Really hope it's not too expensive (doesn't show up on I kind of want it to show it off to friends/family. But most of the 5(?) games looks like a one time thing and then you're done.
Positive impressions overall but most are just touting the visual wow factor of the first 10 minutes. Visual wow factor alone dies pretty quickly in my experience, only the real content holds up.
The combined effect if 1:1 scale in a relatively high FOV, 90hz, low persistance, low latency tracking is not an isolated superficial "visual wow factor" but a vital component what transports you (software matters too of course) to towards true presence and immersion that is impossible to experience any other way - except in real life.. For most people it's not something that can "die".
You're an outlier, and it's fine, but it's time to accept it and move on.
I'm sure a lot of people will find their fill with these two. But I don't see myself personally replaying these two much. Especially the dangerball one.
And you go out of your way to do just the opposite. "thousands of people"? Mostly enthusiasts. I don't care if VR fails or not, I just think it's not going to be popular in the mainstream that's it and all the positive impressions being systematically pretty superficial and moments after the initial "wow" factor are telling me the lasting appeal might not be there. My doubts are still valid. I'm more interested by opinions of people having tried VR several times, not the OMG it was awesome! after a 10 minutes session without any reserve or long term perspective. Do you allow me to have this opinion and make this comment on this forum?
The combined effect if 1:1 scale in a relatively high FOV, 90hz, low persistance, low latency tracking is not an isolated superficial "visual wow factor" but a vital component what transports you (software matters too of course) to towards true presence and immersion that is impossible to experience any other way - except in real life.. For most people it's not something that can "die".
You're an outlier, and it's fine, but it's time to accept it and move on.
This isn't true though, there are plenty of reports on reddit, here, and other places where the initial "omg I'm here!" euphoria and excitement from the first few VR sessions does die down, and well, that's not exactly surprising is it due to us naturally perceiving real life in stereo 3d. Not a lot of people are walkin around losing their minds at how amazing the tracking is when they walk down the street xD
That isn't to say it isn't still incredibly immersive and fun after the honeymoon period, but it certainly isn't comparable to that first or even fourth time with it. My first time with Job Sim was a very giddy one, but after about a half hour of mucking about my mind totally processed things like I was doing a regular, day-to-day ho hum job lol.
Point being, VR doesn't NEED to have constant wow factor to be sustainable, and although people want to poo poo the detractors like the one you quoted, they do have a point, you will need good content in the medium for it to thrive long term, these minigame affairs will only hold people's attention for so long. I'm hoping things like Battlezone and Rigs become a part of that, to me it'll be just like what's sustainable in the current 2d gaming market, competitive and social games. Build on that and you have a winner. But also make compelling narrative driven sp content for folks like me, again, like the 2d market
Point being, VR doesn't NEED to have constant wow factor to be sustainable, and although people want to poo poo the detractors like the one you quoted, they do have a point, you will need good content in the medium for it to thrive long term, these minigame affairs will only hold people's attention for so long. I'm hoping things like Battlezone and Rigs become a part of that, to me it'll be just like what's sustainable in the current 2d gaming market, competitive and social games. Build on that and you have a winner. But also make compelling narrative driven sp content for folks like me, again, like the 2d market
That's why I don't want to put much money toward PS VR Worlds. As much as I am hyped for VR in general (and glad I'm finally getting a chance at any type of VR this Saturday).. 20-30 minutes experiences will lose their appeal quick. I won't feel like bothering to put a headset on once the novelty wears off for the same small experiences over and over. Sure I'll go for new small ones that interest me, but as time goes, it'll have to get better and better.
Still very hyped to see this medium evolve. Growing up from Atari to NES to SNES to N64 was a very magical experience, and it feels like we could possibly get this again with VR.. or it could end up crash and burning.
I got to play Battlezone at the Best Buy in Schaumburg today on my lunch break. I thought it was reasonably cool. Heads and shoulders above Google Cardboard, which was my only previous VR experience. I had the choice between that and Into the Deep and I chose Battlezone because I wanted to see if I would get sick, and I am happy to say that I did not!
I thought the headset was super comfortable and easy to make fit, and it was a fun experience. Battlezone was pretty basic, but the experience of sitting in a cock pit and looking around while driving and steering became second nature really quickly. I thought it was pretty fun.
I'm going to try playing it again when it's back at that Best Buy in a few weeks.
Tried it many times on different platforms, many hours invested. The awesomeness (aka novelty) dies down rather quickly. For example, Jurassic World VR clip and Eve wowed me but they turned into 'meh' a few days later.
