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Denis Dyack in 1up yours. NeoGAF is "hurting society," justifies having it shut down

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The bitterness in this thread is palpable. :lol

I've never seen such a pure concentration of butthurt nerd rage in one thread. And since this is GAF, that's saying a lot. Stinkles and other developers have the right of it, I think. At best they keep GAF at a arm's length and most of the time ignore the off-handed comments made by the posters around here and don't engage them in a e-fight.
Azih said:
Your assumption is completely incorrect. Jaffe completely called out Neogaf posters but he has enough social skills and understanding of how things actually work on forums in general and this forum in specific that he earned respect instead of derision.
Jaffe was born in the streets of gamerdom, he's one of us. Dyack seems to wants to appear as a man with a bloated intellectual being born on a high horse.


the only thing worse than dyack's remark is some of the posts in this thread :x

overall, a really painful experience to my head D:¬
Dyno said:
Where is the launch party? There is probably going to be one at/near the Silicon Knights head office right?

I'll go from Toronto and can drive a few others. ROAD TRIIIIIIIIIIIP!
You're not invited because Dyack didn't own you. =P

He only invites people he thinks he owned.


there is joy in sucking dick
Dyack disregarded Nietzsche the moment he made that "For or Against" thread. This scenario couldn't be anymore perfect.


jaundicejuice said:
I can't wait until Too Human is out and this can all be over with, or maybe it'll get even worse, who knows.

It'll be worse since Dyack we be blaming it's failure on everyone else.
Dyno said:
Change it at least for the Too Human launch date.

Where is the launch party? There is probably going to be one at/near the Silicon Knights head office right?

I'll go from Toronto and can drive a few others. ROAD TRIIIIIIIIIIIP!

If you're going through York Region I'll hop on.


Haven't listened to the whole podcast yet but I thought Denis had some interesting things to bring up. Like how we're so trained to categorize, put a number of everything and how it can affect our perceptions of things. Though the whole neogaf effect is surely blown out of proportion by him. The trick is I think if you're whoring out a product, you just have to be alot more attentive to how it's done in light of how bad our groupthink society is now. It's just the way it is.. helps if you have a good handle on the quality of your own product of course. But without that, good luck.


angelfly said:
It'll be worse since Dyack we be blaming it's failure on everyone else.

Thats the most annoying thing of all. It's not like people are bashing the game just to bash. Compare the Too Human footage to any other AAA title out there. Compare whatever you want....dialogue, art, character models, animation, gameplay clips. No comparison.

Denis talks big game but has yet to back it up with anything. I played the Too Human E3 demo and it was basically unplayable...yet instead of admitting to this he blames E3 itself. Now he is blaming Neogaf simply for calling out what simply is.

And yes this game is treated differently than most. We've been hearing about this game since N64 days and Denis has been talking smack the whole time. That brings some extra pre-hate into the air.

But still....can't wait for this demo. Denis should thank neogaf and all the negative publicity, because I am interested in Too Human because of it. If this were any other game I would be ignoring it based on the media shown and my E3 play through. But not Too Human. I need to see just how bad it is for myself


Can't he just be happy to have a game company and a trophy wife and leave all of us poor, lonely internet nerds alone?

Given all that he's got going for him, the fact that he cares about what GAF says about him at all makes him one of the world's most insecure people.

And what a pathetic pivot, BTW. Is that really the best MS PR could come up with?


Ravidrath said:
Can't he just be happy to have a game company and a trophy wife and leave all of us poor, lonely internet nerds alone?

Given all that he's got going for him, the fact that he cares about what GAF says about him at all makes him one of the world's most insecure people.

And what a pathetic pivot, BTW. Is that really the best MS PR could come up with?
I think Dyack is acting on his own. MS PR must be too busy to keep RARE on a tight lease and I bet this went under the radar because of all the recent leaks.
jaundicejuice said:
I find it kind of amusing that Mr. Dyack only seems to lash out and think things are in need of reform when he recieves criticism, be it constructive or not.

