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Denis Dyack in 1up yours. NeoGAF is "hurting society," justifies having it shut down

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So I'm a few minutes into this Dyack segment of the podcast and.....will he actual talk about the game at one point?


Kittonwy said:
I r hurtin society? Onoz.

Dyack said:
"NeoGAF and other forums like this that don't have good management are not only hurting society and hurting the videogame industry, they're in decline, and they need to reform quickly before people stop listening to them.... If the moderators and people who run the site think they aren't doing any damage, they are sorely mistaken, and it's only a matter of time before something bad happens."

So Kittonwy, in your delusional reality are you management, a moderator, and/or one of the people who run this site?
I've gotta give some credit to Garnett in this podcast though, it seems like he's the only one that isn't afraid to counter Dyack's points.

When Dyack speaks, he always sounds like he's trying to say something completely profound, even if its the basic observation that anonymous internet posting leads to people acting like assholes. And Garnett has not been afraid to just say in short term, "well, yeah, no shit."


Kefkataran, you're a good soldier. But this battle's over. It's time to get while the getting's good.

Don't be Denis Dyack's Eva Braun.


xbhaskarx said:
So Kittonwy, in your delusional reality are you management, a moderator, and/or one of the people running this site?


including... (dum dum dum) You!!


I can't think of one game I've helped make that GAF hasn't at one time or another made fun of and I'm still here.



Combine said:
Holy crap. Are you guys listening? Denis officially apologizes to Kittonwy! Then goes to invite him to the Too Human launch party.

Where a bunch of execution troops are waiting for him.....


Gaf, I'm disappointed. I came in here expecting tastless .gifs and all I get are reasoned arguments and commentary. Anyone have a link to the original thread for the obscenely lazy? :D


I wonder if there are any other games that got as much shit from the forums as Too Human. How did the devs of those games react?


"I went through all of this for two reasons.... If you're going to look at the NeoGAF forum as a non-profit organization, if it does not reform itself, it's eventually going to crumble. There's going to be a point where they step over the line where someone's going to shut them down. That would be a loss for everyone.... The question I have to ask the moderators of GAF: Are you going to follow your own rules? With people making GIFs of myself that are, I would say, attacking me.... Why haven't 180 people been banned now? If I wanted to move in and shut that place down, do I have grounds under their own forum policy?"

Dyack concludes, "NeoGAF and other forums like this that don't have good management are not only hurting society and hurting the videogame industry, they're in decline, and they need to reform quickly before people stop listening to them.... If the moderators and people who run the site think they aren't doing any damage, they are sorely mistaken, and it's only a matter of time before something bad happens."



Like no one saw this happening though. A UBISOFT guy got pissed at the ticklez meter Prince of Persiaz gif, yet the DS version of the game ACTUALLY turned out to look strikingly similar.
So is this the official 1Up Yours podcast topic for this week? (now that the other one was locked)

Maybe I haven't been here long enough but I much rather read people's reactions to the games that were discussed then some moderately well known individual paying attention to my little corner of the internet


:lol :lol

"still percolating."

when I listen to Denis talk about some of these big ideas, I feel just like my avatar.




Except, he used his LAST NAME in his username, making him easy to track after going out of his way to PM a harmless message board poster to insult him.

Right, Denis.
Draft said:
Kefkataran, you're a good soldier. But this battle's over. It's time to get while the getting's good.

Don't be Denis Dyack's Eva Braun.

I'm not defending Dyack, I'm defending my write-up. I'll withhold my opinions on Dyack and the ideas he presented.


HamPster PamPster said:
Maybe I haven't been here long enough but I much rather read people's reactions to the games that were discussed then some moderately well known individual paying attention to my little corner of the internet
you haven't been here long enough


h3ro said:
I wonder if there are any other games that got as much shit from the forums as Too Human. How did the devs of those games react?

Games have gotten way more shit. The devs are usually smart enough to not talk back. If they do, then the drama is less about a shit game being a shit game and more about a dev being psycho enough to take on a forum of unruly gamers. :lol


Dyack makes one decent point:

The question I have to ask the moderators of GAF: Are you going to follow your own rules? With people making GIFs of myself that are, I would say, attacking me.... Why haven't 180 people been banned now?

Unfortunately it's surrounded by a sea of totally illogical crazyness and is therefore moot.

Dude, I got this stupid tag for defending your game in the Wired thread, and now days later you're making bizarre indefensible statements that make absolutely no sense.
This game really better be good or I'm voting "AGAINST" next time...


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Draft said:
Kefkataran, you're a good soldier. But this battle's over. It's time to get while the getting's good.

Don't be Denis Dyack's Eva Braun.
omg draft bow

Oh dear


xbhaskarx said:
Dyack makes one decent point:

Unfortunately it's surrounded by a sea of totally illogical crazyness and is therefore moot.