Nothing for North America, though. At least yet...
I have both the core unit and the bundle preordered. I already have the camera so I'm thinking of just going with the core unit and buying the move controllers and VR Worlds separately. I bet it will come out to less than $100.
Also I think Im going to invest in a gaming PC just for Vive instead of going with PSVR....I am sorry, but Vive....well it made me consider dropping 2 grand just to own it.
I guess it's different for everyone. Your impressions seem to indicate that the Vive was more comfortable than PSVR and the Rift, which is the first time I've heard anyone say that.
I guess it's different for everyone. Your impressions seem to indicate that the Vive was more comfortable than PSVR and the Rift, which is the first time I've heard anyone say that.
My wording was off and I noticed it myself on a second listen. The Vive set is comfy to the point I didnt notice it, the PSVR is the comfiest, but Vive was also comfy. Ie. It was comfy enough I didnt notice it, like the PSVR, unlike the Oculus.
This isn't true though, there are plenty of reports on reddit, here, and other places where the initial "omg I'm here!" euphoria and excitement from the first few VR sessions does die down
I was very excited before I had sex, the first time was kind of loaded with over excitement and clumsiness.. . ..Sex was never the same after that, naturally. HOWEVER, it didn't exactly die.. I found sex to be awesome, but in different ways than I expected. Even though I didn't have more of the "omg I'm here" euphoria and excitement, I still enjoy having sex to this day. Just like I enjoy doing VR to this day even though I've been doing daily VR for two or three years.
It's not the excitement that dies, it's parts of the pre-ignorant expectations that die off. The good thing about that is that it's actually only the ignorant expectations that are replaced by experience and knowledge, which not necessarily has anything to do with a general excitement over VR (which has only been growing in my case).
This isn't true though, there are plenty of reports on reddit, here, and other places where the initial "omg I'm here!" euphoria and excitement from the first few VR sessions does die down, and well, that's not exactly surprising is it due to us naturally perceiving real life in stereo 3d. Not a lot of people are walkin around losing their minds at how amazing the tracking is when they walk down the street xD
That isn't to say it isn't still incredibly immersive and fun after the honeymoon period, but it certainly isn't comparable to that first or even fourth time with it. My first time with Job Sim was a very giddy one, but after about a half hour of mucking about my mind totally processed things like I was doing a regular, day-to-day ho hum job lol.
Point being, VR doesn't NEED to have constant wow factor to be sustainable, and although people want to poo poo the detractors like the one you quoted, they do have a point, you will need good content in the medium for it to thrive long term, these minigame affairs will only hold people's attention for so long. I'm hoping things like Battlezone and Rigs become a part of that, to me it'll be just like what's sustainable in the current 2d gaming market, competitive and social games. Build on that and you have a winner. But also make compelling narrative driven sp content for folks like me, again, like the 2d market
although people want to poo poo the detractors like the one you quoted, they do have a point, you will need good content in the medium for it to thrive long term, these minigame affairs will only hold people's attention for so long.
"These minigames"..? What the hell does that even mean. I certainly don't need KoopaKid to fall in love with VR, that was my point: "detractors" are not deciding the future of VR anyway. We know the technology works perfectly fine, it will succeed no matter what, the future is more or less cemented. By now it's only a matter of time. Until that, nobody cares about outliers who "doesn't like minigames", or that VR should be like "videogames". It does not matter, this is the enthusiast generation and we all knew, or should know that, it's common knowledge.
That's not how you came across though. You are basically discounting any experience from anyone that hasn't been playing VR on a daily basis in order to fit your already pre-conceived notion of the validity of the medium. If you were truly agreeing with him, you definitely did a horrible job conveying it.
"These minigames"..? What the hell does that even mean. I certainly don't need KoopaKid to fall in love with VR, that was my point: "detractors" are not deciding the future of VR anyway. We know the technology works perfectly fine, it will succeed no matter what, the future is more or less cemented. By now it's only a matter of time. Until that, nobody cares about outliers who "doesn't like minigames", or that VR should be like "videogames". It does not matter, this is the enthusiast generation and we all knew, or should know that, it's common knowledge.
No. Fuck "the 2D market". VR is not about traditional videogames, let's just get rid of that notion already.
