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December Wrasslin' |OT| This title has been held by all the greats...and Triple H

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It's just....IT AINT FAIR!

If Cena loses, it'll probably be via shenanigans, and I don't think he'll win the Rumble a third time. If Orton loses, though, I think there's a pretty fair shot he's winning the Rumble, although my assumption is that Punk will somehow win it at the Rumble.


ROH Caged Rage – 24th August 2007
Hallowicked vs. Chris Hero = Grade: D, Weak.
Jimmy Jacobs vs. Rhett Titus = Grade: D, Weak.
Adam Pearce vs. Delirious vs. BJ Whitmer vs. Nigel McGuinness = Grade: C, Passable.
Austin Aries, Erick Stevens & Matt Cross vs. Davey Richards, Jason Blade & Eddie Edwards = Grade: B, Fun.
PAC vs. Bryan Danielson = Grade: C, Passable.
Takeshi Morishima vs. Claudio Castagnoli vs. Brent Albright (3-Way Elimination ROH World Title Match) = Grade: B, Fun.
Roderick Strong vs. Jack Evans (Steel Cage Match) = Grade: C, Passable.
Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Kevin Steen & El Generico (Steel Cage ROH Tag Title Match) = Grade: B, Fun.

Review: Going through my DVD collection I stumbled across this and I don’t remember anything beyond PAC vs. Danielson on the card, truth to be told it seems ok especially with two cage matches so let’s give it a watch and see what surprises lay in store.

We begin with Hero vs. Hallowicked and it’s a very tame affair with Hero being a bit of a dick with his shenanigans and beating down Hallowicked in an uneventful manner while Hallowicked manages to get in a few flash pin attempts. It wasn’t really to my taste but I feel it was more about letting the heel be the heel rather than being a full on competitive match. The following contest is welcomed with a “You’re a homo” chant, classy crowd right here, classy. They continue to chant it throughout the match too, sigh. As far as the match is concerned I enjoyed the pace as it let them make each interaction more meaningful though overall it was just a return exhibition for Jimmy Jacobs.

Four corner survival now and it doesn’t take long for it to break down with everyone hitting everything they have on each other though it turns into a Nigel McGuinness showcase, which the crowd totally lap up. It was quite energetic and didn’t outstay its welcome and for what they were trying to accomplish it totally worked. We see the formation of a new stable as Pearce, Albright and Whitmer beat down Delirious with a staple gun, stapling his mask to his face. Awesome.

Next up is the 6 man tag match and it’s announced that if any member of the Resilience (Aries, Cross & Stevens) is pinned, whoever pinned them replaces them in the faction. Davey jumps Pelle Primeau and removes him from the contest and puts himself in it which instantly makes it a 1000 times more interesting though keep in mind this is pre American Wolves also seeing Eddie Edwards with dreads is still nightmare fuel. There were moments of genuine greatness here with how they set up the dives, the energetic interactions, how determined they were all were to prove a point and how the Resilience were the heels whilst beating up just Davey Richards due to the history against the No Remorse Corps yet then acting like faces whilst against the others making for an interesting take on the old formula. Ironically Jason Blade and Eddie Edwards made for pretty good team and the whole match just worked so well. Big moves, great structure, plenty of momentum to make them count and everyone came out looking excellent.

Ah, PAC. He was on a few of the ROH UK shows but this was first time in ROH on American soil and by his own admission nerves got to him as he was booked in quite high profile matches. He effectively buried himself the following night in his match against Davey Richards, which was edited quite fiercely on that DVD and he never made an ROH appearance again, which is shocking considering how exciting PAC is to watch live and how well he did for himself in other indy promotions. Regardless let’s take this encounter on its own merits and basically Danielson stretched him greatly and stifled every chance of an early comeback, then the momentum gathered as PAC began his short offensive flurry, such as a Shooting Star Press to a standing Danielson which was then suddenly cut off and it was over. As a match it relied too greatly on the crowd caring about PAC to get heat for the sudden array of moves which they did not as they were actually booing him and if you look how the match was structured he was fucked from the get go and not given a chance as it wasn’t about being a competitive showcase. ROH buried him from the start, no wonder PAC was so down on himself about his time in ROH it’s not as if he was given a fighting chance of proving his worth.

