The situation with "new" legendary weapons is interesting to me, they put out these new guns with negligible differences to the last one and your immediate reaction is who cares? what's the point?
This is where the content creators step in and start putting out hype videos for every single gun like it's the second coming, "50+ DEFEATS IN CRUCIBLE!!!" where they've been shooting plebs in the back in control and "MELTS STRIKE BOSSES" like that's some achievement, I don't blame them for this they're just trying to make money.
Anyway the videos go out and all of a sudden their followers are now compelled to grind their asses off to get the god roll on this new weapon they never knew they needed until they saw this magical video, before you know it they're showing their god roll to their friends in their Destiny sub-community on whatever site or forum and talking about how easy it was to get (lol) and how "it slaps in PVP" or "it's great for ad clear" how many times have we heard this crap? Hey presto that's another small destiny community with a reason to go grind for this new gun that they never needed to begin with. This shit spreads like wildfire from the initial hundreds of videos per weapon, to the followers, then to the friends of the followers, then to the friends of the friends of the followers. Everyone's just grinding this shit because they don't want to be the person that doesn't have it, it's more like a CULT than a fanbase at this point.
I wish this was as crazy as it sounds

but this is literally how the game works and Bungie knows how to play the game so well.