I like that you had to make two separate posts to get your quotes in
There is such a myopic tendency amongst the early VR crowd that the current crop of experiences (which are absolutely full of minigames and early access half baked concepts) is somehow the end point in terms of design philosophy, cause you have some fun with it now screw all the conventions that have enriched the medium prior to, and can and certainly will enhance the other mechanics and overall experience. Take a look at what The Assembly is doing, or Wilson's Heart. Those are what's interesting to me, not the umpteenth yawn worthy wave shooter or physics sandbox. They're fun for awhile, but won't keep me coming back. Also, that sex analogy lol. Sorry it's that bad :/
That's not how you came across though. You are basically discounting any experience from anyone that hasn't been playing VR on a daily basis in order to fit your already pre-conceived notion of the validity of the medium. If you were truly agreeing with him, you definitely did a horrible job conveying it.
I value fair judgement and acknowledgement of the potential limits, half of the impressions during the honeymoon phase are worthless. Fast forward a few months later and several posters backtrack.
Yes, it was an interesting experience, I even tried an "air surf" demo with a feet controller. The sensation of flying and vertigo was pretty cool but after 15 minutes, I had seen enough. VR isn't bringing any new gameplay concepts so far, except for the room scale stuff but it has more to do with the 1:1 tracking.
You don't need to try VR to see the content just isn't there and the vast, vast majority of development is going toward short "experiences" and 1st person view games which as a gamer I found very limited and ignores so many other game possibilities and viewpoints. And this tendency isn't going to change anytime soon as it's the easiest way to get the benefit of VR across: "you are THERE".
I was very excited before I had sex, the first time was kind of loaded with over excitement and clumsiness.. . ..Sex was never the same after that, naturally. HOWEVER, it didn't exactly die.. I found sex to be awesome, but in different ways than I expected. Even though I didn't have more of the "omg I'm here" euphoria and excitement, I still enjoy having sex to this day. Just like I enjoy doing VR to this day even though I've been doing daily VR for two or three years.
It's not the excitement that dies, it's parts of the pre-ignorant expectations that die off. The good thing about that is that it's actually only the ignorant expectations that are replaced by experience and knowledge, which not necessarily has anything to do with a general excitement over VR (which has only been growing in my case).
I'm here in Canada, specifically Toronto. Looks like only EB Games locations are demo'ing PSVR, so I'm going to one tomorrow. Probably going to aim to be there 30 minutes before the stated opening time and hope I don't run into a massive lineup.
Next week the closest EB Games location to my house will be doing a demo, so going to try that as well.
And you go out of your way to do just the opposite. "thousands of people"? Mostly enthusiasts. I don't care if VR fails or not, I just think it's not going to be popular in the mainstream that's it and all the positive impressions being systematically pretty superficial and moments after the initial "wow" factor are telling me the lasting appeal might not be there. My doubts are still valid. I'm more interested by opinions of people having tried VR several times, not the OMG it was awesome! after a 10 minutes session without any reserve or long term perspective. Do you allow me to have this opinion and make this comment on this forum?
If you're not interested in the opinions of people who have only spent ten minutes with a headset, wtf are you posting in a Best Buy PSVR demo thread for?
I went today (Quebec city) and I only had to wait around 45 minutes. Worth the wait! It was my first true VR experience and it was really cool. Tried Battlezone as it seemed the most "game like" of the demos. It was really impressive how you get the impression that you're there. Looking around the cockpit and behind me and seeing all the little details was great. VR is off to a great start I think!
I went today (Quebec city) and I only had to wait around 45 minutes. Worth the wait! It was my first true VR experience and it was really cool. Tried Battlezone as it seemed the most "game like" of the demos. It was really impressive how you get the impression that you're there. Looking around the cockpit and behind me and seeing all the little details was great. VR is off to a great start I think!
Went to Ottawa this afternoon since there's no Gatineau locations doing this.
Like you, first VR experience and really loved it.
Played The Heist even though I'm more interested in Battlezone. I really wanted to get a feel of having my hands in VR and it delivered. It was a bit awkward at first getting the hang of the controls, but the people in line and the PS staff laughed as I fake drank the beverage and other random stuff I was trying out.
My friend who just tagged along and really was convinced VR would suck tried the Ocean descent one. He came out with a much more positive image of VR in general. His only complaints were that there was no controller for this and that there were no feedback from the cage shaking.
You don't need to try VR to see the content just isn't there and the vast, vast majority of development is going toward short "experiences" and 1st person view games which as a gamer I found very limited and ignores so many other game possibilities and viewpoints. And this tendency isn't going to change anytime soon as it's the easiest way to get the benefit of VR across: "you are THERE".
