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Decorated Marine attacked by group of teens outside D.C. McDonald's

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Just gross

A veteran Marine sergeant was assaulted and robbed at a McDonald's in Washington D.C. last week, in an attack the victim says was racially charged, according to police.

Police in Washington, D.C., are looking for at least four people in connection with the assault and robbery of Christopher Marquez, a Bronze Star recipient, who was one of two Marines who helped carry then-1st Sgt. Bradley Kasal out of Fallujah’s infamous “Hell House.”

Marquez, who served in the Marine Corps from 2003 to 2011, told police he was assaulted on Friday around 10:30 p.m. while eating at a McDonald's, according to a Metropolitan Police Department report.

Marquez said he believes the attack was racially motivated. He remembers being accosted at the McDonald's in Washington's Chinatown neighborhood by five people between 16 and 21 years old. Most were men or boys. One may have been female.

“The kids were asking me if I think that black lives mattered,” Marquez said on Monday. “I was ignoring them, just because I felt intimidated. I felt how they approached me, it was very hostile. I felt they were really trying to intimidate me and just trying to start a confrontation with me.”

The police report does not include a description of the people involved with the incident, which was first reported by the Daily Caller News Foundation. One of the suspects allegedly hit Marquez with a gun after calling him a racist, the report says. Police have not yet made any arrests in the case, a spokesman said.

The suspects took Marquez’ wallet, identification, credit cards, debit card and about $400 in cash, the report says.

Marquez said his memories of what happened next are a blur. He said the restaurant’s manager later told him that security camera footage shows one of the people hitting him in the back of the head with an unknown object as he was leaving the McDonald's.

“It was a sharp blow to the back of my head,” Marquez said.

His assailants allegedly took everything in his pockets, tearing off the back of his pants to steal his wallet, Marquez said. They allegedly made more than $115 in charges on his USAA debit card, he said.

When he came to, Marquez said he took a taxi cab to his apartment complex, where he met police. After spending several hours at George Washington University Hospital being examined for head trauma, Marquez was told to go to a Veterans Affairs medical facility for follow-up treatment, he said.

On Tuesday, Marquez said he was getting a replacement identification so that he could be seen by VA doctors.

Marquez was awarded the Bronze Star with combat distinguishing device for his actions in Fallujah, Iraq, on Nov. 12, 2004, when he refused to leave his mortally wounded team leader despite being under intense fire from an enemy machine gun, his award citation says. As bullets hit the wall around him, Marquez dragged his team leader to a place of relative safety, where he could be administered medical aid.

“Adhering to the longstanding Marine Corps tradition of ‘No man left behind,’ he was willing to risk his own life to ensure that a fellow Marine would not fall into the hands of the enemy,” the citation says.

The next day, Marquez helped carry out Kasal, now the sergeant major of I Marine Expeditionary Force, from a house in Fallujah that was the scene of some of the bloodiest fighting of the retake the city from terrorists. Kasal was later awarded the Navy Cross for his heroism there.

“That was a crazy deployment,” Marquez told Marine Corps Times. “There were constant firefights all over the place.”

Marquez said he is angry at being attacked at home after making it through Iraq.

“We’re there to protect our country so that people … don’t have to be scared of getting killed or being attacked," he said. “We’re all Americans, especially in the military. We serve with people from all backgrounds. It seems like there is so much tension right now. ... It’s very sad.”

Somehow I don't think these are the types of people BLM wants to help spread their message, and they used it as an excuse to rob this poor guy. He already literally put his life on the line for this country, and he's almost killed at home by some sick little shits.

Knock me in the head if old.


Man this is so damn aggravating. It's bullshit that this guy had to go through this and it's bullshit that this is going to be another way to Attack Blm just because some morons used it as an excuse for violence.


The BLM question was pure distraction, that's how these shitheads work. There was no scenario where he wasn't assaulted and robbed.


The BLM question was pure distraction, that's how these shitheads work. There was no scenario where he wasn't assaulted and robbed.

Distraction from what? Not victim-blaming but him ignoring the question wasn't going to help the situation.


Distraction from what? Not victim-blaming but him ignoring the question wasn't going to help the situation.

Answering the question wouldn't have helped the situation either. The question itself is irrelevant. It was used an excuse to intimidate and incite a reaction. And when they didn't get the reaction they attacked him, which was their only goal in the first place.


Distraction from what? Not victim-blaming but him ignoring the question wasn't going to help the situation.

There was a thread a while back about a member here who got attacked in Ireland. He was asked if he was from NI or not iirc, and got attacked and mugged. Essentially, he would have been attacked either way - the question was irrelevant.


I'm not sure I understand what him being a former Marine has to do with the story.

