Ok guys, admit it, who danced the shit out of this game? Exo dance rocks. We just did synchro dance and several people joined in. I cried from laughter. Amazing.
ah, so essesntially the creeping darkness. Kinda lame, but oh well.
there is a way in game I beleive, but I have never done it. ithink when you are looking at a player, "R3" icon pops up to inspect them. ithink maybe in that menu you can join them, or send an invite?
Well, we also don't know how old this build of the Beta is either. Its been in testing with family and friends for a bit, and we don't know from what internal version it was culled.
The Alpha was several months old at least when it was released to most of us, so there's really no telling how far ahead the general build of the game is from this point.
Maybe you just don't like pvp in general.Because I'm shooting at people.
The main game's guns feel good. In deathmatch, everything feels like garbage.
Because I'm shooting at people.
The main game's guns feel good. In deathmatch, everything feels like garbage.
Has anyone found all the golden chests yet? I got 2/5 on Earth.
Also the ghost VO isn't that bad, but they should probably give my boy tyrion better dialog and direction.
so is everyone just assuming now that we will in fact not be able to explore the huge expanse outside the wall(where the game begins), like what was suggested in the first Destiny reveal.
i actually havent even tried to explore it in the beta, but I am guessing its no different than the alpha, since no one has mentioned anything.
You can tell an MMO by the number of people unwilling to play the tank class. Mission accomplished!I'm playing on the PS3 and Titans like me are the minoirty, seems like evryone is playing as a warlock or hunter. And on the PS4??
Are people still saying it's bad? I think it's waaaay better than alpha.Played the beta some before work and outside of not really liking the running much I loved my time with it. The way people could just meet up in the field and get together was pretty nice and seamless and the action really felt good as my hunter went around straining knife kills together.
Not sure when I'll play next but I'd be lying if I said I haven't been thinking about the game all day. Also the ghost VO isn't that bad, but they should probably give my boy tyrion better dialog and direction.
100% agree and I think it's one reason why I've enjoyed the Alpha a wee bit better. It just kicked off on the mission to kill the Wizard so these questions didn't matter at that point.I was just disappointed by how the beginning was executed. I feel they could've done a much better job of introducing the world in an engaging way. The character is just told to do a sequence of tasks, and then goes about doing them without showing any regard for the significance/craziness of the situation he finds himself in.
Go get yourself a ship: OK, here's one...kill a few guys to get it. OK, now go chat to some dude who can very briefly tell you about a huge war against some Darkness. Brief cut scene. Sure, I'll join the fight against some Darkness...why not. Now let's go upgrade our ship so we can travel to other planets. Not that we've even outlined any immediate reason/objective for needing to go to other planets right now. It moves from one objective to the next without much narrative flow. It doesn't help that I found the missions to be rather mundane. And it felt like you were just kind of plopped down in locations without much context.
I don't want to play the strike alone.
Has anyone found all the golden chests yet? I got 2/5 on Earth.
I've gotten 3/5 so far.
I've come across loot chests in other locations (like the cave up high, that requires a double jump for a plane wing). I'm assuming this means there's different levels of chests, and that one wasn't considered Gold?
Why did no one tell me about handcannons before now?
Sooo good.
Ok guys, admit it, who danced the shit out of this game? Exo dance rocks. We just did synchro dance and several people joined in. I cried from laughter. Amazing.
I have no idea what you're talking about. Tried one at level 4 and between lvl4 handcannon and a lvl 4 scout rifle there really was no contest. Scout rifle hits harder, holds more ammo, has better zoom... Is there even a single thing where the handcannon wins?
Which is a shame, because they're really cool...
I dunno, probably downloading the 11GB Beta?
You just crushed my hopes.![]()
Because you can't use your movement ability and shoot at the same time. If you do, you stop gliding and drop to the ground.I don't understand why there's a huuuuge penalty to accuracy when jumping.. Why does Bungie not want us to jump and shoot?
Are you upgrading your guns? Pretty major.
There are multiple zones per planet. On Earth, these places are confirmed: Old Russia (obviously), Swamps of Chicago, Mumbai Push, Eastern Flood Zone, and the European Dead Zone. Also the city, tower and the wall. Plus maybe some others.
Confirmed locations on the Moon: The accelerator, the hellmouth and the moonbase. Likely more that are unknown.
The only confirmed location on Venus is the citadel, again, there are likely more.
There is no information on mercury locations, but the planet has been seen in trailers.
Mars locations so far: Dust Palace, Charlemagne's vault and the Mars' exclusion zone.
Nothing has been said about Jupiter, but it has been shown in an E3 trailer. However there is some concept art of Jupiter's moon Europa. Also since Jupiter is gaseous I doubt we'll play on it but idk.
Not much is known about Saturn except for the face that there are derelict spaceships floating around its rings.
Nothing has been revealed on Uranus, Neptune or Pluto. Maybe they're in the launch game, maybe they're DLC, idk.
I think this game is going to have a TON of content with plenty to do. I'm very excited for launch and for the 360 beta next week.
Well I guess, but it doesn't say anything about downloading. It says it's installing. I guess I didn't pay attention to the file size of what I got from the PS Store. I started the download late at night and went to bed.
I went there in the Alpha - and found a hidden ghost. But the two times I've tried to go back in the Beta - the gates were closed.
At the start of the Beta - went to the location - in the midst of the rusty cars were I found the ghost before - and it wasn't there.
I hope this is implying new content drops during the beta, but I kinda feel like this will be a "10 things to do after hitting level 8"
1 - Try Hard mode.
2 - Did you know your weapons have levels too?
3 - Chase those Crucible leaderboards!
4 - See how fast you can finish the Strike.
. . . . .
I don't understand why there's a huuuuge penalty to accuracy when jumping.. Why does Bungie not want us to jump and shoot?
Titan is okay so far. Going to try hard mode strike tomorrow.
Robot Dinklage is great
how do i upgrade guns?
Waiting on xbone. Are people generally liking the new voice more?
I hope this is implying new content drops during the beta, but I kinda feel like this will be a "10 things to do after hitting level 8"
1 - Try Hard mode.
2 - Did you know your weapons have levels too?
3 - Chase those Crucible leaderboards!
4 - See how fast you can finish the Strike.
. . . . .
Waiting on xbone. Are people generally liking the new voice more?
This has made my concerns vanish. I figured Old Russia was the only zone on Earth.
Hype back into overdrive.
It's better than alpha... Still don't like it too much.
Uncommon (Green) and higher have upgrades through leveling up and gaining experience while using that weapon