under a Diva-shaped rock?


Hmm think interesting reversal of the usual burial question

Who should have gotten buried that never did or done it sooner so they weren't pushed as much or often


So not worth it
Hmm think interesting reversal of the usual burial question

Who should have gotten buried that never did or done it sooner so they weren't pushed as much or often

The Miz.

Kelly Kelly.

The Miz.


The Miz.

Fucking Miz


So not worth it
Well, Cena is "the guy" in every case, even with Rock, so him giving the other guy the rub makes sense I suppose.
Don't watch wrestling really anymore, but I've sort of become a fan of Total Divas. It's the best wrestling show on tv. John Cena is a fucking dick on this show. All he does is sit around, be stoic, barely say a few words, and be an asshole to that Bella. She seems to only be with him because of how he looks and because he's the top guy in WWE. The other Bella seems much nicer.


Don't watch wrestling really anymore, but I've sort of become a fan of Total Divas. It's the best wrestling show on tv. John Cena is a fucking dick on this show. All he does is sit around, be stoic, barely say a few words, and be an asshole to that Bella. She seems to only be with him because of how he looks and because he's the top guy in WWE. The other Bella seems much nicer.

I completely disagree. I think Cena is so much more likable on Total Divas and find Enhanced Bella to be bordering on being a legitimate cunt to him and everyone else. He told her from day one he wasn't getting married and wasn't having kids, moved her across the country to his house, worked with his OCD and hectic schedule, yet she bitches at him and says she's the only one making sacrifices...because he still doesn't want a baby or to get married. Which he told her literally on the first date. He flies out all her friends only for them to ambush him in public about this baby shit.


So not worth it
As I watched all the Cena and Nikki stuff on TD I have become more and more convinced that it's all a work and they were never legit a couple.

Thing that really drove it home was the Bryan/Brie engagement party. The entire family was there, except Cena.


As I watched all the Cena and Nikki stuff on TD I have become more and more convinced that it's all a work and they were never legit a couple.

Thing that really drove it home was the Bryan/Brie engagement party. The entire family was there, except Cena.

Maybe. Or maybe Cena was crazy busy. He was still doing promotional work during his career threatening injury.
I completely disagree. I think Cena is so much more likable on Total Divas and find Enhanced Bella to be bordering on being a legitimate cunt to him and everyone else. He told her from day one he wasn't getting married and wasn't having kids, moved her across the country to his house, worked with his OCD and hectic schedule, yet she bitches at him and says she's the only one making sacrifices...because he still doesn't want a baby or to get married. Which he told her literally on the first date. He flies out all her friends only for them to ambush him in public about this baby shit.

Well she isn't a very good person either. You can tell she seems pretty artificial, but he snapped on her when she cooked him dinner. That's fucked up.
Don't watch wrestling really anymore, but I've sort of become a fan of Total Divas. It's the best wrestling show on tv. John Cena is a fucking dick on this show. All he does is sit around, be stoic, barely say a few words, and be an asshole to that Bella. She seems to only be with him because of how he looks and because he's the top guy in WWE. The other Bella seems much nicer.

Did you end up confronting Tazz at Slammiversary? We never got closure on that story.


Well she isn't a very good person either. You can tell she seems pretty artificial, but he snapped on her when she cooked him dinner. That's fucked up.

Nikki Bella is the dictionary definition of Gold Digger though she has some weird situation with Cena. All she ever talks about is her 25,000 dollar pairs of shoes she is always getting from Cena and the cars etc.


The very first episode had 15 minutes of shilling. Killing me. "...so we can keep giving this to you for free" doesn't mean dick on your debut episode.


So not worth it
I think podcasting is the last thing you should be doing if you're looking to make money.

At the very least go full paywall like F4W and earn your keep that way, ads for stamps.com don't really do it for me, not to mention US stamps are fucking useless over here anyways.


yeah the advertising on austin's podcast is pretty unbearable at times, and it's the main reason why I've pretty much stopped listening, unless he gets a really interesting guest on the show.

cause he really needs the money, right? lol

I guess it's that wrasslin mentality... never give it to them for free.
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