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Democrat Debate 8 [Univision] Agent Smith goes to Washington

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I just saw the clip of Clinton saying on stage about Bernie's plans for college and healthcare "If it's too good to be true, it is." I'm shocked she would flat out just out unlike that when she will desperately need his supporters soon. Surely that won't play well to them. She essentially said what he believes, wants, as well as that of his supporters, is make believe.

I mean, I agree with her on that, but I'm still shocked she said it that clearly.
Hillary is a known fear monger. Her interjection in the Castro & Ortega thing is another example of that.


Interestingly, Rush Limbaugh said all the networks are currently holding back on Trump but will unleash everything on him when the generals arrive. He says the media has so much shit on him over the years - including highly racist tapes, interviews, incidents, etc. - that it's surprising they haven't done it yet. But he believes it's all according to keikaku.

*deep breath*

What is keikaku?



*deep breath*

What is keikaku?




Trump vs Sanders would be so far off the normal political map that I'm not confident in anyone's predictions on the subject. Trump's as likely to attack Sanders for being Jewish as he is for being a Socialist, and Trump is literally the personification of everything Bernie hates, so who knows what he'd do.

It'd sure be something to watch from a vast distance, though.

I just cannot see any situation where Trump doesn't just roll straight over the top of Sanders in a general election. Sanders is the worst candidate I've seen in years when it comes to public speaking and, love or hate Trump, you have to concede that his horrible rich guy bravado is far too strong for Sanders' doddering old man act on a national stage.

Something which is made all the more potent when you realise that there is only five years difference between their ages.

If a man with free healthcare disappears does he really make a sound?


I might just print this on a T-shirt. :)

Davey Cakes

He did it right. He increased his strength without losing speed.
Yeah, and even Gohan had a weak point that cost him dearly. In this instance, Florida is Goku. Sanders is going to lose Florida but hopefully his friends (the other states) can back him up just enough to win in the end.

California is Vegeta.



Btw I did take shots of Crown last night for mentions of Wall Street, however I only got about 8-10 in before I ran out :(

Still have a bloody headache tho D:

So you took 4 or 5 shots per mention? Cause Wall Street was only brought up twice....both times the question was about that,


these two parties creep me out, 'since election night 2000, blue has become the identifying color for the democratic party'.


Bernie did great last night, went full Heisenberg there for a minute

"I am the danger. wall street gets bailed out and you think of me? no."
I just cannot see any situation where Trump doesn't just roll straight over the top of Sanders in a general election. Sanders is the worst candidate I've seen in years when it comes to public speaking and, love or hate Trump, you have to concede that his horrible rich guy bravado is far too strong for Sanders' doddering old man act on a national stage.
I disagree.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I just cannot see any situation where Trump doesn't just roll straight over the top of Sanders in a general election. Sanders is the worst candidate I've seen in years when it comes to public speaking and, love or hate Trump, you have to concede that his horrible rich guy bravado is far too strong for Sanders' doddering old man act on a national stage.

Trump's favorables are down about 30-40 points amongst independents. Bernie is up about the same amount.


I just cannot see any situation where Trump doesn't just roll straight over the top of Sanders in a general election.
Maybe in the Deep South - not in blue states, no way.

There's just no way for Trump to get more votes than ~the 40% of republicans he has now. Almost everyone I know thinks he's a total joke.
Trump's favorables are down about 30-40 points amongst independents. Bernie is up about the same amount.
Trump is a known quantity. Has been in public sphere for decades, and everyone knows he's a jackhole. GOP, conservatives and opposition groups/pacs haven't started aiming their artillery on Bernie. Once they do, all the bullshit about raising taxes and praising Castro will bubble to the top. The barrage will be relentless. Bernie will be on the defense every single day to the election answering and explaining his remarks, and in American politics, as they say, "if you're explaining, you're losing".
Bernie has zero chance at the presidency. If he were the nominee I would expect him to do just slightly better than Mondale.

as stupid as this sounds, a candidate has to have some charm to him/her. I know that sounds real dumb but even if I see eye-to-eye with Bernie on a great many things and would prefer him over Hillary, he's simply not as electable as she is

that said, i wish Howard Dean was running this time around.


not characteristic of ants at all
Bernie has zero chance at the presidency. If he were the nominee I would expect him to do just slightly better than Mondale.

as stupid as this sounds, a candidate has to have some charm to him. I know that sounds real dumb but even if I see eye-to-eye with Bernie on a great many things and would prefer him over Hillary, he's simply not as electable as she is

that said, i wish Howard Dean was running this time around.

