So here's my more complete thoughts on the Beta. For starters, I think it's good but it could be a lot better.
PvE: I'll take my issues with it first. The AI tends to do one of two things, swarm or stand still. Something that Reach's AI did that was awesome was that it tried to get to advantageous positions versus the player. Dregs tend to jump up and down on the player's position, without really attacking the player, or they stand still. The Hive people only have the swarm option. This isn't always bad thing, but when combined with the how prevalent ADS is, it makes it feel so much worse.
I understand that Old Russia is meant to be a sort of hub styled world for players to meet in. As a result enemies need to be constantly updated in the world. The problem is that enemies that aren't in advanceable positions(i.e. the Hive in the Sat building) respawn far too quickly. There was one time where I killed two Fallen guys and their captain, ran up to the bodies to loot them, and by the time I got to them maybe three seconds later, they were already respawning. From a player perspective, it makes the world feel less alive and more like a place to grind levels in.
The Darkness approaching is a two-edged sword. On one hand I like it for parties of players. It gives missions a bit more of a challenge. On the other hand, playing alone and having to restart with all the enemies that had previously been killed is annoying. I understand the point of it, but the lack of checkpoints for players wishing to go alone a bit disappointing, especially from a Bungie game.
Old Russia is the best part of the game so far. The areas having different leveled opponents is really cool. In addition, the enemies that are guarding areas that aren't supposed to be in the beta are really cool. That definitely makes the world feel like there's more secrets in it.
The little beacon missions in Old Russia are surprisingly fun. I had a cool mission where I had to kill a certain amount of Fallen. Right as I start, a dropship comes in from above signalling the public event. I got the beacon mission and the public event completed in one go.
Public events are really, really well done. Honestly, I can't think of a way to do them any better. When watching preview videos, it seemed like public events could be cool but a lot of people would skip out because they were optional. This isn't the case. People join in after they start, and everyone seems eager to help kill bad guys.
The tower is alright. I just wish the radar didn't show everyone, and just showed the vendors and stuff. I've only been to the ones on the main concourse area, because there doesn't seem like much of a reason to go to anyone else.
PvP: Where do I start... Supers don't work in PvP. At all. Everytime a Titan has used their Super I have died. I have survived a Warlock Super twice, only one of which did I end up winning the encounter. I haven't survived a Hunter's super, but I have ended up trading kills multiple times. The worst part about all of these is that they are nearly instant and come out of nowhere. The Hunter's is probably the easiest to prepare for, but the kill times are long enough that it requires 100% effort to just trade kills before dying to the network delayed Golden Gun.
By putting the Sniper on the Hunter by practically default, it gives players the notion that they should use the Sniper in PvP. This shouldn't be the case, as the Sniper requires a bit more skill and finesse in PvP that a lot of the players quite frankly do not have. It feels like every game I have at least one guy on my team with a <.50 K/D because they were trying to use the Sniper.
Weapon balancing in PvP needs a lot of work. There isn't much point to using a primary that isn't an Auto Rifle. There isn't much point to using a Special that isn't the Shotgun. Hand Cannons feel incredibly useless.
The spawn animation is weird. I understand that I'm spawning in, that's why I was mashing Square. I don't need to see myself spawn in. It takes away from the Bungie concepts of later Halo games where they want to get you back into the action as soon as you can. This feels like I can get back into the action after the 3 second respawn + the 3 second spawn animation. It doesn't feel nearly as instantaneous.
In short, I don't have a lot of positive things to say about the PvP. It feels like it took the aspects of CoD and Reach that I disliked the most and put them in one multiplayer. I'll play it a little bit in the retail game, but this isn't going to bring people in like Halo or Call of Duty did.
General/Other: The UI is natural. The only area where it feels like I'm navigating a video game is the planet selection screen. Other than that it feels... right. I can't exactly describe it, but it fits the functions very well.
I don't get the materials stuff at all. I have like 7 or 8 Sapphire Wire and 4 or 5 Spinmetal(?) and I have no idea what they are for. I think I have gun parts or something like that too.
Stores actually have stuff that I want. Thank God it's not like Borderlands, where 99% of the time I went to a shop only to sell my unwanted stuff and look at items that were worse than what I had just sold. The engram store is really cool too. It's probably my favorite store on the Tower.
Music is great. It's a real shame Marty won't be there to work on the future titles.
I have yet to do the Strike, I'm waiting until my friends are online to play it. Hopefully it's good.
All in all, I'll be getting the game come September, but I can only see it holding my interest for a couple of months. It just feels like something is off with it. Bungie said they wanted to capture lightning in a bottle again, and while I don't doubt initial sales will seem like they did(the marketing push is and will be strong enough to push up sales), I just don't see this having the same 10 year life span that Halo had. It also sucks that Sony upped the exclusivity bullshit even more, but there's nothing that we can do about that.