World Title time and as single matches from these wrestlers in the past we’ve seen some of the best titles matches of Morishima’s title reign as of this point in time. 3 way matches in ROH have always been a little scrappy in nature but all three played off the previous encounters quite well as the same big powerhouse moments such as the big swing and giant half nelson suplexes worked again as did the heavy strikes but it obviously never reached the same heights though the crowd were very much into the eliminations. It was a nice little bookend though to both Claudio and Albright facing against Morishima and their title hunts against him.

Cage match number 1 of the card and cage matches are quite hard to do well especially as this fight is not about stopping the heel from running away or trying to get over an angle based on stopping victors being decided on countouts or even a blood feud, there is no solid story line going into this battle which means there is very little drama. Jack Evans having a higher platform to do dives from though may be justification enough, though just barely. Roderick Strong took it upon himself to launch Jack into the cage as much as he could and even Jack mixed it upon by returning the favour a few times followed by a decent spot off the cage and it just ended. What!? Really that is all you are gonna do with the cage? I do feel they could have had just a more entertaining match without the cage and the sudden nature of that finish was lame.

Main event is up finally and within seconds it is already much more engaging than the first cage match. There is a rivalry and titles on the line so the interactions matter and they actually go the blood and wild brawling route around the cage before getting in it, even Steen jumps off it to the outside. Awesome. The previous cage match has been fully negated in every single aspect. Once they get back into the caged ring some of the steam dissipates though they try and keep the interest alive by taking turns in hitting each other with double teams and using the cage against their opponents. As the match can only be decided by pinfall or submission Steen does something extremely cool in putting Jay outside of the cage and have Generico guard door while they beat the shit our of Mark, making the following near falls have more impact as they’ve put a bit of a psychology behind them rather than just hitting big moves and hoping the crowd care, they make the crowd care.

This show worked and never had any bad points that dragged it down severely, there were certainly some underwhelming matches and I did expect a little bit more out of the Strong vs. Evans cage match but as a whole it entertained. I could see why it was forgettable in the grand scheme of shows but if you treat it as a standalone show it did its job well but obviously there are better all round shows available. My favourite match of the show goes to the 6 man tag with the main event being a close second.

Didn't know that PAC had a shot in ROH. Too bad they didn't give him much of a chance.

I love reading old reviews. Thanks.


If Cena loses, it'll probably be via shenanigans, and I don't think he'll win the Rumble a third time. If Orton loses, though, I think there's a pretty fair shot he's winning the Rumble, although my assumption is that Punk will somehow win it at the Rumble.

I'm still going to hold onto the naive idea that Bryan will somehow win the Rumble and walk out of Mania as the champion.



WCW Uncensored 3/19/95

I just can't stop watching WCW. Tony has a great mullet. Tenay still looks like a bird. There will be many firsts tonight.

Dustin Rhodes vs Blacktop Bully King of The Road Match

This is one of the weirdest matches ever. The guys fight in the back of a moving semi, which is surrounded in animal caging. The inside of the truck is full of shovels, hay, and possibly shit. The way to win is get to the front of the truck, where you ring a bell/horn. Piledriver! On hay. There is a helicopter cam, two cameras in the truck, and a camera crew driving beside the truck. It's one of the dumbest thing you'll ever see. I'd love to know A. Who thought this was a good idea and B. What kind of back story leads to a match like this. Feels like a Dusty idea. Dustin throws a bucket of water or something. The truck totally blew through a stop sign. Both men bladed, which is ridiculous because you couldn't even see it. "I've seen Dusty walk like that before." Blading was strictly forbidden in WCW at the time and both guys were fired for this match. I'd say it worked out for the best for Dustin. It was probably intentional. Stuff is falling off the truck as they ride by a trailer park. At some points, the helicopter isn't even pointing at the truck and instead just doing shots of the scenery of rural Mississippi. They get stopped by a church bus. Plenty of "microwave interference". This is probably the dumbest gimmick match ever. Even dumber than the shit TNA came up with. Bully wins! Repo Man, getting PPV wins in 1995. First and last ever king of the road match.



TO THE BACK. Mike Tenay talks with Arn Anderson over his boxer vs wrestler match with Johnny B. Badd. Col. Parker is pretty hyped about Bully winning his match. Meng will have a martial arts match with Jim Duggan later. Meng is dressed like Kwang. Definitely not anything from Tonga.