It highlights how he is a good man. Someone like that should not be attacked by a group of cowardly cunts (not that anyone should be regardless)
I mean, this behavior is atrocious, but how is his prior service at all relevant to the story other than to generate extra sympathy and outrage - especially given that basically the only thing we know about the perps is their age and apparently their reference to BLM?


Distraction from what? Not victim-blaming but him ignoring the question wasn't going to help the situation.

Distract his attention from the guy sneaking up behind him to cold-clock him. It's a common mugging tactic. It happened to a friend of mine in D.C. (a guy walked up and said 'hey, excuse me' while another came from behind and knocked him out with some blunt object). Answering or not answering wouldn't have mattered.
Motherfuckers should be locked up for a very long time. Violence like this simply should not be tolerated.

Sadly shit like this will get used to paint everyone striving for the cessation of police brutality against Black people in America as complicit in such behavior.


How weren't there any police around? The police sit outside of that McDonalds and the entrance to the movie theater there constantly.


I'm not sure I understand what him being a former Marine has to do with the story.

It doesn't. It's to play up the story's shock value and gets a better headline. Honestly if he was a homeless drunk it shouldn't matter, nobody should be subjected to this.


Terrible story.

The general rule to follow is if you are in a place late at night, and a bunch of young men walk in, is to get on your phone and try to stay in a lit area. Don't turn your back on them, and don't go to an area where there isn't a crowd.
Distraction from what? Not victim-blaming but him ignoring the question wasn't going to help the situation.

Random muggings typically occur by throwing the victim off with either a request or question such as asking for the time or for directions. It puts their guard down.

If I'm approached by 5 strangers, the last thing I'm going to do is start a conversation about a charged topic like BLM. But, the topic could have been anything, it was likely a planned assault.
Teenagers really fucking suck sometimes. Using good things to kill, steal and destroy and making themselves feel better about being little shits by out-numbering and beating up on people.

get the fuck off my earth.


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Guys, there is a statue of the guy in question. He's a part of one of the modern Marine Corps legends. However else this pans out, his background is newsworthy.

I'm not sure I understand what him being a former Marine has to do with the story.

Well, for one there's the narrative that BLM just hates God's True Real America (tm), and what's more America than a decorated Marine veteran? I've already seen this version on my Facebook feed.
Well, for one there's the narrative that BLM just hates God's True Real America (tm), and what's more America than a decorated Marine veteran? I've already seen this version on my Facebook feed.

That's really what you're taking from this? You honestly can't see how him being a war hero is relevant to the discussion?

How this guy put his life on the line for people like the ones who beat him senseless without reason?


He's a relatively famous Marine. It's relevant to anybody who knows his story.

Well that makes more sense I guess, that wasn't clear to me from reading the story.

It doesn't. It's to play up the story's shock value and gets a better headline. Honestly if he was a homeless drunk it shouldn't matter, nobody should be subjected to this.

This is exactly why I asked. This shouldn't be happening to anyone and it bothered me that so much focus was placed on who the victim was instead of what happened to him or why.

Edit: oh, I misread this. I thought the victim was black and the assailants were white. Now it makes PERFECT sense why the media is playing up the Marine angle.
Also, little shits like this are more motivated about the projection of power (as they have none in their real lives) than anything race related. Invoking BLM was just the convenient vehicle to use to give them a reason to believe they can and should seek to vent their anger on the most convenient target.
That's really what you're taking from this? You honestly can't see how him being a war hero is relevant to the discussion?

How this guy put his life on the line for people like the ones who beat him senseless without reason?

It's a kind of tragic irony, but unless he was targeted for his military service I don't see why describing his background needs to take up 300 words in a 675-word story.

Especially given that this isn't the kind of attention given to black victims of hate crimes.


A man got mugged after leaving Mc.Donalds, who was a Decorated marine. Its presented as if he was wearing his full uniform at McDonalds, then attacked because of his service, or something to that effect? There is a strong focus on his service, that didn't seem to be part of the mugging situation.

I hope they catch them and they face justice.


A man got mugged after leaving Mc.Donalds, who was a Decorated marine. Its presented as if he was wearing his full uniform at McDonalds, then attacked because of his service, or something to that effect? There is a strong focus on his service, that didn't seem to be part of the mugging situation.

I hope they catch them and they face justice.

I'm assuming they brought it up because he made it out of some very dangerous situations in Fallujah and won a bunch of awards for his service, then he gets cold-clocked in a McDonalds by some shitheads for $400.

Trouble said:
The best late-night D.C. food joints don't have drive-thrus. They also aren't McDonalds, though.

I don't doubt that, not a local so I don't know those spots.
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