Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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Dammit. This install keeps freezing on me. It would have been done in under an hour if it weren't for freezing. :-/ More than 2 hours spent downloading so far.


Wasn't able to play a lot tonight but I'm really enjoying what I've played so far, guns and combat feel really good. Music and production values are top notch too. PS3 version here and the art direction is really nice, elevates it above the technical shortcomings.
Im not liking the pvp so far, it just makes no sense. They give u double jump and long health so u can move around during combat but force u to use ads by making hipfire useless. They really need to sort this out
I dont know about anyone else but this is EXACTLY the same as the alpha, even seeing the same damn glitches and errors in the beta ive seen in the alpha.

I was fine with all that until I saw the same error of switching weapons in the inventory makes all my ammo disappears. I can switch my primary and heavy weapon and the ammo would remain, but when i switch my secondary weapon, the ammo turns to zero.

Some others are having their primary ammo disappear when they switch primary weapons but the secondary and heavy weapons ammo is still there when they switch weapons.

Didn't they say the changes in alpha would move over to beta??? So im guessing all the errors from the alpha, they arent working on???

Was this every even confirmed as a bug? Most games like this don't allow weapon switching in combat at all. Destiny allows it but doesn't have ammo carry over. You can also buy ammo packs to refill on the fly.
My friend preordered the game trough PSN, and so he didnt get any code to redeem. Is it still possible to get additional codes to give friends and make a fireteam? If so, how?


Ugh, if only this were on PC. I'm not great with a game pad, and the only thing that's stopping me loving this is having to use one. I'm sure I'll adapt, but damn, it's like I suddenly lost 10 years of FPS experience...

70 kills in that last mission, only 10 accurate kills. At least I'm hitting things.

Pretty telling about this game though, usually I pick up a console fps and put it down almost straight away for this very reason. Spent two hours in Destiny and it felt like 15 minutes.

This is the one? I think it might be.
I dont know about anyone else but this is EXACTLY the same as the alpha, even seeing the same damn glitches and errors in the beta ive seen in the alpha.

I was fine with all that until I saw the same error of switching weapons in the inventory makes all my ammo disappears. I can switch my primary and heavy weapon and the ammo would remain, but when i switch my secondary weapon, the ammo turns to zero.

Some others are having their primary ammo disappear when they switch primary weapons but the secondary and heavy weapons ammo is still there when they switch weapons.

Didn't they say the changes in alpha would move over to beta??? So im guessing all the errors from the alpha, they arent working on???

Nice meltdown, but what you just described isn't a glitch. It's to prevent people who are, say, sniping at the edge of a map from just switching to their shotgun once people get close.


I was getting 250 kbps over wifi, which was only 10-12 feet from the ps4. Switched to wired, and when the download restarted I was getting 1.5 or so. Down to 3 gigs left now.


I was fine with all that until I saw the same error of switching weapons in the inventory makes all my ammo disappears. I can switch my primary and heavy weapon and the ammo would remain, but when i switch my secondary weapon, the ammo turns to zero.

Some others are having their primary ammo disappear when they switch primary weapons but the secondary and heavy weapons ammo is still there when they switch weapons.

Do any of the weapons that you switch have different status boosts to them? Like one is a pulse rifle with fire damage and the other is not or a different kind? If so it's intended that you lose the ammo.


Ugh, if only this were on PC. I'm not great with a game pad, and the only thing that's stopping me loving this is having to use one. I'm sure I'll adapt, but damn, it's like I suddenly lost 10 years of FPS experience...

70 kills in that last mission, only 10 accurate kills. At least I'm hitting things.

Pretty telling about this game though, usually I pick up a console fps and put it down almost straight away for this very reason. Spent two hours in Destiny and it felt like 15 minutes.

This is the one? I think it might be.

I have the opposite problem, I am terrible with the kb/m, being so used to a controller. I gave up on playing pc fps unfortunately. It would be nice to see it running at 60 on pc though.
Loving this game sofar! Met my expectations. Being a Titan is hella fun too! I love punching and kicking everything to death! Gunplay feels great as well! Turning in now but will have a ton of time to play tomorrow.


There is something special about this game, it feels like the next big thing.

I know every game these days gets that monicker and falls flat, but Destiny just has a vibe to it, like its above everything else, just the UI impresses you let alone everything else.


Female Exo Titan to 6 and then I've called it a night. Done the first few missions, should hopefully be able to get to 8 and then try some of the other stuff tomorrow and over the weekend.

Loving it, although having to get up close and personal with the super can be pretty tricky on the harder waves!




Has anybody yet to receive their email containing codes?

Oh I am such a failure. I preordered this over a year ago when they first announced the beta or whatever and just now realized my Code wasn't a PSN Code....

Now it's telling me I might have to wait up to 24 hours to verify my account. I was in the Alpha for god sakes why can't that just carry over... hah. Shoulda looked earlier


Tagged as I see fit
I dont know about anyone else but this is EXACTLY the same as the alpha, even seeing the same damn glitches and errors in the beta ive seen in the alpha.

I was fine with all that until I saw the same error of switching weapons in the inventory makes all my ammo disappears. I can switch my primary and heavy weapon and the ammo would remain, but when i switch my secondary weapon, the ammo turns to zero.

Some others are having their primary ammo disappear when they switch primary weapons but the secondary and heavy weapons ammo is still there when they switch weapons.

Didn't they say the changes in alpha would move over to beta??? So im guessing all the errors from the alpha, they arent working on???

That's not a bug if I understand correctly. They penalize you for doing a lateral weapon equip by zeroing out your ammo.


Ugh everyone talking about the game. I started the download process over 5 hours ago and I'm only at 48%. So awful.

Maybe I'll restart the console and see if I can get a faster connection?


Can't you also level up weapons? How does that work?

WHEN DO I GET MY VEHICLE? I am level 4 now.

You level them up by using them, some have skills that you unlock, usually tells you in the details page.

Did you do the story missions for vehicle ?


nearly 5 hours of download time and i'm at 43%


ideas? should I reboot my ps4? this is brutal
God these handcannons are so hard to play with but rewarding when I kill with them in pvp. About to do more pve and strikes so I can find a better one and hit the level cap. Then I'lll make a warlock.
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