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Denis Dyack in 1up yours. NeoGAF is "hurting society," justifies having it shut down

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Drek said:
Sounds to me like he's realizing that the game is mediocre at best, previews are calling it out as such, and so now his tactic is to deflect away from the mediocrity of his own work and instead attach it's likely lack of success onto negative comments stemming from a message board.

That's ultimately all in the hopes of finding some company foolish enough to fund another big project for him.

This is why I think people don't care about his claims that it's some sort of social experiment, because we know in a couple of months when all the reviews are out, and it's hated the world over, he'll have to shut his fucking mouth.


Kusagari said:
Everyone hates us but they all lurk here for news anyway.

Aint that the truth. Back when I used to just be a 100% Gamefaqs guy (message boards and faqs) people used to post the news here, but say everyone here was too negative for their own good. Now that im a member (and have been for awhile) i'd say its the complete opposite (except for a few key topics :lol ).
Cataferal said:
Im surprised GAF's held out for 4 pages without posting a mock-up of Dyack. Could it be that we've grown up (and therefore implying he hasn't)?

No. We just feel really, REALLY bad for him now.


Cataferal said:
Im surprised GAF's held out for 4 pages without posting a mock-up of Dyack. Could it be that we've grown up (and therefore implying he hasn't)?

I think it's because of this, which sums it up quite well:

EviLore said:
Bewilderment. Amusement. Pity.

I mean really, what do you even do at this point? I am just sitting here, literally amazed at this guy.


Why haven't 180 people been banned now? If I wanted to move in and shut that place down, do I have grounds under their own forum policy?"

Assuming, he's not lying, I just realised that he actually:

1. Count the number of people who offends him (and probably jot down their screen names)
2. Comb through the forum policy with fine precision and see which one can be used against GAF.

All of those times can be used to refine his game. *shakes head*




just tray

If he spent nearly half the energy he spends foaming at the mouth at gaf in making great games....

What a fuckin' waste of potential


So basically:

Denis says GAF is CHANGING SOCIETY :)lol) and then uses that to start his conversation about how some books made him see the big picture.

I can understand in some ways why Denis is upset, especially over excessive personal attacks, but he's out of his mind. Mega pretentious.
hoo hah! you all have fallen into my elaborate ruse! my comments were made ironically, to expose those lacking critical thinking skills! it was a troll of a troll of a troll. perhaps even what im writing right now is not meant to be taken literally? the acumen drought afflicting modern society is a concept fully explored in the upcoming Too Human - or is it?. again, i win, you lose, suck my dick, bye bye


Aw shit, posted in the wrong thread. Anyway, the forum-like comment sections for IMDB are - give or take youtube comments - the absolute nadir of human existence but nobody would say it's hurting the movie industry much less damaging society itself. :lol

Can't wait to listen to what promises to be one hell of a podcast tomorrow. :D I never read past the first 20 replies on his 'for/against' thread as I thought it was dumb, but at least at the time I sort of assumed he was doing it as a wry joke and took it as a sign that he wasn't taking himself too seriously at least. Had I known he was not actually giving a winking nod to the great unwashed but instead using the thread as some sort of petri dish for his wacky brand of social science I might have read a few more pages. Or at least stuck around to catch a few animated gifs. ;)


hyperbolically metafictive
KefkaTaran said:
Wha? I was not thinking about my bosses or Microsoft PR remotely when I wrote that. I was just doing my best to sum up a wild hour-long segment with Dyack that was unlike anything I've sat in on before. If I sound confused, it's because Dyack talked about a LOT of stuff and I was trying to make a succinct story about it.

and you don't find any of this...funny? like, you can pass on Denis Dyack's Recommended Reading for Video Game Message Board Reformers with a perfectly straight face? i don't know, i guess you're a better game journalist than i could ever be


Find a new windmill Denis Quixote.

Scott Miller has plenty of time to waste on stuff like this, but do you?

Link Man

Alright, Denis, close GAF down. Let's see how many GAFers buy your game.

How would that be for a social experiment?
Kinda understand how Denis feels. The amount of trolling in any Too Human thread is just ridiculous. Eh, whatever though. I'll just stay away from the Too Human threads here since no real discussion of the game will ever be presented.


