If you choose a new class do you need to get to lvl 5 again to do PVP?
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Looking for a group of awesome gaffers to roll up some crucible with. I'm lvl 6 but good. PSN id = MMaRsu
If you choose a new class do you need to get to lvl 5 again to do PVP?
These are the places in the Grimoire, so I imagine those are the planets we go to during the full game:
I wonder how we're supposed to play on Jupiter and Saturn since they're gas giants with no real surface to walk on.
I wonder how we're supposed to play on Jupiter and Saturn since they're gas giants with no real surface to walk on.
We're definitely gonna need a new OT, especially with the impending Xbox wave.
I wonder how we're supposed to play on Jupiter and Saturn since they're gas giants with no real surface to walk on.
I wonder how we're supposed to play on Jupiter and Saturn since they're gas giants with no real surface to walk on.
Wow forgot that this beta isn't available on Xbox yet. So much hype already!
We're definitely gonna need a new OT, especially with the impending Xbox wave.
DestinyGAF, you've already made 15,000 posts!
I wonder if they'll be such an absolute panic when this comes on for xbox as it was last night for playstation, I think it's going to be real interesting.
jupiter there should be an abbandoned space station in the orbit... Jupiter maybe Europa?
Bought a shotty that has the ability to give me ammo every time I kill someone with it. The ammo goes directly in the magazine so I am assuming I never have to reload if I keep getting 1 shots.
In the intro movie I believe they mention that the Traveler terraformed these planets or something like that.
DestinyGAF, you've already made 15,000 posts!
Considering the mad rush to get on yesterday, the 1 1/2 hours it took us from download to logging in seemed perfectly reasonable, all things considered. I expected chaos.![]()
Level 8 cap
For new page:
Looking for a group of awesome gaffers to roll up some crucible with. I'm lvl 6 but good. PSN id = MMaRsu
Lets hope they will open it up after tuesday...
Any UK GAFers playing right now?
I have to say that I'm not a fan of the Mission end countdown after every story mission. Sorta breaks the immersion.
Same, I feel like I need to run around a bit, make sure I didn't miss anything after boss fight.
Did anyone notice Nathan Fillion and Gina Torres as the Hunter and Warlock "leaders" in the tower? Mal and Zoe reunited ;(
We are crazy though....
How was your Beta M'lady?
Did anyone notice Nathan Fillion and Gina Torres as the Hunter and Warlock "leaders" in the tower? Mal and Zoe reunited ;(
I am but only story stuff. Gav220886. We may already be on each others PSN though.
I'm having fun. Granted, this is the third version of Old Russia I'm playing, but I'm still having fun. I love playing with other people: Urk and Halcylon the 16th, the girls (Everyday Math and Sploatee) last night. This game is so much fun in co-op.
I love playing through the levels on different difficulties.
I'm sure my chances are slim, but would anyone with an extra code mind PM'ing me? I'd really like to play with my little brother.
My buddy is gonna level up ahead while I'm working. Good thing I'm level 6 so it wouldn't take me a lot go catch up. But still come on man. Not fair. I don't have days off.I don't wanna go to work!