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Destiny 2: The Witch Queen |OT|


Yeah very frustrating, i've basically given up chasing the chest piece so hard. I'm just gonna focus on getting more base light level to 1590 for my gear and some other stuff. As the chest piece LS pops up in rotation i'll prob bang out a few runs but i'm not gonna beat my head against the wall anymore. Isn't worth it.
Same here. If I get it, great....if I don't, no prob! I remember I was really chasing after Eyes and it ended up dropping on my 15th or 16th run. I didn't care to chase after Vex Mythoclast but I really wanted the Fatebringer (one my favorites) and I ended up getting it, can't remember what run it was though haha.


I got my 5th RB Retrofit Escapade today as a pinnacle !!! I didn't need another heavy pinnacle but it was my 5th RB so i can craft so i'm happy. Even without running with a volatile rounds build it's a really good machine gun. I am 2 or 3 pinnacles away from getting full 1590 base power now. Had a few pinnacle dupes today though bleh. Have maybe 2 more pinnacles i can get this week? I turned the game off... burnt out today haha i'll check it out tomorrow.
If I want to try this out, any reason to buy anything at the start or should I just go through the initial mission sequences that come with the free version?


If I want to try this out, any reason to buy anything at the start or should I just go through the initial mission sequences that come with the free version?

From a seasoned vet, don't put any money into this pit til you know if it's something that can sustain your interest. Although as somebody that recently made a new character to see the experience, there is not alot to do in the FTP version and less explanation on what to do. Maybe check out if there are any YT suggestions of order to do stuff to help explain since almost all the story mission stuff is gone from the game due to the seasonal build


From a seasoned vet, don't put any money into this pit til you know if it's something that can sustain your interest. Although as somebody that recently made a new character to see the experience, there is not alot to do in the FTP version and less explanation on what to do. Maybe check out if there are any YT suggestions of order to do stuff to help explain since almost all the story mission stuff is gone from the game due to the seasonal build
Well, the positive spin on that is, given people like Elden Ring for it (the game does not explain to you), Destiny 2 has made that part of the new player experience! :D

As for jumping in now, he can certainly buy a season to 'get a taste' of Destiny with the new exotic weapon.
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more or less what I observed of what's going on in Iron Banner this week. that and screw hand cannons and shot guns.


shamelessly stolen from r/Destiny2


more or less what I observed of what's going on in Iron Banner this week. that and screw hand cannons and shot guns.


shamelessly stolen from r/Destiny2

Haven't touched IB due to time restraints this week, but man can we just go back to rotating Clash/D1 Control as the modes? I hate all these stupid modes they are testing in IB just to say how many people engage. THEY WANT THE D1 ARMOR YOU STUPID FUCKS!


So I finally sat down and have played 4-5 IB games so far...why does Bungie want every mode to be Mayhem? None of this stuff is balanced and this mode might as well be called Bubble Titan/Well of Radiance Banner. Is the meta now just abilities then? Cause I get killed by twice as many abilities as I do guns tonight. I remember that time Bungie said they were gonna tone down abilities to let guns shine, I guess that guy doesn't work there anymore. How does one get the new IB Armor? Haven't seen any yet


So I finally sat down and have played 4-5 IB games so far...why does Bungie want every mode to be Mayhem? None of this stuff is balanced and this mode might as well be called Bubble Titan/Well of Radiance Banner. Is the meta now just abilities then? Cause I get killed by twice as many abilities as I do guns tonight. I remember that time Bungie said they were gonna tone down abilities to let guns shine, I guess that guy doesn't work there anymore. How does one get the new IB Armor? Haven't seen any yet
They have to balance it in such a way where everyone is happy. I personally don't understand why people want to tone down the use of abilities — that is what makes Destiny 2 unique from 'other' shooters and it is a sci-fi shooter after all where your character does have superhuman abilities.

As for the bubble strategy, a Warlock with Nova bomb can easily counter that. Hell, I was playing as a Hunter yesterday and I snuck into the bubble and dropped a grenade in there and dodged out of there and got like 4 kills. What is wrong with people just using the options given to them in a game? specially when counters exist?

Maybe instead of trying to remove focus on abilities in PVP, they should add a specific mode for those that just want weapons only. That might help keep everyone happy?
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They have to balance it in such a way where everyone is happy. I personally don't understand why people want to tone down the use of abilities — that is what makes Destiny 2 unique from 'other' shooters and it is a sci-fi shooter after all where your character does have superhuman abilities.