Mrs. Harvey
That's pretty selfish of him. For one, this is a gaming forum, stuff gets thrown around because it's the nature of criticism that has existed since the golden age of gaming.
Dear god.

Denis, NeoGAF is a lot less influential than you think when it comes to what people buy. People buy great, well-made games. Go work on Too Human and earn the respect of the naysayers with a great game. That's kind of the way it works.

Are the cheap shots hurtful? I'm sure they are, and I'm sorry some of the posters here aren't a little more mature, but your attitude and actions aren't helping. I'm amazed and a little ashamed that the guy behind the incredible Eternal Darkness is acting like this.


What the hell kind of country do we live in again?

GAF is going to be shut down because of opinions.:lol

Listening now but why the hell is there stuttering in the audio?


But seriously I don't think developers should be hanging out game forums to a certain extent. No one needs to battle with their fans or take everything everyone has to say into consideration.
drohne said:
and you don't find any of this...funny? like, you can pass on Denis Dyack's Recommended Reading for Video Game Message Board Reformers with a perfectly straight face? i don't know, i guess you're a better game journalist than i could ever be

I'd be interested in reading the stuff that got him thinking this stuff, so I guess so. But it's not like writing a list of books that he talks about and putting in links is particularly difficult.

Tom Penny

All of you are jerks. Kicking a man when he's feeling down . He poured his heart and soul into Too Human and it probably is going suck nuts. Isn't that punishment enough? I don't think he needs more people adding flames to that fire.


Night_Trekker said:
Dear god.

Denis, NeoGAF is a lot less influential than you think when it comes to what people buy.

I doubt the entire enthusiast press along with every notable gaming forum in existence make that much of a difference.


No additional functions
Wow. Is he like a Canadian or what? So much for Protest the Hero. Seriously, NeoGAF is in decline, but he is such a huge part of the problem that it's ridiculous. He's saying that we're going to be shut down for free speech while he's spewing his garbage all over the place? Someone should start a petition to buy this guy a mirror so he knows what a hypocrite looks like. Anyway, whatever he's smoking I want some of it. Oh wait, whoops...I live in the U.S.
Yeah I've been drinking and it's still legal here, go 4th of July and Independence Day YEAH! Hope I didn't make a typo for my dumb-ass American schooling...

Edit -
Did you know hypocrit is actuallly spelled hypocrite? Mods and Admins should look into a spell checker. That's the real travesty here. It makes us uneducated folks look uneducated:/


OpinionatedCyborg said:
hoo hah! you all have fallen into my elaborate ruse! my comments were made ironically, to expose those lacking critical thinking skills! it was a troll of a troll of a troll. perhaps even what im writing right now is not meant to be taken literally? the acumen drought afflicting modern society is a concept fully explored in the upcoming Too Human - or is it?. again, i win, you lose, suck my dick, bye bye



Tom Penny said:
All of you are jerks. Kicking a man when he's feeling down . He poured his heart and soul into Too Human and it probably is going suck nuts. Isn't that punishment enough? I don't think he needs more people adding flames to that fire.

Thousands of other developers have had to make do, why should he be different? You make something bad, people call you out on it. Haze and LAIR suffered a similar thing, but did the devs come bursting on to the GAF making threats and other stupid statements?

No. he needs to get over it already. The guy holds the meanest grudge I've ever known on a forum.


Can't manage for sh!t
Did you guys ever read Enders Game? Do you think it's coming true? Not the part about the bugs attacking earth mind you. In Enders game people took people seriously about what they wrote in their blogs and or message boards. Maybe were finally to that point. It's time we all had one and only one user name and were held accountable for what we say.


OK, Listening to this now. Amazing. Garnett saying that Dyack "snapped". "I didn't snap"

And now Dyack is talking about moral imperatives and outsourcing in business. how the fuck is this related to trolling on GAF?

and now Nazis get a mention out of left field.



Holy crap. Are you guys listening? Denis officially apologizes to Kittonwy! Then goes to invite him to the Too Human launch party.

Also, I haven't yet heard him say that NeoGaf needs to be shut down or anything.


Ok, I'm listening to Denis right now, about 20 minutes in, and he's got a serious case of verbal diarrhea. What. The. Fuck.
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