Mars is a mostly indoor complex. Quite hard to navigate right now.
Here you go!
You want to play Mars?
Here is the Moon four times in a row.
That don't carry over into the full version, lol. I've been watching the Bungie livestream and yeah, I'd much prefer the balanced MP of the Crucible.You aren't missing out on much. Unbalanced MP and apparently awards that we can't use. Wooo!
Unless stock numbers are absolutely huge I think you might be out of luck by then, *but* Shu has said the white PS4 will be available before the end of the year as a stand-alone console.This game is making me want a ps4, sadly the earliest i can buy one is this xmas, do you guys think the ps4 destiny bundle will be available then?
Why is everyone hating on the PvP all of a sudden because of this event? Regular PvP is still solid.
Moon isn't in the playlist with Mars.
Why is everyone hating on the PvP all of a sudden because of this event? Regular PvP is still solid.
Some event, yay we get to play control with the level advantage enabled.... just what I never wanted.
I must say i dislike the moon map, the vehicles man. Too overpowered. I need to save my golden gun just to take them down.
My apologies to Bungie but their PVP is just fucking garbage.
Why are you storing underlevelled gear instead of selling it? Am I missing a major part of the game here?
Wtf Bungie, fucking vehicles are overpowered. People just getting slaughtered by those things on control, absolutely ridiculous.
They need to nerf the auto rifles too.
Why is everyone hating on the PvP all of a sudden because of this event? Regular PvP is still solid.
Looking for a team
ID Kikarian
Yeah, you're right, but I don't consider it a negative in a game like this. In an MMO you don't call bosses or enemies "magic or sword sponges" when they take a while to kill. The challenge in these bosses comes from surviving boss attacks and the additional enemies that come periodically, while still dealing damage. At least I think that is what they are going for. And I know that's not for everyone.They still are, let's not kid ourselves.
But they certainly don't take 15 minutes to kill, and killing them is fun with a good squad.
It's probably fine for now, but splitting the matchmaking population for an unbalanced (but otherwise identical) playlist isn't good practise.
Does Bungie hate us? Why is there no Slayer or TDM? Fuck control, king of the hill, capture the flags, and those other silly ass game types.
Rocket Launcher