Boo to the time slot of that timed event tomorrow. Literally the only hours all day that I'm busy.
A "beta" that is released 6 weeks before the game launches isn't a beta - it's a next gen marketing term for a demo. The reason it's labeled a "beta" is damage control. It can enable consumers to mislead themselves: "Oh I don't like this or the game is lacking this.. but I guess it is just a beta after all." Of course they will make small tweaks here and there but don't expect anything major.
A "beta" that is released 6 weeks before the game launches isn't a beta - it's a next gen marketing term for a demo. The reason it's labeled a "beta" is damage control. It can enable consumers to mislead themselves: "Oh I don't like this or the game is lacking this.. but I guess it is just a beta after all." Of course they will make small tweaks here and there but don't expect anything major.
Other subclasses, skill unlocks, and weapons will probably give you what you're looking for. No, there is no strict trinity, but each class, set up in certain ways, is best suited to specific combat situations.Game is fun but i´m concerned over the lack of variety in weapons and skills. Where are my crazy combinations ? I thought this would be more MMO style with TriArch elements but so far all 3 classes plays exactly the same. No real healer, no supporter, no tank with taunt etc. pp. Wish their would be more then just "Bomb A skill, Superblast B skill". For example the constant lack of ammo in this game drives me crazy. So why no class that can spam some ammo for the group ? There is many potential but I don´t see it yet. Hope this is just the lack of content in the Beta and the final game offers more.
A "beta" that is released 6 weeks before the game launches isn't a beta - it's a next gen marketing term for a demo. The reason it's labeled a "beta" is damage control. It can enable consumers to mislead themselves: "Oh I don't like this or the game is lacking this.. but I guess it is just a beta after all." Of course they will make small tweaks here and there but don't expect anything major.
Um, I found this on my own. I don't recognize it from any of the missions I've gotten (if you're talking about beacon quests).
Great discovery. I was just seeing if I could get on the cliff by hopping off the plane's wings.
Even if, maybe most of the content is available to "max lvl" players. I am not sure how content is connected to the players level.
This Beta build is old code. It's a demo, essentially. Bungie has said that the Xb1 version will be 1080p.
Anyone else experiencing disconnects?
So I was doing a public event earlier where a target showed up and had to be killed. Me and about 4 random guys were laying into the guy and he tried to run. We gave chase and he just vanished and the event ended about 2 minutes early. Is that supposed to happen? Seemed odd. All the guys looked around for him, but he had just disappeared completely.
Probably the event where he is immune to everything and you are supposed to kill him before he gets to the location.
Did anyone else get a beta code from playstation?
Yeah I did earlier.Did anyone else get a beta code from playstation?
I think I've played enough to get together my impressions for the beta.
After doing the story missions and some sidequests, I couldn't shake this itching feeling that the game was borderlands lite. Less guns, less interesting enemies, same ADS and about the same movement speed. Hell, getting the Speeder for the first time felt like getting your runner for the first time in borderlands, without scooter there to make it funny.
As for the public events: Those feel like they were ripped straight out of defiance(the game). Defiance had Arc fall events on the gigantic open world map it had that anyone could see on the map and go to to participate in, just like these public events(on a much smaller map). The part that annoys me about this is the simple fact that Destiny uses this mechanic in a much less interesting manner. Arc falls had a series of complicated objectives, bosses etc. to motivate you, and the amount of people who would come in numbered anywhere from 4-40, so you got a lot of variety. In this, you've got either the big bad(for the beta that's the devil tank) that you have to take out that you can also find elsewhere in the world without the event if you wanted to, or the stereotypical "Kill a bunch of bad guys going after this point. Because, reasons."
Don't get me wrong I was visually impressed by these events when they came up, but the actual execution was lackluster.
I know it's just the beta and all, but it's completely unfleshed out. Your motivation for doing anything in this game is simply a floating robot telling you what to do. Oh, and humanity's nearly dead bla bla bla traveler is awesome, saved everyone bla bla bla. It really feels like they could have gone somewhere with the plot points they have in place, fleshed out the world and the precise history of it to make it interesting and give the player motivation, but they don't even give you a character you can vaguely sympathize with. Hell, they could have at least put a description of what each of the races are in the character creation screen so you know what the hell an exo and an awakened are.
In either case, suffice to say story in this game is really lacking.
Unbalanced. Vehicles are too powerful, powers break everything worse than armor abilities in reach. Autoaim is way to hand-holdly here, especially with the vehicles.
All this being said, I'm not cancelling my preorder and I expect to have a bit of fun with this waiting for more interesting multiplayer stuff to release.
Did they send one to everyone?Yeah I did earlier.
I don't know. The objective was simply "Eliminate the target" and it had a timer. Why would his reaching the location not only not correlate with the timer, but be a whole 2 minutes off the timer?
OMG I just discovered that the grimoire is where lots of story is! It's such a fun idea! You have little trading cards on your phone that you unlock each day and when they flip over they have a couple paragraphs of lore on each one! That's so neat.
Kinda agree with everything you said except the comment about uninteresting enemies, I like the enemy design so far. I just hope that when I'm fighting lvl 20 fallen and hive enemies, that they will look and fight differently than the low level ones we're fighting in the beta.
PvP is trash.
PvP is amazing.
PvP is trash.
PvP is amazing.
PvP is alright.
Really liking this game. Hope XB1 version isnt too gimped in content and visuals since friends play on that platform. Sad knowing I am buying the inferior version of the game.