If republicans pull the nuclear option for legislation there will be riots, fires, and deaths. I will welcome it too.
I welcome it now. The GOP stole a supreme court seat for a generation. Until I'm approaching retirement. And with the aid of a foreign power. Without a plurality of voters behind them.
I don't have the balls to do anything. I admit it. I'm weak. Perhaps someone else does. Fear for their own well being might whip them into shape where consideration for civil discourse and the principles of democracy failed.
I'm fucking done with discouraging violence. I won't encourage it. I won't organize it. Democracy only works with the consent of the losers. I will tolerate violence against those who have, by violation of this fundamental, unspoken rule, taken up arms against our democracy.
The GOP did not tolerate democracy when they lost. And when the democrat lost, republicans changed the rules to weaken then further. If they are targeted by others... so be it.
I can't believe I've reached this point where I am willing to discard my empathy. I feel like a monster. But, being tribal creatures who look to leadership for guidance and shaping of our behavior and morals (such is the power of language), against the onslaught of our political leaders as we have now, I am becoming lost.
I hope someone can arise to save me from my own moral downfall, and that time may take its toll on people like Mitch McConnell, so that it may mend my wounds.
Please, don't take this post as a call to arms. It's... really, it's a cry for help and an open cry of despair as I struggle with the realization that my own government is overtaken by people who seek to do me harm and undermine our own country whenever I obtain political power. I... can no longer deny that Republicans do not view me as a partner, but as an enemy, and have unilaterally, unquestionably rejected my relentless attempts at working towards common goals for the betterment of all of us. They do not view me as a partner, an ally, or even someone whose own happiness can in any way be correlated with their own and now, I realize there is no hope of changing their minds.