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Democratic National Primary Debate #1 |Tokyo2016| Rise of Mecha-Godzilla

GAF Definitive Conclusive Scientific Online Poll of Who Won

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I'm sure Americans aren't as stupid as you make them out to be.

In what way is the country quasi-socialist? What are you talking about?

The US has socialist institutions in it all ready. The government pays for roads, public education, social security, social welfare programs, and more just to name a few. These programs are socialist by nature.


So I wasn't the only one who found O'Malley dreamy. Anyway, very happy about democrats. A few good choices compared to absolutely none from the other side of the coin. My brothers were pretty happy too considering they're consistent voters.:)
I bet this guy thinks millions are pouring over the border.

Too late, I've already infected Gaf!


What, exactly, do you think Social Security is?

Who pays for our roads? Who pays for our military? The wages of federal workers? Unemployment benefits? Food stamps?

Did we bail out banks and GM? In capitalism, when you fail you fail and when you succeed you succeed - did you or did you not share some of your wealth with these corporations so society didn't implode?

The real question is, what are you talking about?

Back in the old days, when an emperor (let's say in Rome) wanted to invade another country and raised taxes to build an army up -- is that also socialism? Defining socialism as anything a government does or any sort of welfare (even if it's to protect the current capitalist system) is a seriously lacking definition. Having the government provide basic services, like social security, for example in no way addresses generalized wage labor even if people are receiving their wages from the government. It doesn't democratize the workplace, bring people closer to owning the means of production, or address the droit d'aubaine, or the right of the capitalist to appropriate the fruit of social labor.

The government bailing out large corporations, the military invading countries so American companies can profit, etc. are examples of crony capitalism. And it would be a huge mistake if you thought that's what socialists were advocating for.

Here is a relevant Friedrich Engels quote about why state ownership =/= socialism necessarily:
But of late, since Bismarck went in for State-ownership of industrial establishments, a kind of spurious Socialism has arisen, degenerating, now and again, into something of flunkyism, that without more ado declares all State-ownership, even of the Bismarkian sort, to be socialistic. Certainly, if the taking over by the State of the tobacco industry is socialistic, then Napoleon and Metternich must be numbered among the founders of Socialism.

If the Belgian State, for quite ordinary political and financial reasons, itself constructed its chief railway lines; if Bismarck, not under any economic compulsion, took over for the State the chief Prussian lines, simply to be the better able to have them in hand in case of war, to bring up the railway employees as voting cattle for the Government, and especially to create for himself a new source of income independent of parliamentary votes — this was, in no sense, a socialistic measure, directly or indirectly, consciously or unconsciously. Otherwise, the Royal Maritime Company, the Royal porcelain manufacture, and even the regimental tailor of the army would also be socialistic institutions, or even, as was seriously proposed by a sly dog in Frederick William III's reign, the taking over by the State of the brothels.


Gold Member
pls print


Democrat debate HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you mean the televised communist convention

Anyone who is impressed by the democratic debate is delusional and are the types of people who vote in Presidents like Obama


Every single Republican has to vote this time. All of us. We have to beat the dead, double voters and illegal votes. This is not going to be easy. The media will cover for any fraud like the did last time. We have to get everyone out this time. No voting 3rd party crap, it's a throw away vote and it only helps the Democrats. You're "statement" will not be heard with a 3rd party like what was done with Romney.

The Democrats showed there real color's last night. It was the biggest three ring circus when you get a sociallistic fool like Bernie sticking up for a corrupted Clinton who should be in JAIL GREAT news for the Republican's. These idiots made themselves look like the fools they are. VOTE VOTE VOTE!

This is a good one:

All the Repub candidates were watching the Dems' debate last night; they wanted to see the next president. :)


O'Malley had a weekly segment on a local sports talk show in the DC area while he was Mayor and Governor. He sounded like an average dude that you would want to hang out with and drink beer. He used to talk about his band a lot too. Rarely talked about politics on the show.

The hosts would give him shit about his bad sport picks and raz him with goofy codenames they gave him for Mayor and Governor.

He seemed like a good guy. Shrugs.


Just watched it. Overall Hillary didn't have to do to much seeing how weak everyone else was except for Bernie.

Some embarrassing facepalm moments for Hillary though.

On Wall Street: "Cut It Out!"

"How would you be different then Obama"
Hillary: "I'm a women"

and the biggest enemy "...Iranians...(giggle).."


Clinton had excellent presence. It's funny, I was commenting to my friend that I felt like her opening statement was like the host of a show greeting the audience moreso even than Cooper's who was actually a host actually greeting the audience.