As for the bubble strategy, a Warlock with Nova bomb can easily counter that. Hell, I was playing as a Hunter yesterday and I snuck into the bubble and dropped a grenade in there and dodged out of there and got like 4 kills. What is wrong with people just using the options given to them in a game? specially when counters exist?

Maybe instead of trying to remove focus on abilities in PVP, they should add a specific mode for those that just want weapons only. That might help keep everyone happy?

Players have been asking for non abilities mode for years, bungie will never provide it because the numbers would collapse for ability pvp modes and they can't have that for ego sake, same reason they'll never admit gambit is a complete failure. Any GOOD Titan will smoke you entering a bubble before you can drop anything inside of it, and I only had time to play my hunter so couldn't swap to a class I don't want to play to deal with the 3 bubbles at a time. If they could take the mechanics of this IB and remove even the supers from the mix it'd be a great mode, but they don't have any competent people working on the pvp side of the game anymore, otherwise they would have been able to predict this outcome and the hatred the playerbase has for this current IB.

I was hoping this IB would be good, and maybe give me reason to keep playing but I think I may be done. There are too many things I am expected to do a week to keep up with content that I don't have the squad or time to do. I'm missing weapon patterns from multiple raids and dungeon activities and then I realize I'm only playing trying to unlock patterns for guns I may someday use during the 1 month span of new content that I grind through and then have nothing to do again. This game for me personally has been so many steps backwards from what Destiny 1 was, I wish they'd put an axe in this and work on a new one entirely with some of the things that were good in D2 (Basically just mantling). The balance across the board just doesn't work, and they can't keep balance anywhere in a good spot. This game needed a Taken King style reset to remove outlier guns from the pool and slow power creep. There are reasons they got rid of Ice Breaker and Pocket Infinity and others for a while in D1. Witherhoard needs to go away, it's too hard to balance in their mayhem every mode PVP and it's too strong even with the nerf in PVE. But in the end it doesn't matter, they will continue to put in the bare minimum amount of effort while charging you all a premium to keep playing their shit seasonal content and they will ride out the fumes of this dead car for another year.


Players have been asking for non abilities mode for years, bungie will never provide it because the numbers would collapse for ability pvp modes and they can't have that for ego sake, same reason they'll never admit gambit is a complete failure. Any GOOD Titan will smoke you entering a bubble before you can drop anything inside of it, and I only had time to play my hunter so couldn't swap to a class I don't want to play to deal with the 3 bubbles at a time. If they could take the mechanics of this IB and remove even the supers from the mix it'd be a great mode, but they don't have any competent people working on the pvp side of the game anymore, otherwise they would have been able to predict this outcome and the hatred the playerbase has for this current IB.

I was hoping this IB would be good, and maybe give me reason to keep playing but I think I may be done. There are too many things I am expected to do a week to keep up with content that I don't have the squad or time to do. I'm missing weapon patterns from multiple raids and dungeon activities and then I realize I'm only playing trying to unlock patterns for guns I may someday use during the 1 month span of new content that I grind through and then have nothing to do again. This game for me personally has been so many steps backwards from what Destiny 1 was, I wish they'd put an axe in this and work on a new one entirely with some of the things that were good in D2 (Basically just mantling). The balance across the board just doesn't work, and they can't keep balance anywhere in a good spot. This game needed a Taken King style reset to remove outlier guns from the pool and slow power creep. There are reasons they got rid of Ice Breaker and Pocket Infinity and others for a while in D1. Witherhoard needs to go away, it's too hard to balance in their mayhem every mode PVP and it's too strong even with the nerf in PVE. But in the end it doesn't matter, they will continue to put in the bare minimum amount of effort while charging you all a premium to keep playing their shit seasonal content and they will ride out the fumes of this dead car for another year.
I don't know man. I feel like the game is better with the supers vs without having them, given we have games like COD where the gun play is also good, but no supers. Removing the differentiator of Destiny 2 kinda goes against its DNA. I know this is just my opinion but I like the game for the different abilities our Guardians have. A friend of mine does not play it simply for the sci-fi aspects, he plays COD. I kinda get where you are coming from but for me, I want there to be supers and the different unique weaponry — including the Witherhoard. Before Destiny 1/Destiny 2 came out, Resistance 1 is what I looked at for the unique, sci-fi like weapons. It didn't have any supers but in multiplayer I would always play as the Chimera due to the see through walls aspect but the cost was your health.