Duggan/Meng recap video. Set to Rey Mysterio's music.

Jim Duggan vs Meng Martial Arts Match

I guess this was Meng's first actual match in WCW. He was a body guard for many months. Sonny Onoo is the special ref. Sonny is just his nick name. His actual name is Kazuo. Duggan refuses to bow. AMERICANS DON'T BOW, TOUGH GUY! After minutes of fucking around with the bowing, he finally does it and the match begins. Unsurprisingly, Meng no sells everything. Duggan takes his boot off to hit Meng. It didn't work, so he took the other one off. Now both men are shoeless. Chokes and nerve holds everywhere. I'm not sure what makes this a martial arts match. It seems like a normal boring wrestling match that these guys would be having into 2001. Duggan tries a headbutt. Stupid. Duggan hits the 3 Point Stance lariatoooo. Meng no sells it. Meng wins with a savate kick. Do most martial arts contests end by pinfall?


Recap of Arn/Johnny B Badd.


TO THE BACK. Tenay talks to Johnny B. Badd and his trainer.
A special look at Arn Anderson.

Arn Anderson vs Johnny B. Badd Boxer vs Wrestler Match

You can via pin/submission, or a 10 count as in boxing. It's done in rounds. Badd is in boxing gear. I don't know if he's not allowed to do wrestling moves or not. Johnny's punch speed is too much for Arn to handle in the first round. GO FOR THE LEGS, ARN. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HANGING AND BANGING? YOU'RE THE WRESTLER, TAKE IT TO THE MAT! Round one ends with Arn down in the corner. Round 2 starts with Arn getting dropped. Standing 8 count. Finally, Arn grabs a leg, but misses an elbow drop and is knocked down again. Arn is down for the 3rd time in this round. Shouldn't that be the end of the match? Arn is down again. We need a ref stoppage. Arn isn't intelligently defending himself at all. But he attacks Johnny and hits a DDT during the rest period. Arn again attacks while Badd is in the corner. YEAH FUCK HIM UP ARN! Johnny is whipped into the stool and then gets hit with the spinebuster. The corner man jumps Arn, but the man continues. End of round 3. Johnny cheats by having his corner man put the bucket on Arn's head, then punching it, then taking a glove off to punch with a taped fist. What a cheater.


Randy Savage video.

TO THE BACK. Tenay talks to Savage about his match with Avalanche. WHAT IT IS IS WHAT IT IS! "I don't even know what I'm saying right now. I'LL KNOCK YOU OUT!" Lol. I wish he had knocked Tenay out.

Randy Savage vs Avalanche

This doesn't have a real gimmick to the match, but there are no DQs tonight, so this is by default a no disqualification match. This is probably the most blatant gimmick rip off WCW ever did, tied only with The Boss (Big Boss Man with his outfit in all black) and The Prisoner (Nailz..as Nailz). His gear is pretty much the same, but blue instead of red. He has the same rumbly music. Brain says you can feel the ground shake when he walks. Macho gets off to a hot start, but it slows once Quake does fat guy offense. Belly to belly. Dropkick from Quake! Didn't have a ton of impact, but it did have good height. Quake misses an elbow, but launches Savage to the floor and then into the ring post. He gave Savage way too much time to recover. Savage tried a sunset flip. He got tea bagged instead. Powerslam. School boy gets a 2 count. Another powerslam. Quake misses a 2nd rope splash. Double ax handle to the floor. A woman attacks Savage and the ref. IT'S RIC FLAIR! Hulk Hogan runs out to save Savage. Randy Savage wins by disqualification on a show (and match) promoted as having no disqualifications.


TO THE BACK. Tenay talks with Harlem Heat and Sister Sherri. Ain't nothing to it, but to DO IT. Texas Tornado match with the Nasty Boys. Fucking Knobs. This is the third promo where Tenay threw it back to Tony and Brain while people were still talking.

Big Bubba/Sting video.

TO THE BACK. Tenay talks with Sting. Sting excited for wrestling? So weird to see after 1998-2013.