Dude, I got this stupid tag for defending your game in the Wired thread, and now days later you're making bizarre indefensible statements that make absolutely no sense.
This game really better be good or I'm voting "AGAINST" next time...

i thought the game was gold.. and bad? I don't think any amount of hoping will make it good


"I went through all of this for two reasons.... If you're going to look at the NeoGAF forum as a non-profit organization, if it does not reform itself, it's eventually going to crumble. There's going to be a point where they step over the line where someone's going to shut them down. That would be a loss for everyone.... The question I have to ask the moderators of GAF: Are you going to follow your own rules? With people making GIFs of myself that are, I would say, attacking me.... Why haven't 180 people been banned now? If I wanted to move in and shut that place down, do I have grounds under their own forum policy?"

Dyack concludes, "NeoGAF and other forums like this that don't have good management are not only hurting society and hurting the videogame industry, they're in decline, and they need to reform quickly before people stop listening to them.... If the moderators and people who run the site think they aren't doing any damage, they are sorely mistaken, and it's only a matter of time before something bad happens."


C'mon Dennis, this shit is getting ridiculous. If your game is as good as you say it is, then let it do the talking for you rather than badly responding to so called attacks that will only prompt more. You are losing a lot of respect for very little good reason due to your recent antics.


:lol I really want to listen to the podcast now, but it's just past 5am here so I'll have to save it till later.


All I'm gonna say is that Dyack is making himself look like an ass. Move on and talk about your game and solely your game, Dyack. Take attention away from Too Human trolling; don't add to it.


xbhaskarx said:
Dyack makes one decent point:

Unfortunately it's surrounded by a sea of totally illogical crazyness and is therefore moot.

Dude, I got this stupid tag for defending your game in the Wired thread, and now days later you're making bizarre indefensible statements that make absolutely no sense.
This game really better be good or I'm voting "AGAINST" next time...
The problem is that he is in the public eye. He is not Joe anonymous on the forum, which is who the policy was designed to protect.


I just finished listening to the 1up Yours segment, and there just are no words. This is apparently the most Serious Business that has ever occurred to Denis. I can almost respect and understand what he's getting it, but I think someone in the other thread said it best, that this is like someone writing their master thesis about their trip to Starbucks that morning. It's just so bizarre how he can talk and think about stuff like this, but then he still comes back here to try to defend his game, make the for/against thread, etc. You would think that he would realize that it would be best to just get his game out, and let people judge it for themselves, and you'd only be seeing a tenth of what's occurring now. If the people who had made Lair and Haze were posting here before their games came out just like he is and was, there would have been the exact same blowback. You're being singled out like this as a direct response to what you're doing and continuing to do Denis, don't try to pull this high and mighty act.


Diablos said:

Except, he used his LAST NAME in his username, making him easy to track after going out of his way to PM a harmless message board poster to insult him.

Right, Denis.

Denis really said that?
It's over.

just tray

1up:Denis WTF are you talking about?

This dudes hatred for Gaf has turned into his personal religion.The jihadist wing of Silicon Knights will be launching D.O.S. attacks any time now. We need a Gaf Terror alert system


I have no beef with Denis, I'm not a fan of the way GAF has treated him or his game, and I'm hoping his game is good.

Denis actually makes a few interesting points, and I feel for him, but all of his good points are lost in his sea of melodrama. He really takes this stuff to seriously. GAF is news mixed with entertainment. GAF hasn't treated him or his game fairly, but life isn't fair, and GAF certainly isn't fair. This isn't a place for even, fair discussion relating to videogames, as much as that might be cool to have somewhere.

Besides, society wouldn't collapse due to behavior on GAF. As people who participate in society, the way people act effects the way people behave on GAF. Besides, who really behaves the same way on GAF as in real life? There's a huge disconnect.
Oh shit, Dyack finally said something smart in his fumble.

NeoGraph. Someone make this website. Sales data just got a new home, baby!


Dyack you compromised your game by removing puzzles and turning it into a hack n slash to suit the Xbox audience. You added Diablo loot to make it more familiar to PC gamers. The game has changed many times over the years, you compromise your dream and you take six-ten years to put out an unpolished product. You promise art and put out choppy animation.


Honestly, since you read this, I think you have a self esteem issue. The lack of accountability here is only a reflection of the lack of accountability in the industry. If you are so concerned about it then you should look at the bigger part of the pie, which NeoGaf simply is not.


Linkzg said:
Oh shit, Dyack finally said something smart in his fumble.

NeoGraph. Someone make this website. Sales data just got a new home, baby!

it could be a sister site! and I'm at the same point in the podcast as you :D


tak said:
The problem is that he is in the public eye. He is not Joe anonymous on the forum, which is who the policy was designed to protect.

People who troll preview threads for other games are usually banned, whereas it's encouraged in Too Human preview threads.
As far as Dyack personally, he deserves whatever the internets throws at him after this latest ridiculousness.
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