I have been able to counter the bubble easily with my Warlock, and even managed it as I said with my Hunter. Most of the complaints by people I am reading focus more on the grind to get the shader over the use of bubble but there are those too.

I guess, we are like on the opposite ends of the spectrum lol. I love the modes for the reasons you are not liking.

in case anyone is still missing some armor mods, looks like they're unlocking all of those (with the exception of raid mods) for everyone. no longer will you have to wait ages for Ada-1 to sell the mod you're missing, which I know is something a lot of newer players had asked for. great change there.

Been wondering which version to get as well

personally, I suggest to try the free version first, and wait for a sale to buy a complete pack if you feel you might be interested in investing more into it. short of that, I feel Beyond Light and Witch Queen would be must have, despite some of the flaws.



in case anyone is still missing some armor mods, looks like they're unlocking all of those (with the exception of raid mods) for everyone. no longer will you have to wait ages for Ada-1 to sell the mod you're missing, which I know is something a lot of newer players had asked for. great change there.

personally, I suggest to try the free version first, and wait for a sale to buy a complete pack if you feel you might be interested in investing more into it. short of that, I feel Beyond Light and Witch Queen would be must have, despite some of the flaws.

Yeah i saw this tweet yesterday, about damn time! I went SO LONG without several of the mods i didn't catch in whatever seasons and i've been playing since launch. I can't imagine how much worse it was for people that are just getting into the game. Such a dumb decision decision in the first place.

Today is another solo legend chest lost sector day... might as well beat my head against the wall some more with my hunter trying to pull a decent gyrfalcon. At least i got my light level higher (1606) and the retrofit escapade crafted with the proper perks (not enhanced just yet, but soon - prob later today)

I gotta say, even running the lost sector last week with my half ass gyrfalcon, witherhoard, and retrofit esc with crappier role i was able to chew through it in around 3 minutes, felt good. Hopefully this week is better haha
Yeah i saw this tweet yesterday, about damn time! I went SO LONG without several of the mods i didn't catch in whatever seasons and i've been playing since launch. I can't imagine how much worse it was for people that are just getting into the game. Such a dumb decision decision in the first place.

Today is another solo legend chest lost sector day... might as well beat my head against the wall some more with my hunter trying to pull a decent gyrfalcon. At least i got my light level higher (1606) and the retrofit escapade crafted with the proper perks (not enhanced just yet, but soon - prob later today)

I gotta say, even running the lost sector last week with my half ass gyrfalcon, witherhoard, and retrofit esc with crappier role i was able to chew through it in around 3 minutes, felt good. Hopefully this week is better haha

I feel, after I get the drop from Legend LS, as long as it's not complete dog poo, it's probably easier right now to farm some high stat legendary armor pieces to compliment that exotic armor instead of trying to farm the exact stat drop of that exotic.


I feel, after I get the drop from Legend LS, as long as it's not complete dog poo, it's probably easier right now to farm some high stat legendary armor pieces to compliment that exotic armor instead of trying to farm the exact stat drop of that exotic.
Normly I would agree but the three gyrfalcon pieces I've gotten to drop from lost sectors have stats that are split almost even down the middle, so it makes it near impossible to focus a specific build with them. I need spikes in resilience, mobility, and discipline as a hunter. I can make a build right now that has lower 70s to 80s in those three stats. It isn't optimal but it's serviceable. But then my normal void and solar hunter builds are 90-100+ those three stats so my OCD bugs the hell out of me knowing the gyrfalcon build could be so much better if it would just stinkin drop decent.
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even more upcoming changes at the TWAB.

no more blues once you hit soft cap.
easier/faster raid red border drops.
Rumble returning to PvP.
easier exotic glaive crafting (lol).
new raid on March 10th. (not sure if I'll be able to run it since I'll be going on a trip on the 11th :messenger_expressionless:)
more adjustments to airborne effectiveness.
nerfs for Dead Messenger and DMT in PvP
nerfs for SMG and Pulse in PvP.
nerfs to Hunter and Titan class abilities in PvP and Titan storm nade.