Big Bubba Rogers vs Sting

Sting leg drops Bubba's hat. That wasn't nice. He then threw the hat into the crowd. Is this Sheamus in disguise? Body slam with da greatest of ease. Sting is dominating. That is, until a bad leap frog, in which Bubba's head clipped his knee. Boss Man continues to work the knee for a while. Balls to the neck and sliding uppercut. More leg work. Boss Man slips hard off the top rope. Sting makes a come back. Superfly Splash. Never mind the leg work for the whole match. He sold it after he hit the move, but you shouldn't be doing top rope splashes after a match of ring work. Sting tries to slam Bubba (which he did just moments ago with no problems), but falls back. Bubba gets the pin.



Harlem Heat/Nasty Boys video.

TO THE BACK. Tenay talks with the Nasty Boys. Fat fuck Knobs.

Harlem Heat vs Nasty Boys Falls Count Anywhere No Disqualification Match

Non-title. Man, fuck the Nasty Boys. Reckless, out of shape, terrible cunts. Pit Stop to Sherri. They head back to the concession stand. Cotton candy is EXTREME! Knobs falls on his fat ass. So does Booker. Everyone falls because slushies were dropped all over the floor. Mustard everywhere. Just a big stupid mess. I'm pretty sure Sherri tried to SHOOT with Sags for hitting her in the face with a hot dog. If you ever wanted to see a match where wrestlers can't do anything with out falling on their asses, this is the match for you. I guess Knobs pinned Booker. The camera missed it. After the match, Sags shoved Sherri, knowing she'd slip and fall, which she did, and appeared to be injured in the fall. I really think those two got into a SHOOT fight in the middle of this mess. Sherri got pissed when something hit her in the face and she went right after Sag's eyes. He definitely hit her a few times and then that shove after the match with no warning into an ultra slippery floor just added to the whole thing.




Tenay talks with Vader. Vader shoves him out of frame and is going to kill Hulk Hogan. Flair still has his make up on and looks like a cross between Gary Numan and The Joker from The Killing Joke. He's so sick of Hulk Hogan. Me too.


Hogan/Vader recap.

Vader vs Hulk Hogan WCW Championship Strap Match

Buffer botches his cue. Jimmy Hart has been missing all night. It is assumed that Vader took him out. Hulk Hogan, the King of Hulkmania. Flair and Vader back Hogan into the corner when THE RENEGADE comes in to run Flair off. Knock off Warrior music, outfit, and entrance. Hogan hyped him as his "ultimate" surprise, but a threat of legal action made them make it clear it wasn't Warrior, but The Renegade. Hogan is dominating Vader in the ring, but we're watching Renegade stalk Flair around ringside instead. Flair gets in the ring and gets some strappage. We finally get to the match. Hogan has dominated for most of it. He won't even go down from Saber attacks. Vader Bomb! I must have missed something, but there is no ref in the ring. "I believe he's going to have to seek psychiatric help", in reference to Flair. That long term booking. No one even knew that Flair getting put in the nut house was the culmination of a 4 year angle. It goes to the floor. Jimmy Hart is back. Hogan does some terrible chair shots. They didn't even have the strap on for most of this stuff. Also, the chair shots are shown via pulled back hard cam. Flair and Renegade fight in the ring for a bit. Hogan does a slam on the floor. Every 40 seconds or so, Brain says, "Who is this Renegade?". Hogan is trying to touch the corners by touching the ring posts while on the floor. It's UNCENSORED, guys! Chokeslam. Splash. Hulk Hulks up, hits the boot, and the leg drop. Some masked man hits Renegade with a piece of wood. Flair jumps in the ring and hits Hogan with a chair. Vader has 3 corners hit. Flair comes back in and wants a splash. Vader instead does a hilarious Pooh bear somersault, landing on a wooden chair. Flair pulls Vader to the floor and gets another wooden chair. WCW and their wooden chairs. Hulk boots and straps Flair. Flair now has the strap on. Hogan touches all 4 corners and is declared the winner by defeating Ric Flair in a match against Vader. It's UNCENSORED, guys! Rent A Warrior holds off Vader and Flair. The masked man comes back out to make it a 2/3 stand off. Arn Anderson waddles out, in the same costume, but now he's tied up. The masked man in the ring attacks Vader and Flair with a chair (which we don't see, because the camera was on Arn). He reveals himself to be Randy Savage! DOUBLE SWERVE! The faces all celebrate and some kid shits himself at ringside.




