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December Wrasslin' |OT| This title has been held by all the greats...and Triple H

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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'The Bastard' Dave Mastiff ain't got time for that shit, he's a huge English bastard who murders fools.

Actually, thinking about it, PCW should have booked Vader vs GRADO. At least then the fans wouldn't have been expecting anything from the match and GRADO's entrance alone would've provided more entertainment than it sounded like Vader did.


PCW should have spent the money on flying out the Rock 'n' Roll Express - sure, Ricky & Robert would've wrestled the same 3-5 minute match they've been doing for the past two decades, but it probably would've been more entertaining that an uncooperative Vader incapable of even locking up.

Sounds like Vader was flown out to put on a terrible show for a lot of money, fuck him. If he can't go, he shouldn't be taking bookings to wrestle. The fact that PCW put him up against Mastiff kinda shows they were expecting an actual match out of the man, otherwise they would have had him squash some legitimate jobbers, rather than one of the biggest names in UK wrestling.


If they were expecting a real match, they obviously haven't seen Vader in about 10 years. He can't do real matches. He's old, fat, and worn down. He can punch dudes and maybe powerbomb them. A Vader Bomb on a really good day. If you bring Vader in in 2013 and are expecting him to have a drag out fight with anyone, you're a stupid promoter. You bring him in to squash some dudes and get extra attention for your promotion. You don't bring him in to have a great match and put someone over.
If they were expecting a real match, they obviously haven't seen Vader in about 10 years. He can't do real matches. He's old, fat, and worn down. He can punch dudes and maybe powerbomb them. A Vader Bomb on a really good day. If you bring Vader in in 2013 and are expecting him to have a drag out fight with anyone, you're a stupid promoter. You bring him in to squash some dudes and get extra attention for your promotion. You don't bring him in to have a great match and put someone over.

Are you calling Bootaaay stupid?
You saying fat guys can't be great wrestlers? Mother fucker, I will spam this thread to death with Dick Murdoch matches, so help me god.

If they were expecting a real match, they obviously haven't seen Vader in about 10 years. He can't do real matches. He's old, fat, and worn down. He can punch dudes and maybe powerbomb them.

The last I saw of him was in AJPW two years ago and, while he was pretty broken down, he was still able to lock-up, takes some strikes, hit a few of his moves and generally look like he gave a shit. But, he was trying to get his son in the All Japan dojo at the time, so that explains that.

strobogo said:
If you bring Vader in in 2013 and are expecting him to have a drag out fight with anyone, you're a stupid promoter. You bring him in to squash some dudes and get extra attention for your promotion. You don't bring him in to have a great match and put someone over.

I doubt they wanted Vader to put Mastiff over, or that anyone was expecting a real contest between the two, whereas instead it sounded like they got a real nothing of a match. Maybe PCW should have expected that, or maybe they just expected a bit more professionalism. Like I said, if he can't even go to the degree where he's capable of locking up with an opponent, he shouldn't be taking bookings to wrestle. Just make an appearance and hit a spot or two like Bret Hart did when he came over to the UK for RevPro a couple of months back.


can't wait to play you in the world cup. only way to make the game balanced is to either field only 4 players or give the Americans a 3 goal headstart.

I don't know what this means. I legitimately don't know or care anything for soccer. The only sport I even half way pay attention to is basketball and even then, I'd be surprised if I watch 5 whole games in any given season. Soccer is at the bottom of my list of televised sports to watch, along with baseball and golf.

Elgin is the white Big E: short hoss who looks as threatning and menacing as a sleeping baby cuddling a teddy bear.

I'd much rather cuddle with Big E. I bet he's a great cuddler.


ROH Caged Rage – 24th August 2007
Hallowicked vs. Chris Hero = Grade: D, Weak.
Jimmy Jacobs vs. Rhett Titus = Grade: D, Weak.
Adam Pearce vs. Delirious vs. BJ Whitmer vs. Nigel McGuinness = Grade: C, Passable.
Austin Aries, Erick Stevens & Matt Cross vs. Davey Richards, Jason Blade & Eddie Edwards = Grade: B, Fun.
PAC vs. Bryan Danielson = Grade: C, Passable.
Takeshi Morishima vs. Claudio Castagnoli vs. Brent Albright (3-Way Elimination ROH World Title Match) = Grade: B, Fun.
Roderick Strong vs. Jack Evans (Steel Cage Match) = Grade: C, Passable.
Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Kevin Steen & El Generico (Steel Cage ROH Tag Title Match) = Grade: B, Fun.

Review: Going through my DVD collection I stumbled across this and I don’t remember anything beyond PAC vs. Danielson on the card, truth to be told it seems ok especially with two cage matches so let’s give it a watch and see what surprises lay in store.

