The Librarian
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Change the language of your PS4 in System Settings. The game will then download the English audio. You will also lose the French menus and subtitles![]()
Played a bit last night, made 3 Titans, one Male with a Geralt look, one Female Human and one Awoken Male with long hair because he was Dead for centuries so it made sense lols.
Alpha performed better, this Beta at the current state sttuters, is not very noticable but is there, there is also some aggresive pop in that sometimes happens right in front of you, like
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Kinda lame that the level cap is the same as in Alpha.![]()
I'm sure they'll add the other 2 mp maps later.
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Please Urk will you chuck us a bone?
Also how is everything going, all the data collected so far interesting? I hope you're all well at Bungie!
People are excite! Lots of great data. Read the update for official news.![]()
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People are excite! Lots of great data. Read the update for official news.![]()
I just want to say, I'm sorry for throwing that grenade on you jett! I have no idea how to communicate in the game so far, and I was trying to find a button to do interactions. Roflmao. >_<
Destiny Ghost Voice Comparison (Alpha vs. Beta) | Destiny Beta Gameplay
You should never believe anything Elzar the Bam has to say.It's funny how so many people are saying auto rifle is OP, then I see Elzar who is an avid Halo player who says scout rifle is OP. Maybe it's more balanced than we think.
A quick double tap + hold sends you floating high up, it's all about the timing.
If you press the jump button a little later, you can get a horizontal glide going.
This game looks amazing, but I have one concern. I simply don't dump huge hours into games anymore. I maybe play 6 hours a week.
Since this is an MMO am I going to get anything out of this game or does it require the kind of hours an Everquest/WoW type game would? Is a casual player going to be able to pick it up at their leisure and still be relevant?
Is leveling accelerated for the beta? Because a level 20 cap seems really low if I can get to 8 in 4 hours.
and you can take your subclass to 15.![]()
Thank you. It is working as I want now.
This game looks amazing, but I have one concern. I simply don't dump huge hours into games anymore. I maybe play 6 hours a week.
Since this is an MMO am I going to get anything out of this game or does it require the kind of hours an Everquest/WoW type game would? Is a casual player going to be able to pick it up at their leisure and still be relevant?
What does that mean? I don't see a level for my subclass.
Is it possible to change your character's appearance at all (after initial creation)?
Yeah...this isn't a beta. It's a demo.
Are you guys playing on Normal or Hard? I'm finding Hard much more enjoyable. (I'm playing solo)
Is there anyway to delete a character?
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So they removed the Wizard moon line. Wondered why i didnt notice it. Sort of odd considering the meme its become, it also kind of voids their T-shirts.
Alpha was 4-7. Beta is 1-7, and you can take your subclass to 15.![]()
This game's UI is so fucking gorgeous.
How is it possible to team up with clanmates? Do you have to just add them to your friends?
Seems to defeat the purpose.
no. alpha was 8.
beta is 8.
it's the same.
The game is a pushover on Normal, so yeah. Playing on Hard.
Uploaded a video of a "darkness has consumed you" event to kill the hive mind wizard, quite tough: