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Democrat Debate 8 [Univision] Agent Smith goes to Washington

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Well that was 30 years ago and he wasn't running for president. Don't have to be so particular about your word choice and phrasing.

He still does, but like any person he's not going to be talking at full speed depending on the situation, how he's feeling, etc. And of course he is older now. If you watch the Vox interview with him he goes at a pretty fast clip there.

Yeah, I guess I was taken by how fast he was talking. Maybe it was the big age difference. Overall, after finish the video, it is mostly about him being against Regan and regime in Latin America. He doesn't really praise Castro and Ortega, at least in the sense of giving an out right endorsement, it was actually just a side note to his over all point.

I am however displeased in him not being more clear about being against authoritarianism (he could have even linked Trump to being an authoritistic person).
I have a Sanders yard sign in my front yard. I'm heading out after work tomorrow to give him an early vote. I'm not trying to force some anti-Bernie narrative.

Did he answer it though? He was very soft in his response and didn't address anything Clinton said to him. She got to associate his praise of Cuban healthcare with a regime disappearing people. He had the opportunity to clarify his position and condemn the violent actions of Castro's rule, but he did not.

Is this the new, "I have black friends" qualifier?

Just kidding :p
My point is the Hillary supporters are saying this is proof he can't win in a general and that we need Hillary.. When she has tons of skeletons in her own closet and is already teetering on her own electability and trustwrothiness factor. It goes both ways here.

Do you know the Milton Berle anecdote? Uncle Milty had a legendarily massive wang.
Wikipedia said:
Berle tells of a man who accosted him in a steam bath and challenged him to compare sizes, leading a bystander to remark, "go ahead, Milton, just take out enough to win".

When you are running in a primary, you only want to whip out enough to beat the other guy. You don't want to go negative any earlier than you need to and you don't want to get into a mud fight with someone in your own party. Clinton has been exceedingly reserved towards Sanders thus far. Sanders; performance in Michigan has motivated Clinton to whip a little more out and there is a lot more ammunition against Sanders left, like, a crazy amount. Conversely, how much do you think Sanders has left?

If he is going to stay in he needs to get ready for this. Honestly, if his team was organized he would have been way more prepared for this.


When you are running in a primary, you only want to whip out enough to beat the other guy. You don't want to go negative any earlier than you need to and you don't want to get into a mud fight with someone in your own party. Clinton has been exceedingly reserved towards Sanders thus far. Sanders; performance in Michigan has motivated Clinton to whip a little more out and there is a lot more ammunition against Sanders left, like, a crazy amount. Conversely, how much do you think Sanders has left?

If he is going to stay in he needs to get ready for this. Honestly, if his team was organized he would have been way more prepared for this.

Yep. Preparedness will be one of the reasons he's going to lose it. In my pov, the biggest reason. Not just on answering on his record, he has serious problems moving away from his stump speech and detailing his plans like he has on his website (one of Obama's strongest points in contrast) but overall his lack of preparedness for running for the presidency. He never prepared for the black vote - that's for damn sure (not that you can compete and beat the Clinton brand but at least improve the splits for delegate raking).
For what it's worth, the Castro thing doesn't seem to be making waves anywhere except neogaf.com. It's not even one of CNN's five "takeaways from tonight's debate".


I hope it doesn't impact him negatively. But I sure thought it was his most disappointing answer in any of the debates thus far, and definitely the weakest tonight.
In an imaginary situation where it's Trump v. Sanders in the GE. The ads will be Trump attack ads associating him with Hitler. While the Sanders attack ads will be with Castro. I wonder who America would rather have? Lol. I suspect Sanders since that comparison would be inaccurate compared to Trump's where at least there is some basis.
I'm just curious, why do some people feel like the Republicans are going to be able to dominate Sanders by painting these horrific images of him being a socilist monster, when Donald fucking Trump is the leading nominee...? Not only is Donald Trump leading, but people like Cruz and Rubio are also running for them. Ads work both ways honestly, and I feel like Bernie will be able to defend himself against people like Trump, Cruz, or Rubio. He's much smarter than they are, and with the help of his campaign team, I could see him easily swaying people minds to show how corrupt any of the Republican nominee he goes against would actually be. Well Rubio, I don't know know much about him, so I can't really say what he's done that's bad.


I gotta say, as a Bernie supporter, I feel he's very well rehearsed in some areas but has needlessly faltered in others.

He needs to have his aides raking through all footage and quotes of his, structuring perfect responses and rehearsing them too.

Not that he should have to but it's a political reality if he wants to have a chance of winning enough delegates at this point.
I'm just curious, why do some people feel like the Republicans are going to be able to dominate Sanders by painting these horrific images of him being a socilist monster, when Donald fucking Trump is the leading nominee...? Not only is Donald Trump leading, but people like Cruz and Rubio are also running for them. Ads work both ways honestly, and I feel like Bernie will be able to defend himself against people like Trump, Cruz, or Rubio. He's much smarter than they are, and with the help of his campaign team, I could see him easily swaying people minds to show how corrupt any of the Republican nominee he goes against would actually be. Well Rubio, I don't know know much about him, so I can't really say what he's done that's bad.

Rubio is done. If anyone has a chance as the "establishment candidate" now, it's actually Kasich. And he doesn't have a chance. It's either Trump, Cruz, or Romney coming in to "save them" at the convention (and splintering the party in the process).


I gotta say, as a Bernie supporter, I feel he's very well rehearsed in some areas but has needlessly faltered in others.

He needs to have his aides raking through all footage and quotes of his, structuring perfect responses and rehearsing them too.

Not that he should have to but it's a political reality if he wants to have a chance of winning enough delegates at this point.

It really seems to be his Achilles heel at this point. He feels very rehearsed at times.
I'm just curious, why do some people feel like the Republicans are going to be able to dominate Sanders by painting these horrific images of him being a socilist monster, when Donald fucking Trump is the leading nominee...? Not only is Donald Trump leading, but people like Cruz and Rubio are also running for them. Ads work both ways honestly, and I feel like Bernie will be able to defend himself against people like Trump, Cruz, or Rubio. He's much smarter than they are, and with the help of his campaign team, I could see him easily swaying people minds to show how corrupt any of the Republican nominee he goes against would actually be. Well Rubio, I don't know know much about him, so I can't really say what he's done that's bad.

The sad thing is, I think people will happily take a corrupt asshole who will give them a tax cut and get rid of the Mexicans and Muslims over a socialist who honeymooned in the USSR and slept in Fidel Castro's house (note - I know one of those is false but Middle America won't care) who will raise your taxes and take away your good insurance to give single moms who are illegal immigrants with gangbanger boyfriends who drive Cadillacs to spend their Food Stamps free health care.
In an imaginary situation where it's Trump v. Sanders in the GE. The ads will be Trump attack ads associating him with Hitler. While the Sanders attack ads will be with Castro. I wonder who America would rather have? Lol. I suspect Sanders since that comparison would be inaccurate compared to Trump's where at least there is some basis.
attack ads against Trump calling him hitler vs a jewish candidate? Landslide for Bernie.
Yeah, if Trump goes with this approach in a hypothetical battle against Bernie he will lose badly. If there is anything America hates more than socialists and muslims it's Nazis.
attack ads against Trump calling him hitler vs a jewish candidate? Landslide for Bernie.

Yeah, if Trump is the nominee, the shit that can be pinned on him will be endless.

We can't forget that Trump has not survived a general election either (his viability is completely untested in the GE), so there's no guarantee he'd fair better than Sanders.


Trump vs Sanders would be so far off the normal political map that I'm not confident in anyone's predictions on the subject. Trump's as likely to attack Sanders for being Jewish as he is for being a Socialist, and Trump is literally the personification of everything Bernie hates, so who knows what he'd do.

It'd sure be something to watch from a vast distance, though.


Trump vs Sanders would be so far off the normal political map that I'm not confident in anyone's predictions on the subject. Trump's as likely to attack Sanders for being Jewish as he is for being a Socialist, and Trump is literally the personification of everything Bernie hates, so who knows what he'd do.

It'd sure be something to watch from a vast distance, though.

My god the entertainment value. Would Trump the insult comic demagouge feel the Bern?
The sad thing is, I think people will happily take a corrupt asshole who will give them a tax cut and get rid of the Mexicans and Muslims over a socialist who honeymooned in the USSR and slept in Fidel Castro's house (note - I know one of those is false but Middle America won't care) who will raise your taxes and take away your good insurance to give single moms who are illegal immigrants with gangbanger boyfriends who drive Cadillacs to spend their Food Stamps free health care.

Donald Trump and Cruz are much more than just corrupt assholes and if that's all the Sanders campaign can come up with to attack either of those two, that would be a gigantic failure on their part.


Trump vs Sanders would be so far off the normal political map that I'm not confident in anyone's predictions on the subject. Trump's as likely to attack Sanders for being Jewish as he is for being a Socialist, and Trump is literally the personification of everything Bernie hates, so who knows what he'd do.

It'd sure be something to watch from a vast distance, though.

Indeed but Bernie's dead vs. Hillary barring something big sinking her campaign. It'll be Hillary vs. Trump.
I gotta say, as a Bernie supporter, I feel he's very well rehearsed in some areas but has needlessly faltered in others.

He needs to have his aides raking through all footage and quotes of his, structuring perfect responses and rehearsing them too.

Not that he should have to but it's a political reality if he wants to have a chance of winning enough delegates at this point.
What be needs to do is lay off the buzzwords and 30 second canned speeches that worms it's way in multiple times in the debate. He made a lot of good responses tonight but still felt the need to tie it back into the 30 second canned speeches and buzzwords. There are also times where he should've talked about his own policies versus needlessly attacking Clinton. Overall, I think he did well but he has work to do but it's so far into his campaign idk if he will ever change.
Trump vs Sanders would be so far off the normal political map that I'm not confident in anyone's predictions on the subject. Trump's as likely to attack Sanders for being Jewish as he is for being a Socialist, and Trump is literally the personification of everything Bernie hates, so who knows what he'd do.

It'd sure be something to watch from a vast distance, though.

That would need to be some serious distance. We are talking about some Bette Midler "God is watching us from a distance" distance here.
Easy win for Bernie tonight.

Yes, not only did he take very strong positions, but he had so many good lines...

Sanders said:
... Madam Secretary, I will match my record against yours any day of the week.

Sanders said:
...what the Secretary said was absolutely right; I think I said it many months before she said it, but [to Clinton] thanks for copying a very good idea!

Sanders said:
Clearly the Secretary's words to Wallstreet has really intimidated them, and that is why they have given her $15,000,000 in campaign contributions!

Sanders said:
There is NOBODY in the United States Congress who has taken on the Koch brothers (who want to destroy Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and virtually every federal program passed since the 1930's) more than Bernie Sanders. And I am PROUD that the gentlemen who is head of Goldman Sachs--now, he didn't give me $225,000 for speaking fees--he said I was dangerous, and he's right...I AM dangerous... for Wallstreet!

These lines were met with roaring applause. Personally, I feel that, aside from the Castro bit, it was his best performance to date.


Indeed but Bernie's dead vs. Hillary barring something big sinking her campaign. It'll be Hillary vs. Trump.
Go shake your pom-poms somewhere else. I wasn't suggesting he would win, I was engaging in an amusing hypothetical. Thank heaven you were here to remind everyone of Hillary's delegate count.


you can't put a price on sparks
missed this debate, didnt even know there was one so soon after the last. seemed to be more interesting, too.


Trump vs Sanders would be so far off the normal political map that I'm not confident in anyone's predictions on the subject. Trump's as likely to attack Sanders for being Jewish as he is for being a Socialist, and Trump is literally the personification of everything Bernie hates, so who knows what he'd do.

It'd sure be something to watch from a vast distance, though.
Yes, I'm sure he hates jews.....such as his own daughter.
I gotta say, as a Bernie supporter, I feel he's very well rehearsed in some areas but has needlessly faltered in others.