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even more upcoming changes at the TWAB.

no more blues once you hit soft cap.
easier/faster raid red border drops.
Rumble returning to PvP.
easier exotic glaive crafting (lol).
new raid on March 10th. (not sure if I'll be able to run it since I'll be going on a trip on the 11th :messenger_expressionless:)
more adjustments to airborne effectiveness.
nerfs for Dead Messenger and DMT in PvP
nerfs for SMG and Pulse in PvP.
nerfs to Hunter and Titan class abilities in PvP and Titan storm nade.

Dont like the nerf to the Hunter dodge as it affects PVE as well :(

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
They said they got rid of blues once before, I'll believe it... when I see it... for myself!

And yeah PVP balancing screwing with PVE, a tale as old as time.


They said they got rid of blues once before, I'll believe it... when I see it... for myself!

And yeah PVP balancing screwing with PVE, a tale as old as time.

That gets repeated all the time, but MOST nerfs that have happened in D2 have been broken PVE stuff and used to be Gambit. These nerfs are for upcoming stuff they are adding in Lightfall, same as when they nerfed Grenade Launchers right before bringing in Breach and Clear. Nothing about the nerf makes hunters or titans unusable in PVe in any way, people love to overreact when it comes to trying to keep classes somewhat balanced and near eachother (Both of those classes still outclass Warlock in every way and class even after nerfs)


Finally unlocked the Osmiomancy Gloves from doing the lost sector! lol I seem to have good luck towards the end of the seasons.


^^ It is live right now.

Oh, lol. I thought they were going to dive deeper into the weapons but it is just a trailer drop.
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I would really like the IB chainmail shader but even with the extra IB buff and everything I just can't bring myself to suffer through 50 losing matches haha I am constantly going against stack teams that obliterate my team. So freaking stressful and annoying, I'm doneeee


I would really like the IB chainmail shader but even with the extra IB buff and everything I just can't bring myself to suffer through 50 losing matches haha I am constantly going against stack teams that obliterate my team. So freaking stressful and annoying, I'm doneeee
I haven’t been able toplay all week thanks to a brutal cold and I really wanted the armors, but sounds like the change to ib matchmaking and removing the solo playlist saved me annoyance


Not long now till Lightfall releases, just a couple of weeks and I am starting to feel that we have **slightly** better luck with lost sector loot at season's end. I have also started to use "Thorn" in PVP and it's fun. I just wish it had a better ornament - Heretic Robe is OK but I wish we had one that was a mix between how Hawkmoon looks and some elements of what Thorn has now. I am really liking the gun.


Not long now till Lightfall releases, just a couple of weeks and I am starting to feel that we have **slightly** better luck with lost sector loot at season's end. I have also started to use "Thorn" in PVP and it's fun. I just wish it had a better ornament - Heretic Robe is OK but I wish we had one that was a mix between how Hawkmoon looks and some elements of what Thorn has now. I am really liking the gun.

Dunno i ran lost sector less than a week ago, only one exotic i didnt need in about 20 runs. I've kind of given up on running lost sectors for better versions of exotics i already have. I'm still missing a butt ton on my new Titan but the drop rate has still been low for me so i haven't tried like... every day


Dunno i ran lost sector less than a week ago, only one exotic i didnt need in about 20 runs. I've kind of given up on running lost sectors for better versions of exotics i already have. I'm still missing a butt ton on my new Titan but the drop rate has still been low for me so i haven't tried like... every day
Oh, I don't know about repeats... I was thinking if you don't have one already, it has more chances of dropping near the end of a season. I got two of the ones I was hoping to get which weren't dropping at all in my earlier runs when the season started.


Just ran through the final seasonal story mission... everyone keeps going on and on about how it was amazing and best seasonal finale they've had maybe ever. Really? I mean... no spoilers from me but uhmmm meh


That was one of the best cutscene. I thought Traveler might really leave and we have to fight the darkness through darkness powers to get back Traveler.


That was one of the best cutscene. I thought Traveler might really leave and we have to fight the darkness through darkness powers to get back Traveler.
I didn't think the traveler was going to leave... I thought they wanted us to think that but more is still to play out when Lightfall releases so I guess we will see. In terms of the power dynamic, I find it odd that one of the darkness powers is green. Void fits darkness better given it has devour lol.