I haven't read through the entire thread and I really could have just quoted your entire post since it was so on point but the above quoted is all that needs to be said. We all know people like this in life, people who only see things as a problem when it doesn't serve their own purposes, and that's all DD seems to be doing here. If GAF and everyone else saw his game as the second coming that he's billed it as I'm sure his opinions about the evils of the internet would be entirely different.


after listening to the podcast and reading this thread....too human = day 1 for me.

its a historic game no matter how you look at it.

cant wait.


Blame! said:
after listening to the podcast and reading this thread....too human = day 1 for me.

its a historic game no matter how you look at it.

cant wait.

it already is.. it could very well be second only to duke as the longest game development cycle EVAR..

i just can't wait til the game comes out and it ends up being a giant bottle of piss.
Blame! said:
after listening to the podcast and reading this thread....too human = day 1 for me.

its a historic game no matter how you look at it.

cant wait.
While your at it, go and buy Action 52 and Big Rigs. Those two are historically the crappiest game of all time. :lol
macewank said:
it already is.. it could very well be second only to duke as the longest game development cycle EVAR..

i just can't wait til the game comes out and it ends up being a giant bottle of piss.

Damn appropriate, man.
I'd be interesting in hearing more about some of SK's policies in place that are there to keep people. Curious to see how they treat crunch and what some of the other perks are. It seems like Denis is really on that wagon, so would be nice to hear how he pays that out.
I wish to hear more of Denis' bloated pseudo-intellectual theories and discourse. Where might I sign up for the newsletter?

Oh wait, its ok, I'm registered on The Neogaf.


you can't put a price on sparks
bdouble said:
Wow this is whats wrong right here. What crappy games have they brought us so far?

people are too blind to see that most games are crap. you only realize it when you play a better game


glimmerman said:
I wish to hear more of Denis' bloated pseudo-intellectual theories and discourse. Where might I sign up for the newsletter?

Oh wait, its ok, I'm registered on The Neogaf.

I can just imagine him sitting there air-quoting "reciprocity".


This whole thread, podcast, interview and forum is beautiful. How one man can get so worked up over people scrutinizing his work.

It's just people saying things openly and he gets hurt. All the time.

I have to smile when he talks about us being shut down, as if there's some Internet police to do that. God damn. What a great thread to read on July 4th!
I still cant believe a MS PR drone hasn't shut him down yet.

Denis, if you're listening, please, stop talking and just finish the game.
2 rare crash bugs are 2 too many.
Ok that's it I demand 1up to call up one of Gaf's Moderators or Kittonwy for a rebuttal.

come on please!

think about it, more hits to the web, more views to the podacast (I haven't listened to it in months until now) and you will be making history.
I'm about 10 minutes in also and don't really understand what he's ranting about. Whats does Peter Drucker have to do with making a game that may or may not be mediocre.


glimmerman said:
I still cant believe a MS PR drone hasn't shut him down yet.

Denis, if you're listening, please, stop talking and just finish the game.
2 rare crash bugs are 2 too many.

PR people should carry tranquilizer guns.


Unconfirmed Member
jaundicejuice said:
I can't wait until Too Human is out and this can all be over with, or maybe it'll get even worse, who knows.

Imagine what it will be like with teh sequel :lol .


X26 said:
...if it comes out
It will, when HP enters the console market after the gaming wars of 2092. Dyack will be little more than a floating head bitching and spending more time ranting about NeoGaf than actually making the game.


I often want to shout out during the middle of the podcasts to make a point, and one time in this one I wanted to do it more than ever:

When Garnett brought up how the industry was moving away from forums now more than ever, and used Guitar Hero, Rock Band, etc. I just wanted to say:

THE WII YOU MORANS. It's the fastest selling console of all time, and it's the antithesis of all that 'hardcore' forums stand for.

...Dyack to make a Wii game?
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