She was all like, "Oh, hey there, America. I didn't see you there. My name is Hillary Clinton and welcome to my show. Take a seat. Tonight, we're going to mostly agree and talk a ton of shit about how incompetent the Republicans are. It's going to be a good time. C'mon, let's see what everyone has to say."


O'Malley had a weekly segment on a local sports talk show in the DC area while he was Mayor and Governor. He sounded like an average dude that you would want to hang out with and drink beer. He used to talk about his band a lot too. Rarely talked about politics on the show.

The hosts would give him shit about his bad sport picks and raz him with goofy codenames they gave him for Mayor and Governor.

He seemed like a good guy. Shrugs.

Beer and sports doesn't qualify anyone for the presidency, unfortunately.
Right off the bat, Rush Limbaugh says the entire debate was a total joke and one of the worst he has seen in over 30 years and that the democrats basically admitted being a socialist party.

This guy...


If Hillary is the nominee(it's still way too early) then she better put a progressive on the ticket to make sure enough progressives don't stray(because quite simply they don't like her). It's probably the only way I'd vote for her. I don't like Hillary. I hate her personality. I hate her corporatism. I hate her being spineless. Someone has to have a spine who is on the ticket with her.

This. Exactly this.

As far as 'throwing my vote away' and 'voting logically' - I've done that for five presidential cycles already and where has it gotten the progressive left?


Sanders did a really good job of being to the left of Hillary, but also positioning himself as someone that does not have the hatred for the Republican party that Hillary does.

Even though he is to the left of Hillary on most issues I think he appeals to moderate Republicans more than Hillary does. Anyone else get this impression?


O'Malley had a weekly segment on a local sports talk show in the DC area while he was Mayor and Governor. He sounded like an average dude that you would want to hang out with and drink beer. He used to talk about his band a lot too. Rarely talked about politics on the show.

The hosts would give him shit about his bad sport picks and raz him with goofy codenames they gave him for Mayor and Governor.

He seemed like a good guy. Shrugs.

Good of him to spend time doing that as his over policing destroyed Baltimore communities.


Just watched it. Overall Hillary didn't have to do to much seeing how weak everyone else was except for Bernie.

Some embarrassing facepalm moments for Hillary though.

On Wall Street: "Cut It Out!"

"How would you be different then Obama"
Hillary: "I'm a women"

and the biggest enemy "...Iranians...(giggle).."
" Cut it out! " is a slap on the wrist which is precisely what she'd handle Wallstreet and banks. She's being honest at least.


Gold Member
This. Exactly this.

As far as 'throwing my vote away' and 'voting logically' - I've done that for five presidential cycles already and where has it gotten the progressive left?

Obama's presidency has pretty much destroyed the republican party. So there's that.


This. Exactly this.

As far as 'throwing my vote away' and 'voting logically' - I've done that for five presidential cycles already and where has it gotten the progressive left?
Is the alternative just not voting? Seriously, it's that thinking that leads to progressives not showing up during midterms, and the progressive left losing time and time again.


This. Exactly this.

As far as 'throwing my vote away' and 'voting logically' - I've done that for five presidential cycles already and where has it gotten the progressive left?
A ton?

If Obama didn't win in 2008 we wouldn't have gay marriage nationwide right now, that is a fact. It was a 5-4 decision and Obama had two judge nominations that a Republican would otherwise get.

And the state of healthcare is much improved this past 8 years. Millions and millions of more people have health care that did not have it before.

What about re-establishing diplomatic and trade relations with Cuba? McCain nor Romney would have done so.

We have had major progressive reforms and advancements this past 8 years.

To deny we have had progressive advancements under Obama that we would not have got under a Republican is crazy.
Is there a video of when Bernie fell asleep listening to Webb? I can't seem to find it. Luckily it wasn't something that affected his debate performance since I don't think there was any way to respond to the crap Webb was saying. I just thought it was funny.


This. Exactly this.

As far as 'throwing my vote away' and 'voting logically' - I've done that for five presidential cycles already and where has it gotten the progressive left?

One could argue the Obama presidency paved the way for someone like Bernie Sanders to even run at all. He wouldn't have connected in 2008 like he is now. So at least there's that.


Is the alternative just not voting? Seriously, it's that thinking that leads to progressives not showing up during midterms, and the progressive left losing time and time again.

I'd sooner vote 3rd party than vote for the corporatist wing of the democrats. On social policy I largely align with them, but I'm pretty far off from them on economics. Call it 'wasting my vote', I call it 'fuck it, i'll throw my lot in with these folks in spite of the fact that it's not going to get me much of anywhere. it's still better than giving begrudging approval to shitty crony capitalism.'
" Cut it out! " is a slap on the wrist which is precisely what she'd handle Wallstreet and banks. She's being honest at least.


