Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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So I just downloaded the game to my PS3. How to I join random online game and how do I add people to my Fireteam?


Hype levels for this going down, feels like a corridor only borderlands so far. Way too instancey as well. The full level design and completeness from the Halo games seems gone, replaced by bite size chunks of map and lots of corridors. In some cases the only reason you couldn't just run straight to the end of a mission is due to the triggers on mob death.

Missions so far are just moving to some static object/boss at the end of each section and waiting for the ghost to do something then get a mission complete screen. Then back to the map select/tower(sanctuary from BL) rinse and repeat. Unless there is some epic campaign which deviates from this formula I can see this game getting old fast. Also having only 3 people in a party is a mistake, 4 is the sweet spot. Should have come up with a healer class or something to fill the final role.


I went to orbit and it notified me of a new event (Iron Banner)in the Crucible. Didn't have to speak with anybody.

Playing on Mars now :)


How you guys get such high attack and defence?

I have tried as hard as I could, maximum I could get it up to was 55 Attack and 146 Defence. I am preparing to get owned ...


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
i'm sitting here with crazy anticipation for the unlocking of a broken ass multiplayer mode. this is crazy, lol


Ain't this fucking nice. Destiny crashed the whole PS3 and now the console's checking the file system (and warns that if corrupted, it may take 2-3 hours to fix things).
Great fucking timing to crash.

EDIT at least it wasn't corrupted. I reckon that ain't that common, is it?


So outside of parties and Fireteams there's no way to communicate with anyone, right? I just want to make sure I'm not missing something.
Am imagining things or do the three classes differ in terms of shields? Warlock regens shields faster, titan has more shield, etc? Just my imagination?

Side note I hope we can skip cut scenes on release.


No different from standard capture, will likely be better in the final game when everybody's at different levels with different items.


Wait... Aren't we supposed to go into a new game mode? I clicked the new Iron Banner icon and got put into a Control match...
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