Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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They took out the Wizard / Moon line.


Also is the Beta more Jaggy then the Alpha? Seems that way but maybe I am just noticing it more.

Been like that for me as well. Only done 3 millions.

Three millions? Show off.

Just as I'd typed that it was empty a load of people popped up there. Very strange.
Yeah, I don't see "Retry" anywhere on the download queue. And on my PS4, I don't get it showing up anywhere under Downloads. Urgh.

I've been toggling the Destiny Beta box on my downloads list for the past 10 minutes and nothing. Was really hoping to download this before I head out.

Again I could do nothing on my PS4, only through the web store. But I know how you feel! I was freaking out!



Capped with all fully upgraded green gear (except for cloth thing, but I'm working on my Cryptarch level for that still)... Leveling seems a tad bit fast, no?


No. It's just right. Grinding for levels is no fun at all. I wanna get the cool stuff fast and then wreck shit.
Eh... I enjoy the journey just as much as the destination. If I had done just Strikes after the story missions instead of PvP I would've hit 8 in around two hours...


Never understood why the game was so hyped, but after playing the beta I don't quite understand it even more.

I'll give it a bit more time but right now it just seems like an average shooter.
Perhaps it's due to who the developer is more than what the actual product is. I'd say its above average though, solid shooter though I haven't played much yet.


shit, level 8 cap again? the first encrypted item i got was a level 10 blue piece i had hoped to be able to use this time

Dayum that's fast. How long you been playing the beta?

it's a bit faster with actual missions being available and not just grinding out the marker missions

Maybe a missed it, but even a quick google search didn't find any easy answer, is there a way to have multiple characters? As in, I want to try out each of the classes.

log out of your current character and you should be able to make another


Maybe a missed it, but even a quick google search didn't find any easy answer, is there a way to have multiple characters? As in, I want to try out each of the classes.
Maybe a missed it, but even a quick google search didn't find any easy answer, is there a way to have multiple characters? As in, I want to try out each of the classes.

Yes. When you press "options" on the PS4 and bring up your main menu, there should be a "settings" tab where you can log out and select another character. You can create up to three I think.


Can't recall the last time I spent 4+ hours so utterly submerged in a game, and this is just the Beta. It's just so much fun to play, the constant drip feed of items, levelling up, and assembling fireteams/dropping in on other games in progress that time just slips away and you don't care. I bloody love this game!
Capped with all fully upgraded green gear (except for cloth thing, but I'm working on my Cryptarch level for that still)... Leveling seems a tad bit fast, no?

How did you get your weapons and gear? Did you buy them from a certain NPC or did you get them through rewards?
Maybe a missed it, but even a quick google search didn't find any easy answer, is there a way to have multiple characters? As in, I want to try out each of the classes.

Yes, absolutely. After you've created your I oral character, hit the menu/options button and choose "change character" under "settings".
I dont know about anyone else but this is EXACTLY the same as the alpha, even seeing the same damn glitches and errors in the beta ive seen in the alpha.

I was fine with all that until I saw the same error of switching weapons in the inventory makes all my ammo disappears. I can switch my primary and heavy weapon and the ammo would remain, but when i switch my secondary weapon, the ammo turns to zero.

Some others are having their primary ammo disappear when they switch primary weapons but the secondary and heavy weapons ammo is still there when they switch weapons.

Didn't they say the changes in alpha would move over to beta??? So im guessing all the errors from the alpha, they arent working on???
Sorry if this has already been asked, but is there a way to start a download on your PS4 from your PC? I just redeemed my beta code on the Playstation store from my work PC, my PS4 at home is on standby, and I was hoping that it'd be finished downloading by the time I get home in a few hours.


Tagged as I see fit
What kind of internet service do you guys have that are making your downloads take hours? Mine was done in just over an hour.


Sorry if this has already been asked, but is there a way to start a download on your PS4 from your PC? I just redeemed my beta code on the Playstation store from my work PC, my PS4 at home is on standby, and I was hoping that it'd be finished downloading by the time I get home in a few hours.

After redeeming the code, there should have been a button saying "Download to my PS4". Now that ya missed that, try going to the Destiny Beta store page, and see if it has a button there. (on the left)

Also even with my settings set to public my tower is still empty sometimes.

During the Alpha, I remember my Tower being empty the first day, but then PACKED after that.
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