Played a bit last night, made 3 Titans, one Male with a Geralt look, one Female Human and one Awoken Male with long hair because he was Dead for centuries so it made sense lols.
Alpha performed better, this Beta at the current state sttuters, is not very noticable but is there, there is also some aggresive pop in that sometimes happens right in front of you, like 2 metersin front of you appear some foliage and stuff like that but is a Beta and Im pretty sure this will be fixed, I didn't noticed difference in graphics, still looks incredible to me as in the Alpha.
But the game itself is just as incredible as always, super addictive, gunplay is excellent, weapon and melee feedback with dat Titan is really good, I have nohing to say in that aspect, game is straight up great.
Character voice of the Human Male is bad IMO, while the human female is really nice also the awoken male is nice.