Need players. Dusktildawn24
Bulletsponge bosses have been one of the most common complaints about destiny so far, let's not pretend it's not an issue.
Event is on
Event is on
Need 2 for the event. PS4
Stuck on Evaluating Guardians, come onnnn
Where in the Tower is this thing?
Go to the Tower, talk to Lord Saladin, and he'll invite you to the Iron Banner event.
Where on earth is Lord Saladin located in the Tower?!
Looking for a team, My ID is Kikarian.
Me too dusktildawn24I'm down, psn biggy70686
So outside of parties and Fireteams there's no way to communicate with anyone, right? I just want to make sure I'm not missing something.
Am imagining things or do the three classes differ in terms of shields? Warlock regens shields faster, titan has more shield, etc? Just my imagination?
Side note I hope we can skip cut scenes on release.
You can.
HOORAHAnd this, my friends, is unbalanced PvP.
Where on earth is Lord Saladin located in the Tower?!