I played some multiplayer for the first time, and it was good... it was damn good.
Only problem I can see is not being able to tell if an opponent is supercharged to do their ability or not? Pretty much a one hit kill if they can, although I myself enjoyed tossing the Nova bomb to unsuspecting victims so maybe that balances out
Glad I enjoyed the beta because I was not sure of the game, I know we're meant to be "testing" but I enjoyed it.
Is there one zone per planet? How many planets? someone posted we'll go to venus, earth, mars, moon, saturn and jupiter?
I mean the full game wouldn't have you go on five misisons in old russia, that would be awful. and i hope the lvling is accelerated or something. Generally it was a good taste of the final game but really has me anxious if the lvl cap isn't above 20.
I mean there should be vendors and stuff on other planets.
Do we know if the only difficulty on the final game will be Normal and Hard?
I want Extreme pls
This "transferring game content" crap is so annoying. What the hell is it even doing? I've been waiting for almost two hours and it's still not even 50% done.
Hey, it's Lars here from Bungie. You can see when both friendlies and enemies have their Super charged through the nameplates above their head. It will be pulsing yellow when their Super is ready. You do have to target an enemy to get this information, but we felt like that balanced out the ability to tell if they could one-shot you.
You're welcome.![]()
Is today the day Dinklage takes the lead?
I like to think that he's siphoning votes from Titan, and without him, Titan would be in the lead.
Haven't seen it yet, but does anybody know if it's possible to switch classes?
Haven't seen it yet, but does anybody know if it's possible to switch classes?
At the moment you just roll a new character. Some stuff is shared between your characters though, and you can transfer weapons using your bank.
Sounds like a quiet fireteam. Did you try talking to them to see if they could hear you? Voice chat was working fine for me last night.
Hey, it's Lars here from Bungie. You can see when both friendlies and enemies have their Super charged through the nameplates above their head. It will be pulsing yellow when their Super is ready. You do have to target an enemy to get this information, but we felt like that balanced out the ability to tell if they could one-shot you.
You're welcome.![]()
I like to think that he's siphoning votes from Titan, and without him, Titan would be in the lead.
Do you mean subclass? I mean you can't create a hunter, level it to lvl 8, and then change that hunter into a titan.
There are multiple zones per planet. On Earth, these places are confirmed: Old Russia (obviously), Swamps of Chicago, Mumbai Push, Eastern Flood Zone, and the European Dead Zone. Also the city, tower and the wall. Plus maybe some others.Is there one zone per planet? How many planets? someone posted we'll go to venus, earth, mars, moon, saturn and jupiter?
I mean the full game wouldn't have you go on five misisons in old russia, that would be awful. and i hope the lvling is accelerated or something. Generally it was a good taste of the final game but really has me anxious if the lvl cap isn't above 20.
I mean there should be vendors and stuff on other planets.
I hear what you're saying. For me personally, I found that the story, while it didn't wow me with quality VA, left me wanting to know more. Like who is this Rasputin warmind and what is it that he is protecting in the cosmodrome? What exactly is the Traveller? Where does it come from? We know so little. The game just basically says hey, you were dead, the ghost brought you back to life. The Traveller helped bring about a golden age and humans spread across the solar system only to have the Darkness, which we know nothing about, nearly wipe humans out. Now you have been brought back to life to help reclaim what was lost and stop the Darkness from finishing the job it sent out to do however long ago. That premise alone gives me a nerdy boner. I think it also sets the stage for a lot of really cool stories about the past lore to fit into the games narrative, like who you were in the past and why you are so important, were you a soldier during "the collapse"? Who knows? I feel they have done a good job just giving us a basic idea of whats going on without spoiling too much of the story. But to each his own I guess. I can see where you are comming from too though I'm more in the happy with what Ive seen so far camp.
Very much agree and some of the set-up/storytelling may have been abbreviated for the beta. We don't know.
So I finally reached level 8 with my Titan. I just finished story mission 5 and I guess that's the last one because I can't access the Moon.
Do you get good gear from Exploration? I'd like to gather up before I head into the Crucible.
And what is the fastest way to earn some Glimmer? I wanna buy myself a new ship or Sparrow. :T
So the icon in the lower right corner is not an indicator that I should be getting audio from them?
Yeah, it's possible. In my first post on the topic, I asked if anyone knew whether or not things have been cut from the introduction sequences. Because that IS what it feels like....which is the problem I have with it. But there isn't any real evidence at this point to suggest that what we have in the Beta isn't the complete first couple of hours of the actual game.
There are multiple zones per planet. On Earth, these places are confirmed: Old Russia (obviously), Swamps of Chicago, Mumbai Push, Eastern Flood Zone, and the European Dead Zone. Also the city, tower and the wall. Plus maybe some others.
Confirmed locations on the Moon: The accelerator, the hellmouth and the moonbase. Likely more that are unknown.