Oh, please. Bernie's continued success and many polls polling against Trump clearly show you're incorrect.
Oh, please. Bernie's continued success and many polls polling against Trump clearly show you're incorrect.

national polls do not matter this early.

I've been following this stuff since 1999, i feel like i can firmly state that polls aren't relevant until we have our two candidates for the presidency
Bernie has zero chance at the presidency. If he were the nominee I would expect him to do just slightly better than Mondale.

as stupid as this sounds, a candidate has to have some charm to him. I know that sounds real dumb but even if I see eye-to-eye with Bernie on a great many things and would prefer him over Hillary, he's simply not as electable as she is

that said, i wish Howard Dean was running this time around.

But people hate trump. Isn't Bernie the only candidate viewed positively? I get people think that Bernie would get destroyed in a 1on1 with Trump, but it seems like he's been getting a lot more aggressive with each debate.
There was similar sentiment in 2008, e.g. "the general public will never vote for someone with the middle name Hussein; he's unelectable."

Obama was charming, regardless of his skin color or middle name which should've/could've shut him down with many ignorant folks. and Charm goes a long way in the general election.

My argument isnt that Bernie isn't capable for the position so much as he isn't electable because he's as charming as a bag of rice

I mean look at it this way: what was the last candidate who won that wasn't all that charming? Bush senior a near 30 years ago?


Bernie has zero chance at the presidency. If he were the nominee I would expect him to do just slightly better than Mondale.

as stupid as this sounds, a candidate has to have some charm to him. I know that sounds real dumb but even if I see eye-to-eye with Bernie on a great many things and would prefer him over Hillary, he's simply not as electable as she is

that said, i wish Howard Dean was running this time around.

Bernie's charm is his perceived integrity and realness
Obama was charming, regardless of his skin color or middle name. Charm goes a long way in the general election.

My argument isnt that Bernie isn't capable for the position so much as he isn't electable because he's as charming as a bag of rice

I mean look at it this way: what was the last candidate who won that wasn't all that charming? Bush senior?

By not charming you mean not charming to you. I think he's very charming.
If Hilary had no good answer to the wall street criticism, then it's obvious she's been a bit... oblivious to criticisms of her. She needs better advisors.

Her performance in general makes me nervous as well - I'm pro Hilary simply because I want a guaranteed win in the White House. I still think it's more likely but this debate could bump Bernie ahead (not sure how much, but it should have an impact).

Either way, there's so much shit that a Republican media machine could use to bring him down it'll be a nightmare for his team to keep up.

Agh i dunno - if only you could fuse Hillary and Bernie together.
Bernie has zero chance at the presidency. If he were the nominee I would expect him to do just slightly better than Mondale.

as stupid as this sounds, a candidate has to have some charm to him/her. I know that sounds real dumb but even if I see eye-to-eye with Bernie on a great many things and would prefer him over Hillary, he's simply not as electable as she is

that said, i wish Howard Dean was running this time around.

Lol at people still saying this. I think you're severely overestimating the pettiness of the American people.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
People HATE HATE HATE HATE Trump. The idea that he could blowout anybody is pure fiction.


Trump is a known quantity. Has been in public sphere for decades, and everyone knows he's a jackhole. GOP, conservatives and opposition groups/pacs haven't started aiming their artillery on Bernie. Once they do, all the bullshit about raising taxes and praising Castro will bubble to the top. The barrage will be relentless. Bernie will be on the defense every single day to the election answering and explaining his remarks, and in American politics, as they say, "if you're explaining, you're losing".

