Aren't the repubs just going to change the rules and/or get rid of the filibuster, which means in the future they can push through anyone? I guess I am not seeing a great upside to this.
They can push through who they want regardless; I think this is the thing people are not understanding. The fillibuster for all intents and purposes is pointless and is merely symbolic.
Democrats can wait till the next nominee and fillibust that person and republicans can simply use the nuclear option and tadaa that nominee is pushed through.
The point is they'd rather have that fight over an actual terrible appointee
Semantics really because the end result doesn't change. No matter how Democrats play this they lose. Let Gorsuch go by now, they lose support among their base, next nominee will get fillibusted, nuclear option used, nomniee appointed anyway.
Like it's near 99% certain that the next nominee will be worse than Gorsuch regardless if Democrats fillibust Gorsuch or not.