He needs to have his aides raking through all footage and quotes of his, structuring perfect responses and rehearsing them too.

Not that he should have to but it's a political reality if he wants to have a chance of winning enough delegates at this point.

I get the feeling that the Larry David as Bernie sketch on SNL must be pretty accurate – that Bernie doesn't really listen to his advisors. I mean he didn't even have a foreign policy advisor until that one debate where he came off very weak on the subject. Either that, or whoever is prepping him on debates is terrible. To not come out and say something like, "There are some things that Cuba has done well, but I don't support the Castro regime, especially on its treatment of citizens" but instead basically say, "Well, I don't think we should meddle in the affairs of others" is really out of touch. If he said that stuff in a general election debate he'd be skewered.


Rodent Whores
Just watched some clips. Bernie came out strong, it seems. One thing of note - I was surprised to see Hillary use the same auto-bailout argument she used last time, because apparently it didn't help her to win Michigan, and that's where I thought it would have the most impact. This article makes a similar observation:


But her campaign tactics, particularly in Michigan, did not live up to this vision.

Even with a double-digit lead before the primary, she failed to avoid the type of negative tactics that could damage her in the long haul. A new Washington Post-ABC poll says that nationally, Mrs. Clinton’s margin over Bernie Sanders has shrunk: she polls at 49 percent compared with 42 percent for Mr. Sanders; in January her lead was more than double that. If she hopes to unify Democrats as the nominee, trying to tarnish Mr. Sanders as she did in Michigan this week is not the way to go.

Mrs. Clinton’s falsely parsing Mr. Sanders’s Senate vote on a 2008 recession-related bailout bill as abandoning the auto industry rescue hurt her credibility. As soon as she uttered it in Sunday’s debate, the Democratic strategist David Axelrod registered his dismay, tweeting that the Senate vote wasn’t explicitly a vote about saving the auto industry. Even as reporters challenged her claim, she doubled down in ads across the state. As The Washington Post noted, “it seems like she’s willing to take the gamble that fact-checkers may call her out for her tactic Sunday — but that voters won’t.”
That's the point. They used his Castro gaffe to emphasize how his debate style would hurt him in a general election. It was the major part of that section of the article.

Sure, but some posters here are treating that moment like some gray cloud over the entire debate and it obviously isn't. It's one negative point against Bernie's performance tonight contrasted with a bunch of positives.


sanders goddamn spirit bombs left and right on clinton tonight. miami really feeling the bern down here too! :)

Yes, not only did he take very strong positions, but he had so many good lines...

These lines were met with roaring applause. Personally, I feel that, aside from the Castro bit, it was his best performance to date.

so ethered my god


I just saw the clip of Clinton saying on stage about Bernie's plans for college and healthcare "If it's too good to be true, it is." I'm shocked she would flat out just out unlike that when she will desperately need his supporters soon. Surely that won't play well to them. She essentially said what he believes, wants, as well as that of his supporters, is make believe.

I mean, I agree with her on that, but I'm still shocked she said it that clearly.
Donald Trump and Cruz are much more than just corrupt assholes and if that's all the Sanders campaign can come up with to attack either of those two, that would be a gigantic failure on their part.

Interestingly, Rush Limbaugh said all the networks are currently holding back on Trump but will unleash everything on him when the generals arrive. He says the media has so much shit on him over the years - including highly racist tapes, interviews, incidents, etc. - that it's surprising they haven't done it yet. But he believes it's all according to keikaku.

Neo C.

Interestingly, Rush Limbaugh said all the networks are currently holding back on Trump but will unleash everything on him when the generals arrive. He says the media has so much shit on him over the years - including highly racist tapes, interviews, incidents, etc. - that it's surprising they haven't done it yet. But he believes it's all according to keikaku.

The only reason I can think of is that the media wants to milk the cow as long as possible. Speaking in terms of TV quotes and newspaper sales, It wouldn't be smart to kill Trump instantly.
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