We begin with Hero vs. Hallowicked and it’s a very tame affair with Hero being a bit of a dick with his shenanigans and beating down Hallowicked in an uneventful manner while Hallowicked manages to get in a few flash pin attempts. It wasn’t really to my taste but I feel it was more about letting the heel be the heel rather than being a full on competitive match. The following contest is welcomed with a “You’re a homo” chant, classy crowd right here, classy. They continue to chant it throughout the match too, sigh. As far as the match is concerned I enjoyed the pace as it let them make each interaction more meaningful though overall it was just a return exhibition for Jimmy Jacobs.

Four corner survival now and it doesn’t take long for it to break down with everyone hitting everything they have on each other though it turns into a Nigel McGuinness showcase, which the crowd totally lap up. It was quite energetic and didn’t outstay its welcome and for what they were trying to accomplish it totally worked. We see the formation of a new stable as Pearce, Albright and Whitmer beat down Delirious with a staple gun, stapling his mask to his face. Awesome.

Next up is the 6 man tag match and it’s announced that if any member of the Resilience (Aries, Cross & Stevens) is pinned, whoever pinned them replaces them in the faction. Davey jumps Pelle Primeau and removes him from the contest and puts himself in it which instantly makes it a 1000 times more interesting though keep in mind this is pre American Wolves also seeing Eddie Edwards with dreads is still nightmare fuel. There were moments of genuine greatness here with how they set up the dives, the energetic interactions, how determined they were all were to prove a point and how the Resilience were the heels whilst beating up just Davey Richards due to the history against the No Remorse Corps yet then acting like faces whilst against the others making for an interesting take on the old formula. Ironically Jason Blade and Eddie Edwards made for pretty good team and the whole match just worked so well. Big moves, great structure, plenty of momentum to make them count and everyone came out looking excellent.

Ah, PAC. He was on a few of the ROH UK shows but this was first time in ROH on American soil and by his own admission nerves got to him as he was booked in quite high profile matches. He effectively buried himself the following night in his match against Davey Richards, which was edited quite fiercely on that DVD and he never made an ROH appearance again, which is shocking considering how exciting PAC is to watch live and how well he did for himself in other indy promotions. Regardless let’s take this encounter on its own merits and basically Danielson stretched him greatly and stifled every chance of an early comeback, then the momentum gathered as PAC began his short offensive flurry, such as a Shooting Star Press to a standing Danielson which was then suddenly cut off and it was over. As a match it relied too greatly on the crowd caring about PAC to get heat for the sudden array of moves which they did not as they were actually booing him and if you look how the match was structured he was fucked from the get go and not given a chance as it wasn’t about being a competitive showcase. ROH buried him from the start, no wonder PAC was so down on himself about his time in ROH it’s not as if he was given a fighting chance of proving his worth.

World Title time and as single matches from these wrestlers in the past we’ve seen some of the best titles matches of Morishima’s title reign as of this point in time. 3 way matches in ROH have always been a little scrappy in nature but all three played off the previous encounters quite well as the same big powerhouse moments such as the big swing and giant half nelson suplexes worked again as did the heavy strikes but it obviously never reached the same heights though the crowd were very much into the eliminations. It was a nice little bookend though to both Claudio and Albright facing against Morishima and their title hunts against him.

Cage match number 1 of the card and cage matches are quite hard to do well especially as this fight is not about stopping the heel from running away or trying to get over an angle based on stopping victors being decided on countouts or even a blood feud, there is no solid story line going into this battle which means there is very little drama. Jack Evans having a higher platform to do dives from though may be justification enough, though just barely. Roderick Strong took it upon himself to launch Jack into the cage as much as he could and even Jack mixed it upon by returning the favour a few times followed by a decent spot off the cage and it just ended. What!? Really that is all you are gonna do with the cage? I do feel they could have had just a more entertaining match without the cage and the sudden nature of that finish was lame.

Main event is up finally and within seconds it is already much more engaging than the first cage match. There is a rivalry and titles on the line so the interactions matter and they actually go the blood and wild brawling route around the cage before getting in it, even Steen jumps off it to the outside. Awesome. The previous cage match has been fully negated in every single aspect. Once they get back into the caged ring some of the steam dissipates though they try and keep the interest alive by taking turns in hitting each other with double teams and using the cage against their opponents. As the match can only be decided by pinfall or submission Steen does something extremely cool in putting Jay outside of the cage and have Generico guard door while they beat the shit our of Mark, making the following near falls have more impact as they’ve put a bit of a psychology behind them rather than just hitting big moves and hoping the crowd care, they make the crowd care.

This show worked and never had any bad points that dragged it down severely, there were certainly some underwhelming matches and I did expect a little bit more out of the Strong vs. Evans cage match but as a whole it entertained. I could see why it was forgettable in the grand scheme of shows but if you treat it as a standalone show it did its job well but obviously there are better all round shows available. My favourite match of the show goes to the 6 man tag with the main event being a close second.


could never

There was a massive shit stain after that, lol. It happened when Ambrose applied a chinlock I believe with punk sat on the mat.