The only confirmed location on Venus is the citadel, again, there are likely more.
There is no information on mercury locations, but the planet has been seen in trailers.
Mars locations so far: Dust Palace, Charlemagne's vault and the Mars' exclusion zone.
Nothing has been said about Jupiter, but it has been shown in an E3 trailer. However there is some concept art of Jupiter's moon Europa. Also since Jupiter is gaseous I doubt we'll play on it but idk.
Not much is known about Saturn except for the face that there are derelict spaceships floating around its rings.
Nothing has been revealed on Uranus, Neptune or Pluto. Maybe they're in the launch game, maybe they're DLC, idk.
I think this game is going to have a TON of content with plenty to do. I'm very excited for launch and for the 360 beta next week.
Or at least make a new character. I just wanna try the other classes out. I don't wanna marry myself to a particular class just yet.
not sure if i enjoy PVP, they tacked to much CoDs and Titanfall BS that the Bungie Halo's always avoided and 343 tried to implement in H4. :/
guys i have made a topic on bungie feedback forum about how useless hipfiring is, if u feel the same way please support the suggestion to make hipfiring more accurate. really want bungie to change this
Oh thanks! I didn't know that. Gonna go ahead and search for those treasures now.
Can you reach the end of Devils Lair without entering the Strike?
It is. Doesn't mean the audio it was picking up was them talking to you. Seems like some people have their mics plugged in but not up on their head so you are just picking up background noises.
There are multiple zones per planet. On Earth, these places are confirmed: Old Russia (obviously), Swamps of Chicago, Mumbai Push, Eastern Flood Zone, and the European Dead Zone. Also the city, tower and the wall. Plus maybe some others.
Hey, it's Lars here from Bungie. You can see when both friendlies and enemies have their Super charged through the nameplates above their head. It will be pulsing yellow when their Super is ready. You do have to target an enemy to get this information, but we felt like that balanced out the ability to tell if they could one-shot you.
You're welcome.![]()
theyre monster closets/enemy spawn hivesanyone know whats up with the black smoke doorways, is that just how they are blocking off access to other areas in the beta, or something else? Is that the darkness?
Finally got to play some regular missions with a fireteam of friends, and this game just became so much better. I liked it by myself but damn, this is awesome with buds.
thanks for stopping by. would you mind explaining how weapon damage in pvp works?Hey, it's Lars here from Bungie. You can see when both friendlies and enemies have their Super charged through the nameplates above their head. It will be pulsing yellow when their Super is ready. You do have to target an enemy to get this information, but we felt like that balanced out the ability to tell if they could one-shot you.
You're welcome.![]()
theyre monster closets/enemy spawn hives
there is a way in game I beleive, but I have never done it. ithink when you are looking at a player, "R3" icon pops up to inspect them. ithink maybe in that menu you can join them, or send an invite?I'm playing it solo and I feel it would be way more fun with a fireteam. Is there a way in game to meet up with people or do I hav to add people off forums
theyre monster closets/enemy spawn hives
There are multiple zones per planet. On Earth, these places are confirmed: Old Russia (obviously), Swamps of Chicago, Mumbai Push, Eastern Flood Zone, and the European Dead Zone. Also the city, tower and the wall. Plus maybe some others.
Confirmed locations on the Moon: The accelerator, the hellmouth and the moonbase. Likely more that are unknown.
The only confirmed location on Venus is the citadel, again, there are likely more.
There is no information on mercury locations, but the planet has been seen in trailers.
Mars locations so far: Dust Palace, Charlemagne's vault and the Mars' exclusion zone.
Nothing has been said about Jupiter, but it has been shown in an E3 trailer. However there is some concept art of Jupiter's moon Europa. Also since Jupiter is gaseous I doubt we'll play on it but idk.
Not much is known about Saturn except for the face that there are derelict spaceships floating around its rings.
Nothing has been revealed on Uranus, Neptune or Pluto. Maybe they're in the launch game, maybe they're DLC, idk.
I think this game is going to have a TON of content with plenty to do. I'm very excited for launch and for the 360 beta next week.
how in the world does it feel like deathmatch.. The only available mode is zone capture. And how is it broken, you can do well with the beginner weapons. Explain yourselfSo Crucible is pretty bad, right? It feels like a really broken and mediocre Halo deathmatch. I can't tell if I just need to get better at it.
These are NOT confirmed locations, minus Old Russia. Those other places only had a brief concept art slide from some panel with Bungie, and when they popped up in the talk, at no point were they mentioned as actual confirmed locations. People just saw the artwork and automatically assumed them to be places to visit. I would not get your hopes up for places like Old Chicago.
Because I'm shooting at people.how in the world does it feel like deathmatch.. The only available mode is zone capture. And how is it broken, you can do well with the beginner weapons. Explain yourself