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Destiny 2: The Witch Queen |OT|

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
Well, finished the campaign. That was dreadful. Such a fall from Witch Queen it ain't even remotely funny. I'd say it was even worse than Shadowkeep... you'd think, "well at least we have a new destination" but Neomuna looks like a rejected Apex Legends map. The moon is much better.

I've got lots of crap to unlock to see if it's viable, but Strand Hunter so far is very underwhelming.

I'm currently at power level 1653 and have been using upgrade modules to raise the power level of my current gear since it has good stats. Should I just take the stat loss and equip higher power level gear moving forward? The modules will be more valuable later but I'm almost always maxed out.
You playing Legendary? I think you want to get to like -10 of light level for a mission to not get a disadvantage, I have no clue how normal works. Might have that wrong. I did the legendary shard macro farm last year so I can be very liberal w/ upgrade modules. I just upgraded my stuff in place, rather than try to slot new crap in my build. Always a losing proposition in legendary mode.


I'm currently at power level 1653 and have been using upgrade modules to raise the power level of my current gear since it has good stats. Should I just take the stat loss and equip higher power level gear moving forward? The modules will be more valuable later but I'm almost always maxed out.
It's kind of unnecessary to keep infusing with modules just keep the highest level drop in slot and in your inventory and it will be used to calculate future drops. Just infuse once in awhile so you're not too far behind in level for the content and if you're maxed on modules.

I will always lock the highest level gear in slot so I don't accidentally dismantle it.


Well, finished the campaign. That was dreadful. Such a fall from Witch Queen it ain't even remotely funny. I'd say it was even worse than Shadowkeep... you'd think, "well at least we have a new destination" but Neomuna looks like a rejected Apex Legends map. The moon is much better.

I've got lots of crap to unlock to see if it's viable, but Strand Hunter so far is very underwhelming.

You playing Legendary? I think you want to get to like -10 of light level for a mission to not get a disadvantage, I have no clue how normal works. Might have that wrong. I did the legendary shard macro farm last year so I can be very liberal w/ upgrade modules. I just upgraded my stuff in place, rather than try to slot new crap in my build. Always a losing proposition in legendary mode.

It's kind of unnecessary to keep infusing with modules just keep the highest level drop in slot and in your inventory and it will be used to calculate future drops. Just infuse once in awhile so you're not too far behind in level for the content and if you're maxed on modules.

I will always lock the highest level gear in slot so I don't accidentally dismantle it.

Decided to play on normal for now and ended up replacing the high stat gear I had with random stuff. Figure I can always infuse when I reach the level cap.
didn't get a chance to play today until just now. progressed a little into the new zone and unlocked the seasonal artifact. so far the new place looks pretty cool. should be an interesting expansion.

I'm currently at power level 1653 and have been using upgrade modules to raise the power level of my current gear since it has good stats. Should I just take the stat loss and equip higher power level gear moving forward? The modules will be more valuable later but I'm almost always maxed out.

not sure what you're running, but I'm on Solar Warlock with a healing build and so far there's no issues yet. I think the best way to do it is to level up your gears as needed. maybe skip a few levels and then infuse what you can into your gears once you hit a wall. just keep 1 item of the highest level in each slots and dismantle everything else that doesn't have good perks or stats.


Definitely start with the free version to see if you like it. It's a game better played with friends but plenty of solo players.

DLC wise is as follows
  • Shadow keep
  • Beyond light
  • witch queen
  • light fall
I'd suggest purchasing one at a time and completing the story before purchasing the next.
Bungie has implemented this game horribly for new players.
If you purchase 2 or more dlc, you will be really confused as to what's going on.
You will boot up the game. Play a bit with the first DLC, then log off.
When you boot up again, you will be shown the next intro for the next DLC and you'll start from that.

My best bit of advice I would give would be to watch lore vids.
This is a good start....

Treat the game as a dumb shooter and the lore will follow.
If you have no one to play with. Download the Destiny APP. You can join 6 man raids. Those are the meaty parts of the game.
Or ask about on Gaf.

Annoyingly (i suppose) You will get one big dlc and then a small chuck of story will roll out every Tuesday. Known as seasons.
The DLC you can obviously play through but you will have to look up the seasons stories. Loads of vids about them though.

Thanks for the explanation will try that. Also already downloaded the app.

Will go as titan. Play the first 45 minutes ...way to early but really like the vibe of the game.
Will try to play more these weekend.....

But I'm moving to my new house there's Saturday so maybe i will not have loads of time lololo
Just finished. Definitely felt underwhelming, and a step down from TWQ and even some of the last seasons. Not sure if they changed creative teams or what. A lot of stuff in the campaign just left me baffled.