Sanders did a really good job of being to the left of Hillary, but also positioning himself as someone that does not have the hatred for the Republican party that Hillary does.

Even though he is to the left of Hillary on most issues I think he appeals to moderate Republicans more than Hillary does. Anyone else get this impression?

Yes. The "lol republicans are dumb" shit gets us nowhere.


This. Exactly this.

As far as 'throwing my vote away' and 'voting logically' - I've done that for five presidential cycles already and where has it gotten the progressive left?

Improved health insurance access, improved student loan repayment options, marriage equality, FCC and White House backing of net neutrality, a slew of progressive ballot measures that were passed just a year ago, and Bernie Sanders on stage.


This. Exactly this.

As far as 'throwing my vote away' and 'voting logically' - I've done that for five presidential cycles already and where has it gotten the progressive left?

Uh, like a million victories?

If you've done that for five cycles, that means you started voting left in 1996, for Bill's second term.

If you really don't think that there's been meaningful progressive change since then I am doubtful that you were paying attention in all those intervening years.


Uh, like a million victories?

If you've done that for five cycles, that means you started voting left in 1996, for Bill's second term.

If you really don't think that there's been meaningful progressive change since then I am doubtful that you were paying attention in all those intervening years.

Sure, socially. But economically?

I'd even argue that Obamacare is shitty law because it's more or less a large handout to private insurers rather than the single payer we should be trying, whether or not you think it's realistic in the current environment. It was a shitty compromise.


Obama's presidency has pretty much destroyed the republican party. So there's that.

If the GOP continues to lose at the Presidential level, their major donors are going to force the party to "evolve" in a more moderate direction (see also: Democrats after repeated losses in the 70s & 80s); this would move the political center of gravity for the country leftward.

And to the vote-wasters: how can you claim to care about progressivism with a straight face when you're willing to stick a SCOTUS-shaped shiv into its back if you don't get your way in the primaries? I ask this in all seriousness. Are you about a candidate.. or are you about causes? Because voting to doom those causes for a generation speaks volumes about your alleged seriousness. At the very least, you can vote in the general in a way that allows you to live to fight another day.


Improved health insurance access, improved student loan repayment options, marriage equality, FCC and White House backing of net neutrality, a slew of progressive ballot measures that were passed just a year ago, and Bernie Sanders on stage.

This. That these "progressives" that want shit as pie in the sky as the Tea Party and Freedom Caucus can look back at the Obama administration and see . . . nothing . . . simply don't pay attention in the least.


This. That these "progressives" that want shit as pie in the sky as the Tea Party and Freedom Caucus can look back at the Obama administration and see . . . nothing . . . simply don't pay attention in the least.

These types want a liberal socialist utopia or else they think its a complete waste. The tea party comparison for these are very very apt. It's all or nothing with them.


Hey lets be shortsighted and forget the party is literally falling apart before us.

Being short-sided is to think they are falling apart honestly. They had a huge landslide victory just last year.

And no, they aren't going to nominate Trump or Carson. Rubio is the safe bet for the nomination. GAF's beloved Nate Silver says he is the the odds on favorite to win the GOP nomination for example. People thinking the GOP is imploding despite having major major victories just last year and thinking they are going to nominate someone like Trump or Carson are not looking at things clearly.
Hey lets be shortsighted and forget the party is literally falling apart before us.

Let's not jump the gun here. People have been saying the republican party has been falling apart for years. We've been shown time and again that this isn't actually the case.


What are we measuring by? Senate, House, and state legislator seats? Governorships?

Demographics. We know that republicans are going to start loosing in great amounts within 10 years, they are trying to purge democratic voters in every state, there's a reason republicans focus so heavily on "ID laws" "voter taxes" and making it harder for college students to vote. They know what's coming


Right off the bat, Rush Limbaugh says the entire debate was a total joke and one of the worst he has seen in over 30 years and that the democrats basically admitted being a socialist party.

This guy...

guy implies that he's an actual human being and not just a pile of garbage


This. Exactly this.

As far as 'throwing my vote away' and 'voting logically' - I've done that for five presidential cycles already and where has it gotten the progressive left?
So have you been voting the midterms?

In 1996, you got continued Bill Clinton. Minimum wage increase, Children's Health Insurance Program, first global warming agreement, gun control, and a litany of other things.

In 2000 and 2004, the opposition got more votes. Promoting a more progressive candidate wouldn't have won those elections.

In 2008, we got Obama. Go see for yourself what you got.

I understand the value of my vote very simply: progress, regardless of how small or seemingly insignificant. The country is trending left. We're moving forwards, with the burden of the kicking and screaming right. Even if I don't get everything I want or get something not exactly what I wanted, I'm not frustrated by the lack of progress. Because there are 300 million other people with opinions that differ from mine, so the government that governs this mass of people will have to move slowly and compromise.