DQ Count: 1 out of 7 matches (even though the whole premise of the show is no disqualifications)

This was terrible. Terrible in a different way from later WCW. This is so bad it's good terrible. Dying WCW was so bad it's painful to watch terrible. King of the Road match is one of the dumbest ideas ever in wrestling. A martial arts match that was just a wrestling match and ended in a pin. A boxer vs wrestler match that had rounds and I guess Arn could only pin, and Badd could only knock out. The fight in the stands where everyone kept slipping and falling and Sherri and Saggs SHOOTING on each other over a believe a hot dog to the face. Hogan dominating Vader for the majority of the match, with at least half of actually being Renegade slowly stalking Ric Flair around ringside. Then Ric Flair is the one to drop the fall, despite not being in the match. Also, there was no ref so there really weren't any enforceable rules to begin with.



Hulk boots and straps Flair. Flair now has the strap on. Hogan touches all 4 corners and is declared the winner by defeating Ric Flair in a match against Vader.

Flair was a professional Hogan jobber. The best in the business.



Actually, not a bad concept for a redneck as fuck wrestling promotion like WCW was at that point....but on PPV? Do it on free TV where your fans might not feel as ripped off.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
So instead of watching bad wrestling, I'm watching good wrestling like Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit from RR 2003. The best part about Angle and Benoit matches was how many moves they did on each other. Even the Angle HBK matches had a lot of the 'typical HBK' 'typical Angle' moves

The start of Benoit vs Angle has a dragon screw, a sleeper hold, a dropkick, an armdrag, a sharpshooter turned into a figure four type thing. And so many suplexes.
EQ was always the best big fat dude wrestler.

So instead of watching bad wrestling, I'm watching good wrestling like Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit from RR 2003. The best part about Angle and Benoit matches was how many moves they did on each other. Even the Angle HBK matches had a lot of the 'typical HBK' 'typical Angle' moves

The start of Benoit vs Angle has a dragon screw, a sleeper hold, a dropkick, an armdrag, a sharpshooter turned into a figure four type thing. And so many suplexes.


You think they'll ever let that happen again on WWE programing? I've always imagined they'd let CM Punk and Daniel Bryan just run the match against each other, however I've never been a huge fan of Punk's actual wrestling ability.
PCW should have spent the money on flying out the Rock 'n' Roll Express - sure, Ricky & Robert would've wrestled the same 3-5 minute match they've been doing for the past two decades, but it probably would've been more entertaining that an uncooperative Vader incapable of even locking up.

Sounds like Vader was flown out to put on a terrible show for a lot of money, fuck him. If he can't go, he shouldn't be taking bookings to wrestle. The fact that PCW put him up against Mastiff kinda shows they were expecting an actual match out of the man, otherwise they would have had him squash some legitimate jobbers, rather than one of the biggest names in UK wrestling.


Mate it was fucking terrible luckily the crowd are quite happy go lucky though you could tell Mastiff wasn't happy and I think they called an audible and ended it quick, mastiff got him on his shoulders then it seemed Vader sandbagged him, Dave Rayne quickly ran in for the dq and mastiff just walked off then Vader hit a horrible Vader bomb on Rayne who looked fucked after it

Then he sat in ring in the interval for photos and after the show when folk paid extra for an hour long question and answer session he fucked off after 20 mins, fuck him

The owner is just as bad though he's arrogant and says he will only bring in people that can work and oftens mocks when people suggest Japanese wrestlers, he also won't book Grado because he isn't one of his guys

Uhaa was great as always at least


I don't know what the scene is like but I hope Mastiff doesn't work for that promoter again.

And yeah, fuck Vader. Dunno what his fucking deal is, maybe he has a bad attitude because his kid was a failure.


From the Observer:

--Potential angle alert. Shawn Michaels presents Superstar of the Year on Monday's Slammys. Given that it is a fan web site vote, Daniel Bryan is expected to win

So is he coming back or are they teasing us multiple times that this match may happen and it won't.
I don't know what the scene is like but I hope Mastiff doesn't work for that promoter again.

And yeah, fuck Vader. Dunno what his fucking deal is, maybe he has a bad attitude because his kid was a failure.

Looks like Vader has had fun with Grado tonight so maybe he just thought the PCW owner was a dick and didn't want anything to do with it all
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