This. Trump has lead his life in the public to such a degree that all his skeletons aren't just out of the closet they're hanging in the shop window for everyone to see. I think that Bernie is going to have dozens and dozens of videos and articles littered with 'unacceptable' former opinions that are just waiting to be unearthed. The press are going to have a field day when they begin their feeding frenzy on things like his Honeymoon in Moscow.

The Democrats, GOP and Trump himself don't see Bernie as any kind of real threat at the moment so he's been given the kind of free pass that serious candidates simply don't get. Look at Rubio and all those weird gay rumours. And even if the impossible does happen and Bernie does get the Democratic nomination the press will just over compensate for their previous 'free pass' on him with such force it will make ol' Bern's head spin.

I like what Bernie stands for but the very idea that he'd make a half decent Democratic presidential candidate given his 'grumpy old man' demeanour never mind the idea of him actually winning the US election is just laughable.

People that I know HATE HATE HATE Trump. The idea that he could blowout anybody is pure fiction.


I'm no fan of Trump but the record breaking votes cast in the Texas primaries has me, frankly, worried.
If Bernie can beat Hillary Clinton, he can beat Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton is his biggest obstacle, not Trump.

Two entirely different circus's.

Lol at people still saying this. I think you're severely overestimating the pettiness of the American people.

My only support for this is that Bush was voted in. Twice. That's the scary part.

You dodged Mitt, but that still required a hell of a lot of effort.
Hillary is a known fear monger. Her interjection in the Castro & Ortega thing is another example of that.
Bernie Sanders is funding his campaign and garnering support via unrealistic and politically impossible promises. It should not be taboo to call him out on this, especially when the foundation of his presidential bid seems to be saying whatever the hell he needs to say to drum up excitement for his young and liberal base. This is a politician who claims he will free half a million people from prison by the end of his first term, knowing all the while nothing of the sort will happen if he's elected. It's disgustingly dishonest; Even Trump's wall seems realistic in comparison. And like Donald, Bernie shows no sign of reigning in that sort pandering because his base just eats it up. They've mastered the art of telling people what they want to hear, if from opposite ends of the American political spectrum.

But gosh, don't call him out on it. Then you're just fear mongering!
If Bernie can beat Hillary Clinton, he can beat Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton is his biggest obstacle, not Trump.

We still haven't seen GE Trump yet. And Bernie's got a lot of cons when it comes to the Big Dumb Electorate. How do you convince them to vote for a grumpy Jewish/atheist tax-raising socialist 74 year-old?


Bernie has zero chance at the presidency. If he were the nominee I would expect him to do just slightly better than Mondale.

as stupid as this sounds, a candidate has to have some charm to him/her. I know that sounds real dumb but even if I see eye-to-eye with Bernie on a great many things and would prefer him over Hillary, he's simply not as electable as she is

that said, i wish Howard Dean was running this time around.


Hillary is less charming than Bernie Sanders. She is still too stiff, and her manner isn't personable. She said it herself last night, "I'm not a natural politician like Obama or my husband". I think she's improved leaps and bounds since 2008 but Sanders shows real charm sometimes. Hillary is appealing in her pragmatism but she rarely shows charm or even humanity.

I agree about the charm thing, for what it's worth. The presidents in my lifetime are Reagan, Bush Sr., Bill Clinton, Bush Jr., and Barack Obama. Reagan, Clinton, and Obama are extremely charismatic and charming men. Bush Jr. was quite charming as well. Clinton is not, whereas Trump is to many people... it's concerning.


Godammit, I never get to know when the demcoratic debates are in opposite to GOP debate which I get to know 2 days before.

Edit: About Castro comment, Cubas healthcare is apparently amazing according to the few people Ive heard have used it.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I'm no fan of Trump but the record breaking votes cast in the Texas primaries has me, frankly, worried.

There is little correlation between primary turnout and general election strength. Only half of Republicans would be satisfied with Trump as their nominee.