So because Rigs and GT Sport are first person that automatically discounts them as limited, even though they appear to be full fledged products like everything else on the market but in VR? Isn't that mindset limited in itself?
About to leave to go check this out. As someone who is (probably) a VR enthusiast and owns a Vive, CV1, Gear VR and two oculus dev kits, what should I try?
About to leave to go check this out. As someone who is (probably) a VR enthusiast and owns a Vive, CV1, Gear VR and two oculus dev kits, what should I try?
Played it yesterday. Immersion is there, tech is sound. Played Battlezone, fun launch type game that shows the promise of the tech but I want to start investigating on the games that will utilize it. That's the main thing that needs to be there, the software.
Played it yesterday. Immersion is there, tech is sound. Played Battlezone, fun launch type game that shows the promise of the tech but I want to start investigating on the games that will utilize it. That's the main thing that needs to be there, the software.
Went to an EB Games location yesterday and got to test it out. Got there 10 minutes before their stated start time and I was the third person in line. The first person tried Eve and he seemed to have some trouble getting everything into focus, but the PS Rep and that persons friend who was the second in line were able to see everything focused just fine. The second guy tried The Heist and seemed to like it a lot. I guess the reps forgot to charge the headphones ahead of time so we got to listen to all the audio through the TV speakers - fortunately there were no kids around for The Heist demo
Prior to this, my only VR experience was at an auto show where they were using an older Oculus unit from before its launch for a racing game.
Based on everything I read, I decided to try Battlezone and absolutely loved it. I do wish I had taken a moment to better position the headset as the sweet spot for focus for me was the top half of the image for both eyes - even still it was very playable. I was immediately swept into the experience and the feeling of being there was real. The moment the demo started the rep handed me the Dual Shock controller and it took my brain a couple of seconds to realize that what I was seeing wasn't the real controller, but an in-game version. I would love more games to utilize that feature.
The demo itself was amazing, and I think it would have been even more so if the headphones were available for the positional audio. I kept an eye out for the screendoor effect as I had REALLY noticed it on my previous Oculus pre-launch experience. This was leaps and bounds better than my previous experience and while I could see a bit of a shimmering from the screendoor effect if I tried to look for it, it completely disappeared when I chose to focus on the game. I could see a small amount of aliasing on buildings in the distance while I was playing, but it wasn't game breaking or anything. I would hope Neo would completely do away with that.
Overall I came away very impressed and will be looking to pick one up later this year. The EB Games near my house will be doing a demo next week so I'm going to go back and maybe try a different experience like The Deep
Tried it a few weeks ago. I might pick it up b/c I have a PS4 and not a gaming computer, but overall, it was way worse than the experience on the Oculus Rift. The resolution and the screen door effect in particular was a lot worse.
I can't wait till Gen 2 of all these devices, it'll be amazing.
Tried it a few weeks ago. I might pick it up b/c I have a PS4 and not a gaming computer, but overall, it was way worse than the experience on the Oculus Rift. The resolution and the screen door effect in particular was a lot worse.
I can't wait till Gen 2 of all these devices, it'll be amazing.
Really looking forward to it, have my pre-order in.
This may sound a little weird...I am certainly in two minds about trying it out in a store somewhere, as I think for me it might spoil that "first impression"... having tried games in stores and events before, I've actually come away not liking something because of the environment... and then having played a game at home had a totally different opinion of it.
So think I am just going to chance it and only play it when I get one. Bit of a risk but I am excited for VR. The only downside is that the wife is getting it me for Xmas and she may not allow me to play it in October
Tried it a few weeks ago. I might pick it up b/c I have a PS4 and not a gaming computer, but overall, it was way worse than the experience on the Oculus Rift. The resolution and the screen door effect in particular was a lot worse.
I can't wait till Gen 2 of all these devices, it'll be amazing.
I think they should have had a nice lazy boy or at least a more comfortable chair than the folding chair(with a blue PS blanket) they used. I think the in home experience is going to be a lot better
Some background - I have a 120hz + Lightboost monitor. I'm anal about that stuff.
I stand up 8-10 hrs + walk 1-2 miles a day and lift heavy shit semi frequently.