Thing is poor natty and tamina had to wrestle on it... got cleaned up for the Orton/Bryan match. That's respect for your womens wrestlers right there.


There was a massive shit stain after that, lol. It happened when Ambrose applied a chinlock I believe with punk sat on the mat.

Thing is poor natty and tamina had to wrestle on it... got cleaned up for the Orton/Bryan match. That's respect for your womens wrestlers right there.

More visible here


Can we talk for a monte at how awesome the real American track jackets are.

Why they don't have them on WWEshop I never know . I'd rock a big hoss one


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
i can't recall ever seeing a match won by multiple pin attempts in succession. if they kick out after the first one then there's no point.

Happened often enough in Catch-As-Catch Can that it wasn't a surprise to see for most of British wrestling and anywhere where it's still closer to Grecco-Roman wrestling, but outside of some World Of Sport during the 70s and old NWA-WCW hour man matches, it's never really caught on as a tactic to be televised.

It's really the fault of just how wrestling has been developed and built. Guys like Flair made a lot trying to show "cowedly" techniques by constantly going for pins while the face would go for big moves with just one or two pin attempts at most. You could look at Edge as a heel where he would go for multiple pin attempt and awful old WWE.com and commentators would say something along the like of "he's trying to end it as quick as possible" as though he was afraid of a full and proper fight while the face was in it for a long hard fight to prove how tough they were/to exact revenge.

You could possibly see it on some U.S. indy shows without the guy being a coward or weak, such as Bryan Danielson because it went from failed pin to submission back to pin as a constant source of exhausting and weakening the opponent. Sadly who wants to see a boring submission/multiple pin match when you can see "a flying goat" now?

Full line-up for the New Japan World Tag League Final!!

The show starts in about 13 and a half hours, 16:00 JST | 07:00 GMT | 02:00 EST | 11:00 PST

Aichi Prefectural Gymnasium

http://www.ustream.tv/njpw - $25, VOD until 12/15, 16:00 JST

01. Yohei Komatsu vs Katsuyori Shibata
02. BUSHI & KUSHIDA vs Suzuki-gun (TAKA Michinoku & Taichi)
03. Muscle Orchestra (Strongman & Manabu Nakanishi) vs Rob Conway & Jax Dane
04. World Tag League - Semi-Final #1:
G.B.H. (Togi Makabe & Tomoaki Honma) vs Bullet Club (Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson
05. World Tag League - Semi-Final #2:
b]TenKoji (Satoshi Kojima & Hiroyoshi Tenzan) vs K.E.S. (Lance Archer & Davey Boy Smith Jr.)[/b]
06. Kota Ibushi & Captain New Japan vs Bullet Club (Prince Devitt & Bad Luck Fale)
07. Kazushi Sakuraba & Yuji Nagata vs CHAOS (Takashi Iizuka & YOSHI-HASHI)
08. CHAOS (Tomohiro Ishii & Toru Yano) vs Suzuki-gun (Minoru Suzuki & Shelton Benjamin)
09. Tetsuya Naito, Hiroshi Tanahashi, Jushin Liger, Tiger Mask & La Sombra vs CHAOS (Kazuchika Okada, Shinsuke Nakamura, Masato Tanaka, Yujiro Takahashi & Gedo)
10. World Tag League - FINAL

That's a pretty great looking card. Shibata is going to fucking MURDER poor, poor Komatsu. Both the semi-finals look good, although I'm pretty certain
it'll be a Bullet Club vs KES final, which should be awesome
. Also, that 10-man tag! It's in the semi-main spot, so it should be a fairly lengthy affair. The other random tag matches look OK, CHAOS vs Suzuki-gun is bound to have some awesome Ishii vs Suzuki hate, while it'll be fun to see how Ibushi does when burdened by Captain. I'm really looking forward to this, even if I do have to wake up at 7AM on a Sunday to see it x_x.

Anyone else going to be watching?

That's going to be some great wrestling.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Punk better pray to God he never has to wrestle Cena again

Cena will totally call him BM Poop and make it a chant.
Gah then I hope they move SummerSlam out of LA

Seems weird to tie up your two biggest PPVs in the same market in the same year
I don't see them taking SummerSlam out of LA any time soon. With Staples Center, the LA Convention Center, and LA Live all packed in one single area it's too convenient for them to leave when they have Axxess going on. Plus they're probably making some good money for them to stay for that long.




Punk better pray to God he never has to wrestle Cena again

Cena will totally call him BM Poop and make it a chant.

Cena shit himself too. So did Stone Cold. Fuck, Austin wrestled an entire match with shitty shit poop tights.

Punk just validated his entire WWE run. All the greats have shit themselves.
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