We are witnessing the fracturing of the Republican party coalition. Evangelicals can't even unite behind the evangelical candidate. And you think a bloodied Republican party is going to trounce the most popular US Senator in the nation?


sparkle this bitch
I just saw the clip of Clinton saying on stage about Bernie's plans for college and healthcare "If it's too good to be true, it is." I'm shocked she would flat out just out unlike that when she will desperately need his supporters soon. Surely that won't play well to them. She essentially said what he believes, wants, as well as that of his supporters, is make believe.

I mean, I agree with her on that, but I'm still shocked she said it that clearly.

Well look at her support base. "We think she is more electable", "Its not settling for less, its being realistic", etc.

She has the backing of the regulars for the Democratic Party, but she isn't generating any excitement. She is paying it safe. She can't even say she is the more liberal candidate with Sanders out there stealing her thunder. We have someone who isn't expanding the base and probably won't be expanding upon Obama's numbers. He had about 5 million votes less in 2012, than in 2008. The Dems are a fickle base, while the Republicans with a weak ass candidate like Mitt, since pulled the same 60million.


The election depends on who will win working class women and Latinos.

Let's be honest. It doesn't matter if Sanders or Clinton win.

The young will vote for them, the blacks will vote for them, the Latinos will vote for them. Trump has poisoned that well on the Republican side for this election.

The biggest issue is going to be can they get their people out to vote. If they do, they'll crush the shrinking Republican Party. If not... well its going to be a close horse race.
Godammit, I never get to know when the demcoratic debates are in opposite to GOP debate which I get to know 2 days before.

Edit: About Castro comment, Cubas healthcare is apparently amazing according to the few people Ive heard have used it.

Cuba's healthcare is either the best in the world or right at the top. Politicians and leaders from central and south america often go to cuba to seek treatments instead of within their own nations for example and their doctors are considered to be among the best of the best

It's one of the few things Cuba got right after the revolution, really.
Missed the debate but saw a recap and oh boy, Bernie was amazing, dat Wall Street "I'm dangerous to them" line was the best. Would Hillgaf stop denying data and facts that Bernie would absolutely crush the racist xenophobic Trump in the GE please. Also the Cuban healthcare is great, just look at Fidel Castro, he out-lived his enemies.
If Hilary had no good answer to the wall street criticism, then it's obvious she's been a bit... oblivious to criticisms of her. She needs better advisors.

Her performance in general makes me nervous as well - I'm pro Hilary simply because I want a guaranteed win in the White House. I still think it's more likely but this debate could bump Bernie ahead (not sure how much, but it should have an impact).

Either way, there's so much shit that a Republican media machine could use to bring him down it'll be a nightmare for his team to keep up.

Agh i dunno - if only you could fuse Hillary and Bernie together.
I hear ya. For what it's worth, CNN factchecked Hillary's answer that she called out Wall Street on their subprime mortgage lending practices and their reckless behavior before the crisis, and they rated it True. She needs to package it better.


We are witnessing the fracturing of the Republican party coalition. Evangelicals can't even unite behind the evangelical candidate. And you think a bloodied Republican party is going to trounce the most popular US Senator in the nation?

I would genuinely be surprised if most people in the US (respectively speaking of course) could identify Sanders as 'the most popular US Senator in the nation' never mind have some kind of blind devotion to him.

The election depends on who will win working class women and Latinos.

These are the one number demographics for grumpy, pension age men.

Check and mate.

Would Hillgaf stop denying data and facts that socialist, atheist Bernie would absolutely crush the racist xenophobic Trump in the GE please.


Middle America loves dat socialism.


Cuba's healthcare is either the best in the world or right at the top. Politicians and leaders from central and south america often go to cuba to seek treatments instead of within their own nations for example and their doctors are considered to be among the best in the world.

It's one of the few things Cuba got right after the revolution, really.

Yeah, also saw the Benrie video where he talkes about Castro. Didn't seem like anything was wrong. So, what was wrong?
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