Just ran through the final seasonal story mission... everyone keeps going on and on about how it was amazing and best seasonal finale they've had maybe ever. Really? I mean... no spoilers from me but uhmmm meh

I thought the same, heard it way amazing a few different places and I just shrugged as if it wasn't obvious what happened with
that we all saw coming. It was fine, but you spend all season getting 5 minutes of story a week then weeks of nothing leading to a 2 minute long meh cutscene...season pass just isn't a model that works in this game IMO. I was hoping this season ender would be enough to sell me on LF cause I'm still on the fence if I want to keep playing. The Strand stuff looks meh to me, if I want crazy abilities and flying around maps all over I'd play Overwatch, I want great gunplay (you know, the thing they do best). In the end, this will likely be the dragged out dying slowly game we hate play for the next year til it officially dies.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
I didn't find this season engaging at all... main reason being Rasputin being an Ana-cucked friendlybot with soft-spoken English...

I don't focus that much on lore in Destiny but... usually when we're doing Rasputin things he's a creepy Russian speaking bot.

Lightfall has me perked up a little... they even used the term APM when talking about the Strand Hunter... okay Bungo ya got my attention. The game is more fun to me when I'm mastering a build and really feeding all my weapons and ability to each other... the biggest downside is that the perk, fragment, aspect, and mod descriptions are so poor that you just guess at interactions and most of the time you end up being wrong, and if you're not wrong well it's bugged anyway, so fuck you. So build-crafting such as it is comes down to copying a DIM link for a crowdsourced build from some YouTuber because it's a waste of time to figure out what's effective yourself. We'll see how it is after the Lightfall Armor Charge rework but somehow I don't see this flaw going away.


Is there any GAF guild at all?

Been playing Destiny since Day 1 but only ever really played solo. Would like to do some dungeons / raids.

Also, agree on the end of season mission. Heard so much good stuff and it was just utterly standard.

Liking the new difficulty though.


Is there any GAF guild at all?

Been playing Destiny since Day 1 but only ever really played solo. Would like to do some dungeons / raids.

Also, agree on the end of season mission. Heard so much good stuff and it was just utterly standard.

Liking the new difficulty though.

I think a couple of the PC guys have a really small group, maybe when the PS5 update hits and we can use discord if it isn't too many hoops to get to work it'll be easier to create a group here again


What the fuck is this bullshit final mission it launched me into? Makes me want to uninstall the game before the expansion even releases.

Doesn't help that I listened to some shit youtuber and stripped my armor of its mods and upgrades.


I am confused over the space requirements of Lightfall.

If I preload Lightfall with D2 already installed does it still requires 232GB or just the 100-so GB.
edit - only need 90
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Always wanted to start to dig on this universe....I'm going to start with the free version ...

Any advice about the dlc? What to buy or to start?
I'm super confused since they remove dlc story arcs etc etc is that true?

I know the game is for online but i really wanted to be fully immersive on the story


Always wanted to start to dig on this universe....I'm going to start with the free version ...

Any advice about the dlc? What to buy or to start?
I'm super confused since they remove dlc story arcs etc etc is that true?

I know the game is for online but i really wanted to be fully immersive on the story
Definitely start with the free version to see if you like it. It's a game better played with friends but plenty of solo players.

DLC wise is as follows
  • Shadow keep
  • Beyond light
  • witch queen
  • light fall
I'd suggest purchasing one at a time and completing the story before purchasing the next.
Bungie has implemented this game horribly for new players.
If you purchase 2 or more dlc, you will be really confused as to what's going on.
You will boot up the game. Play a bit with the first DLC, then log off.
When you boot up again, you will be shown the next intro for the next DLC and you'll start from that.

My best bit of advice I would give would be to watch lore vids.
This is a good start....

Treat the game as a dumb shooter and the lore will follow.
If you have no one to play with. Download the Destiny APP. You can join 6 man raids. Those are the meaty parts of the game.
Or ask about on Gaf.

Annoyingly (i suppose) You will get one big dlc and then a small chuck of story will roll out every Tuesday. Known as seasons.
The DLC you can obviously play through but you will have to look up the seasons stories. Loads of vids about them though.
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Is the game up right now or is everyone seeing this throttled log in screen

Games been up since 12 noon Eastern U.S. time.

I commend Bungie for actually being prepared for the servers to be slammed. The wait was not long at all. Very impressed.

Been a veteran of the Destiny franchise from it's original beta. Haven't played it nearly enough to give some decent impressions but
the music and gun play are fantastic as usual.


I'm currently at power level 1653 and have been using upgrade modules to raise the power level of my current gear since it has good stats. Should I just take the stat loss and equip higher power level gear moving forward? The modules will be more valuable later but I'm almost always maxed out.
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