Demo - Eve Valykrie
+Headset Comfort (great with my glasses)
/ light bleed (there, but I forgot about it)
/ FOV (didn't bother me)
-The resolution
-The framerate
I'm gonna be brutally honest about EVE:V. The cockpit looked like a 3D glasses cinema effect, but all over. It heavily reminded me of watching the Hobbit movies in 3D HFR. Not a bad thing, because I went to all of those movies and and saw them all of them in that way (the first one twice, double feature when 2 came out) and loved that stuff... but I expected so much more here.
The gameplay was engaging enough, and I wouldn't play EVE:VR in any other way. The Headset doesn't get it the way of the fun.
But the framreate dropped, and it wasn't high enough to begin with (defo 60fps).
The resolution is a deal breaker. Doesn't make the game not fun, but my immersion maximization was knecapped from the start. It is no bueno.
Overall impression: Pretty OK.
EDIT: I spent a lot of time making sure PSVR was on my head nice and snug with no out of focus blur at the edges of the lenses before starting the Eve demo. Barely had any light bleed. The clarity was still bad.
Demos - Starter Experience (Big fancy house, Low poly nature, Cityscape, Mini City, Alien on the moon, T rex in Musem), The Climb
-Headset Comfort (Vice grip on your head, still feeling the pressure on my face, kinda easy to forget about it during the demo, yet I kept adjusting the headset throughout the demo)
-FOV (people are spot on about the goggles complaint)
("Wow it must've been shit, man")
Nope, because
+The resolution/screen/AA clarity was LIGHTYEARS ahead of the PSVR.
+The Framerate was WAY higher and actually stable
Overall impression: Holy shit this is amazing
Right from the start, the headset pissed me off with how not great it fit, and how cramped the FOV was. There was a shit load of light coming through the nose area. I adjusted frequently through the whole thing.
But then the visuals turned on and I got a nerd boner.
Everything was so much clearer. Everything was so smooth. I wanted to roll around on the ground and touch everything. Touch the forest animals, touch the little city, not the alien because that would be rude (he made faces and reacted to me), touch the T-Rex's snout because he got in my face first!
But then some bullshit happened with the either the tracking system or some kind of bounding box meant to keep you from moving too much. It hitched your viewpoint around and made you want to stop moving. Happened in low poly forest and cityscape. In cityscape it happened near the edge of the building. Made me realize where I was and that there was a desk near me.
Made me want a Vive+chaperone really bad. Like, "fuck this, I'll drop $800 right now if you set me free" bad.
The comparative clarity. OMG. It made me so happy. It's still not perfect. But I could see!
the trangle-ish grid pattern of the display
lol. Seriously tho, you can actually see shit, for real.
Then I played The Climb. The Climb made me hate the Xbox controller.
Look at a rock edge, use triggers to move. Your vr hands would crossover like crazy. Frustrating. I wanted to reach out so badly and grab those ledges.
Gimme a VR controller. I don't care if I just got off work, gimme a VR controller.
Would I buy either headset?
The Rift's comfort is pants! The FOV is not ideal. Vive's $200 price premium is probably definitely worth removing the forward facing kid gloves.
The PSVR experience is so limited! The res sucks, the framerate is not good. I would buy a Neo for PSVR.
I would buy a NEO-ized version of the PSVR headset that I could use on my PC with Vive lighthouse tracking + chaperone!
Sickness report: None. No headache either. EVE dropping frames really only bothered me on principle.
The Rift squeezed my face + glasses tho. Still feeling it :/
I was very excited before I had sex, the first time was kind of loaded with over excitement and clumsiness.. . ..Sex was never the same after that, naturally. HOWEVER, it didn't exactly die.. I found sex to be awesome, but in different ways than I expected. Even though I didn't have more of the "omg I'm here" euphoria and excitement, I still enjoy having sex to this day. Just like I enjoy doing VR to this day even though I've been doing daily VR for two or three years.
It's not the excitement that dies, it's parts of the pre-ignorant expectations that die off. The good thing about that is that it's actually only the ignorant expectations that are replaced by experience and knowledge, which not necessarily has anything to do with a general excitement over VR (which has only been growing in my case).
We are hardwired to want and enjoy sex, its "in our code". We are not hardwired to enjoy VR...but we all have our individual "things", VR seems to be one of yours, ands that cool, but it is not comparable to the biological drive for sex.
We are hardwired to want and enjoy sex, its "in our code". We are not hardwired to enjoy VR...but we all have our individual "things", VR seems to be one of yours, ands that cool, but it is not comparable to the biological drive for sex.
haha well those who are hardwired to "want and enjoy sex" but don't get no sex... can use VR to have sex with who ever they can create....or is created for them.