Did America elect a black president right after slavery ended? No. Did America elect a female president right after women got the right to vote? No. It's been over a hundred years for black people and decades for women, and those two are still struggling for equality today. Progress is going to happen slowly, no matter what. It's the ones who are impatient that give up.

If you only value the economic progress and handily brush aside the social progress of the past 16 years, well then, great, good for you. Would you like to turn to the 9 million people who became insured under Obamacare and say, "Hey, this shitty compromise bill is too bad for you, I know better" and then offer something that can't pass Congress? Because in the end, you don't have anything better; you have an ideal better, not an actual one.


Obama's presidency has pretty much destroyed the republican party. So there's that.
How so? Republicans in congress have gone along with him on several issues & his approval ratings are fairly average when compared to other presidents in their second term, about ready to leave office.


Demographics. We know that republicans are going to start loosing in great amounts within 10 years, they are trying to purge democratic voters in every state, there's a reason republicans focus so heavily on "ID laws" "voter taxes" and making it harder for college students to vote. They know what's coming

They'll probably just change their policies.


Sure, socially. But economically?

I'd even argue that Obamacare is shitty law because it's more or less a large handout to private insurers rather than the single payer we should be trying, whether or not you think it's realistic in the current environment. It was a shitty compromise.

I'd argue as someone who was able to stave off making the choice between no insurance (and potentially bankrupting out-of-pocket costs if something had ever happened to me) or taking on impossible-to-budget-for premiums at a time when I was barely able to pay rent, that Obamacare actually kind of improved my quality of life drastically and immediately. Does that count as a progressive win for me?

Yes a single-payer system would be ideal, but that doesn't exist (yet), this does. I can't get health coverage through a system that doesn't exist -- and thankfully, because of the groundwork laid by the ACA, a single-payer system is more feasible in the long-term now.

I hate to put it in threatening terms, but let's be clear about the facts: a progressive who doesn't vote for the Democrats ends up as a vote for the Republicans. If you're cool with Marco Rubio as president and an overwhelmingly conservative Supreme Court for the next several decades, then by all means, vote third-party to spite corporatist Democrats.


Sure, socially. But economically?

I'd even argue that Obamacare is shitty law because it's more or less a large handout to private insurers rather than the single payer we should be trying, whether or not you think it's realistic in the current environment. It was a shitty compromise.

Why do millions have to die while we wait for the perfect deal? You idealist need to realise that a compromise, sometimes, doesn't start your way.


Love the Esquire write up.

Lincoln Chafee: Looked and behaved like the other guy who's staying at the bed & breakfast you thought you had to yourself for the weekend. Chafee got the least speaking time of anyone, and made the least of it; he stood out only when he admitted not having known what Glass-Steagall was—he was new to the Senate! his father had just died!—when he voted in favor of it. "Everybody deserves a take-over," he insisted. Nope. Chafee is the Democratic Steve Doocy nobody asked for.

Jim Webb: Combined the visual appeal of Phil Simms at the end of a very long Sunday with the charm of a guy who's furious at you for dumping him. He spoke for around 15 minutes in total, at least 10 of which he spent complaining about how little time he was getting to speak. And then he mentioned that the political enemy he is most proud of having made in public office was the enemy soldier he killed in Vietnam. And then he smiled a deeply unsettling smile, like the Grinch getting a wonderful, awful idea. Goodbye, Jim Webb.


I'd argue as someone who was able to stave off making the choice between no insurance (and potentially bankrupting out-of-pocket costs if something had ever happened to me) or taking on impossible-to-budget-for premiums at a time when I was barely able to pay rent, that Obamacare actually kind of improved my quality of life drastically and immediately. Does that count as a progressive win for me?

Yes a single-payer system would be ideal, but that doesn't exist (yet), this does. I can't get health coverage through a system that doesn't exist -- and thankfully, because of the groundwork laid by the ACA, a single-payer system is more feasible in the long-term now.

I hate to put it in threatening terms, but let's be clear about the facts: a progressive who doesn't vote for the Democrats ends up as a vote for the Republicans. If you're cool with Marco Rubio as president and an overwhelmingly conservative Supreme Court for the next several decades, then by all means, vote third-party to spite corporatist Democrats.

I'm absolutely not saying it wasn't an improvement for people who needed coverage. That Barry had the Senate *and* the House and couldn't do better was a failure. That even members of the democratic party were so against it is a failure. I'm not actually so sure that a single payer system is any more feasible than it was given how against it even dems were.

And to sound spiteful, maybe eight years of full on crazy GOP control is exactly what this country needs to wake up. Awful tasting medicne? Maybe.
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