Cloudstriders are terrible. Lame characters with lame designs. Nimbus especially is just awful.
Osiris was really annoying in the first part of this campaign.
Tons of macguffin names being flung around. I still don't really understand what "The Veil" is.
Witness sits on his ass doing nothing after the first cutscene. In fact a lot of characters feel like they kind of just sit around doing nothing.
Speaking of, why does Witness even need all these henchmen and plot devices if he can just move his hand slightly and nuke everything around him? He can probably just go in and solo everything himself.
Strand grapple is cool but the cooldown is far too long. I understand it's for balance but it feels really bad.
I almost felt like the Strand "training" aspects were overdone. Maybe should have been a separate thing.
Tone/pacing are weird. Too lighthearted almost and feels like no one acknowledges the Traveler getting taken over by Pyramids or whatever after the first cutscene.
Possibly most damning... it doesn't feel like much actually happened? It kinda just felt like a detour to this random planet to fight Calus (again) and get "The Veil" (whatever that is) and not much else. They were hyping this up as the Empire Strikes Back/Infinity War moment where we get curbstomped and I didn't really get that sense. In fact I think the Red War felt more devastating to us.
Finally, the ending left me utterly confused. Witness carves a triangle into the Traveler... and then afterwards everyone acts like the Traveler is just gone? Huh? I legit thought I missed a cutscene or something. Very strange.

On the plus side, I really enjoyed the Calus/Witness interactions, Strand feels more fun than Stasis did to me at first and Neomuna is cool, albeit pretty barren. Tormentors are pretty badass. And you use the Hammer of Dawn from Gears in the last mission lol. The Defiance seasonal stuff is also pretty good, maybe even better than the actual LF campaign.

Overall, this DLC almost felt like a filler one that got thrown together/repurposed when they decided to extend things and add Final Shape to their plan. I wonder what happened behind the scenes because something definitely felt off.
still working on the campaign and I can definitely say that the story itself is weak. the way they arrange the whole thing just feels sloppy and how they write the characters are just disappointing. but at least the gameplay itself is good and that's what I'm looking for in the end. thou I'm currently at this part where I'm force to use Strand, and the design of this whole section combine with the restriction on only using Strand does get on my nerve. I've died so many times and reset right now it's pissing me off.


Enjoying the season more than Neomuna and the lame campaign.

Yeah, I wish someday we'd get the what really happened behind the scenes. Cause all of LF feels like a seasonal content model with Strand just tacked on to me. I fully believe with the WQ delay and shuffling that Strand was supposed to be there (Would fit the green overall feel of the DLC much like Beyond like and Blue for Stasis). 1 Week of Seasonal content is already so much better then the entirety of LF, Strand is a glorified movement ability which is pretty much ass in most activities I've run with it. Bungie seems to have left the 20 people still working on this game to be the blue-est of blue haired warriors and none of them have an ounce of writing or story ability at all. Nimbus is now far and away the worst written and voice acted character in the history of the franchise, we got a base DLC with ALL reskins on the weapons, nothing new and original, not a single vendor refresh (This is LONG overdue) 1 shitty strike and not alot else. This would be fine if it was a $40 Rise of Iron DLC like in D1 but this was a fucking $70 dollar supposed to be answering some questions and not just chase the Macguffin for 6 hours.


I have just one mission left in the legendary campaign... Hopefully they don't patch the calus fight cheese before we can beat it haha .... That being said I haven't liked this campaign at all. Super disappointed really... The two new characters introduced are ok but it just feels weird that we go to a whole new planet and there are only two people to be seen??? And the story hasn't been anything amazing in my opinion. I was hoping they were going to start this expansion out with a bang but so far eh


Any of yall have any tips for getting hear more quickly to get to 1750? I'm like 30 levels under where I should be for the last two missions.


Seems pretty clear to me that to the extent Bungie has even dedicated an "A - Team" to Destiny any longer, they worked on Witch Queen and then likely Final Shape. We, clearly, got the B-team for this one.
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Any of yall have any tips for getting hear more quickly to get to 1750? I'm like 30 levels under where I should be for the last two missions.


Seems pretty clear to me that to the extent Bungie has even dedicated an "A - Team" to Destiny any longer, they worked on Witch Queen and then likely Final Shape. We, clearly, got the B-team for this one.

Are you running campaign on normal or legendary?

How long have you been playing destiny 2 and have you been buying/completing the battle passes?

If so there is a Firefox web browser tool cheat you can use to go to the Bungie website and look at a long list of previous seasons and claim any gear you may not have collected as each season ended. if you do it one piece of gear at a time you level pretty quickly and you can do it on all three characters.
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Are you running campaign on normal or legendary?

How long have you been playing destiny 2 and have you been buying/completing the battle passes?

If so there is a Firefox web browser tool cheat you can use to go to the Bungie website and look at a long list of previous seasons and claim any gear you may not have collected as each season ended. if you do it one piece of gear at a time you level pretty quickly and you can do it on all three characters.
Normal. Since Day 1 Destiny 1.

I just...ugh....I can' t be bothered to grind content just to go through the campaign. My patience with that is at an all time low.


Normal. Since Day 1 Destiny 1.

I just...ugh....I can' t be bothered to grind content just to go through the campaign. My patience with that is at an all time low.
Yeah I hear you man... I've already beaten the new campaign on legendary and was disappointed with that. I was already burnt out from all the stuff I played previous to this and was hoping that this would feel fresh and new but it just feels like same old stuff with pink paint. I am currently trying to complete one of the exotic missions so I can actually push more of the new planet missions forward and even though I was 1775 power all the enemies are daggers and I can get like one shot at by hobgoblins and stuff. I'm having to go through lost sectors to complete them and they're really damn hard this is so freaking annoying. And for whatever reason obtaining all of the strand fragments you need to buy the stuff for meditation is coming in super slow for me so I have like one or two fragments unlocked out of like what 10? 15? This is going to take forever and I hate it
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Yeah I hear you man... I've already beaten the new campaign on legendary and was disappointed with that. I was already burnt out from all the stuff I played previous to this and was hoping that this would feel fresh and new but it just feels like same old stuff with pink paint. I am currently trying to complete one of the exotic missions so I can actually push more of the new planet missions forward and even though I was 1775 power all the enemies are daggers and I can get like one shot at by hobgoblins and stuff. I'm having to go through lost sectors to complete them and they're really damn hard this is so freaking annoying. And for whatever reason obtaining all of the strand fragments you need to buy the stuff for meditation is coming in super slow for me so I have like one or two fragments unlocked out of like what 10? 15? This is going to take forever and I hate it
Woof. I'm not even there and this tired me.

I just want to beat the campaign and be done with it. I don't know why I keep doing this to myself. I will do it again next expansion as well to finish this out. I guess that's why...Just to see this through. 10 years.


Woof. I'm not even there and this tired me.

I just want to beat the campaign and be done with it. I don't know why I keep doing this to myself. I will do it again next expansion as well to finish this out. I guess that's why...Just to see this through. 10 years.
Lmao I literally said that to my wife this weekend... Just trying to see this game through
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Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
Game is indeed more fun once the campaign is out of the way. And sorry not sorry, gotta mute the voiceovers so I don't have to listen to Numbnuts' comms. Reading it works much better :messenger_tears_of_joy:
If so there is a Firefox web browser tool cheat you can use to go to the Bungie website and look at a long list of previous seasons and claim any gear you may not have collected as each season ended. if you do it one piece of gear at a time you level pretty quickly and you can do it on all three characters.
Huh, looked up the plugin and sure enough... I have one season pass with like no exotic engrams claimed, and then a few extra ciphers floating around various other passes.

Great Success Win GIF


Neo Member
Last time I played was there wasn’t any dlc but I am feeling curious to replay again. Worth to get the dlcs o nah?


Last time I played was there wasn’t any dlc but I am feeling curious to replay again. Worth to get the dlcs o nah?

Dip into the FTP stuff just to see how it feels. Gunplay is still pretty stellar even if so much of the game has kind of shifted to ability spam builds and mods. I'm not sure where i'd say to start with expansions cause the recent one Lightfall has all the new stuff but it was maybe the worst DLC they have released. Witch Queen is peak D2 so far for me


I have finished the campaign on my Warlock and I enjoyed it overall. It could have been much better so a lost opportunity but it wasn't bad. The new characters are not interesting at all, though. Nimbus is just super annoying, lol.

The new super is different, and I have been using it exclusively for now just to get the full feel for it. I still prefer Void (this hasn't changed since Day 1).

The Calus fight was a challenge on legendary and I almost finished it but got knocked off the area last min, which was annoying, so I decided that I will just complete it on normal for now and come back to it later.
I was thinking about jumping back into Destiny just for fun.
I think i remember that there was talk about a matchmaking system for raids. Is that implemented or do you still need to find a group?


I was thinking about jumping back into Destiny just for fun.
I think i remember that there was talk about a matchmaking system for raids. Is that implemented or do you still need to find a group?
The in game LFG was pushed to year end season as usual. I wouldn't even be surprised if they move it to next expansion at this point.

Servers and destiny in general is getting hammered.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
The server issues are annoying. I've been playing a ton this season. The build system is pretty good now that they got rid of the useless elemental affinity system on armor. I still hate the vagueness of descriptions and the unintuitive interactions between various mods sometimes but there are a lot of fun viable builds.

Lately I've been working through duo RoN, working on Planentman's DPS, just purchased 52 Blowouts from Shaxx, didn't quite get a perfect roll but I have a couple of decent options.

I need to do the last 3 master RoN challenges... the LFG life is such a pain though, even though the week 1 challenge was pretty easy I just couldn't bring myself to do the others on the first rotation. If it's the LFR this week I'll probably give it a try and see if I can get something decent to upgrade with enhanced perks. Haven't heard a whole lot about that system yet.. my gut tells me you're probably better off just doing the red borders and crafting your 5/5 godroll.

Speaking of red borders... I'm deadass broke on Spoils. And I don't really understand the spoils system. My buddy had us clear the opening to VoG and grab the first secret chest, both those chests had spoils. So later I grabbed another buddy so he could get some spoils...we figured we could probably duo confluxes... and when we finished... that chest is no spoils. Uhh okay whatever... so VoG wasn't the weekly raid, so we figured the DSC sparrow chest might be some easy spoils. Nope. Nada. I guess the play is to just LFG RoN normal mode over and over? I didn't see anyone posting 'spoils farm' like they had in previous seasons.

Did get the double-barrel exotic shottie to drop, still haven't given it a try though.

I'm stuck on my guardian rank stuff since I never did Last Wish or Garden. So seems like another LFG nightmare awaits me one of these weekends.
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The campaign is no fun at all.
With a light level of 1750 i cant for the life of me finish the calus bossfight. I get thrown of plattforms and after 5 tries i give up.

I dont know how or why....but the fight is too hard for a casual playthrough and simply not fun. I thought we had legendary for hardcore players. Why does destiny need harder fights?
For me this was a after work relax game. Sadly that is no longer the case. After 8 hours of work i dont want to be glued on the screen and pay carefull attention.

And i cant even look for a group because there is no social menu on ps5 and no matchmaking for missions. :(


Does anyone knows by launch history when the new dungeon for an expansion drops ?

I need a shiny carrot to convince my friends to buy Lightfall.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
The campaign is no fun at all.
With a light level of 1750 i cant for the life of me finish the calus bossfight. I get thrown of plattforms and after 5 tries i give up.

I dont know how or why....but the fight is too hard for a casual playthrough and simply not fun. I thought we had legendary for hardcore players. Why does destiny need harder fights?
For me this was a after work relax game. Sadly that is no longer the case. After 8 hours of work i dont want to be glued on the screen and pay carefull attention.

And i cant even look for a group because there is no social menu on ps5 and no matchmaking for missions. :(
I think the idea is they give you strand empowerment and you have borderline infinite grapple. I don't remember the fight that well but I think you start out on a platform, clear out the adds there, do some boss damage, then at some point more adds spawn (and maybe the tormentors) and it's a good time to start rotating along the catwalks, just run back and forth between the two platforms while killing stuff.

There's a second phase where you get pulled into a thunderdome and you can just use the tether points to grapple around the arena and avoid damage. I don't think there are any places you can fall off the map at that point.

Does anyone knows by launch history when the new dungeon for an expansion drops ?

I need a shiny carrot to convince my friends to buy Lightfall.
Season ends in 3 weeks. I think they put dungeons out on Fridays... I don't think they have the extra weeklong wait like with the raids... so 3 weeks from Friday. Or maybe 4. But probably 3.


Season ends in 3 weeks. I think they put dungeons out on Fridays... I don't think they have the extra weeklong wait like with the raids... so 3 weeks from Friday. Or maybe 4. But probably 3.
What I meant to ask do they put out dungeons usually on the second season of the year ?

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
What I meant to ask do they put out dungeons usually on the second season of the year ?
If you take the expansion to be the first season of the year, that always ships with the new raid. 2nd and 4th season have the dungeons, and they reprise an old raid for the 3rd season. At least that's the current system they're going with.

Dungeons are kind of a shit carrot though because they're not included with Lightfall, you need the fancy edition, or to buy the "Dungeon Key" for the year separately so far as I understand it.
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so, 2 weeks into Lightfall launch and I had to go on a month long trip. I did try to run the new RON raid on launch day but was only able to get to 2nd encounter before having to call it a night. came back and then had some person BS and didn't really play much for 2 weeks, so I'm only just catching back up right now. was able to get into a teaching LFG for RON and get that done yesterday. maybe because I had done the first 2 encounters before, and also I'm at a more comfortable lightlevel now, the whole thing had been pretty smooth consider we have like 4 newbies. we did get stuck on the last boss for a pretty long time, but otherwise it's been good. too bad I only got 3 armor pieces and the legendary shotgun out of it. was hoping to get more weapons, but oh well. didn't realize we only have like 2 or 3 weeks left on the season until the whole Season Of The Deep info that got released. oh well, guess I'll do my best the next couple weeks to finish all the seasonal stuff.

so Preach got into Destiny 2 in earnest this time, and he definitely got some much justified harsh words about the new player/return player experience. thou hopefully he got to the meat of the game soon. I would definitely like to see how he reacts to Destiny raids and dungeons.

looks like they're bringing back the fan favorite for the end of the storyline. consider the passing of Lance Reddick, I suppose it does make sense too.
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Preach got into VOG and seem to have fun running it. we might be a bit jaded over these things but it's always nice seeing thing with fresh eyes.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Beat lightfall campaign today on legendary.

Easily the worst campaign Bungie has ever done. Worst missions. Worst everything .

I guess the B team is in charge now and A team is off working on Marathon. What a dumpster fire ….


Beat lightfall campaign today on legendary.

Easily the worst campaign Bungie has ever done. Worst missions. Worst everything .

I guess the B team is in charge now and A team is off working on Marathon. What a dumpster fire ….

Yeah Lightfall was a new low for D2, but at least we can be happy knowing that Marathon will be an even bigger failure and they can ship the A team to Destiny 3/Next Destiny Title
yeah, Bungie being bad at presenting the story of Destiny is nothing new at this point, especially consider Lightfall as we know it right now is most likely a last minute decision change to stretch out the content they have on hand. thou I would say that story aside, the gameplay had been solid so far at least, so I'm still playing.


Im going to see it through like the sucker I am...but Destiny is in a bad place right now. Lightfall is C maybe even D tier stuff. Awful.


yeah, Bungie being bad at presenting the story of Destiny is nothing new at this point, especially consider Lightfall as we know it right now is most likely a last minute decision change to stretch out the content they have on hand. thou I would say that story aside, the gameplay had been solid so far at least, so I'm still playing.

I will say even thought LF was beyond terrible, the storytelling was much better with the season story for last season. Just wish we could go back to the DLC days and get the whole story campaign on day 1 and play it at our own pace instead of the drip feed to make you play the boring 6 person thing each week. I find it hard to fully keep up with the active story when I'm only getting it for 5 minutes at a time each week. Too early to have an opinion on this season yet, but Sloane was boring before, and seems just as boring so hoping everything happening will make up for that by the end of it


My god the community is royally pissed at the moment.

Now let's see people reaction after the August reveal.

As we should be, they have been ignoring their only game for the better part of 2 years and pulled the "content is hard" card again. There is ZERO excuse for the lack of effort on their part other then hoping that the people that are still playing D2 for some reason are dumb enough to buy Marathon. Destiny 1 is one of my favorite game experiences of all time and I truly wish I'd have dropped D2 so much sooner then I did. Maybe people will finally see Bungie as another one of those devs who are just there to screw their base for every penny.


I will always love this game, but my God it's in a bad state at the moment.

The seasonal model is done. Kaput. Finito. And the events are beyond tired.

Game is dying.


I haven't been able to play all that much of Season of the Deep and my only issue with the seasonal missions are the areas where you have to "pop" bubbles. I mean, this is a futuristic sci-fi game and that is the best they could come up with for our Guardians to survive under Titan's methane (I think) ocean?
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yeah, game is definitely in a bad place right now in terms of the overall mood of the community. but sadly probably not much would be done until the next big show case later this month. hopefully they would get some meaningful changes out soon and we would get to know some juicy stuff in a few weeks.

I haven't been able to play all that much of Season of the Deep and my only issue with the seasonal missions are the areas where you have to "pop" bubbles. I mean, this is a futuristic sci-fi game and that is the best they could come up with for our Guardians to survive under Titan's methane (I think) ocean?

I guess they just want to make it easy enough to understand for the more casual crowd. but yeah, I do agree they can at least make it into some kinda O2 tank or what not.
damn it. wanted to finish some seasonal stuff and my PC shit the bed. oh well, looks like it'll be a few days before I get it up and running again. not that I'm missing much, so I guess better now than when the new season starts.
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