Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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I'm streaming a friend and I who snuck past some Level 20 dudes at the Forgotten Coast area and got into an area called the Grotto and managed to sneak past the enemies to The Refinery area. All enemies are "???" and one shot us! But we're delving into it! :)


I don't really get what the point of this is... aren't there supposed to be rewards from this? And by that I mean rewards that we can actually use, none of this dick teasing with level 20 gear?


I'm sure it is for some -I've just been saying that it isn't for everyone.

Well you basically said that strike missions aren't for players that take a while to kill the bosses. Which just strikes me as a weird position to take, considering how common the complaint about bulletsponge bosses have been so far.


You guys are lucky, I'm stuck working for another 8 and a half hours. Has there been any word on Iron Banner coming back later on in the beta?


Well you basically said that strike missions aren't for players that take a while to kill the bosses. Which just strikes me as a weird position to take, considering how common the complaint about bulletsponge bosses have been so far.

Well my point there is that the bosses aren't really bullet sponges for the people who have gotten more into the game and geared up appropriately and have a good team.


Just saw a lvl 20 purple gun drop for the lowest scoring person in iron banner

Just watch as they announce on the last day of beta that any items you have found during beta, can be carried over to retail release by placing them in the bank or something.

Well my point there is that the bosses aren't really bullet sponges for the people who have gotten more into the game and geared up appropriately and have a good team.

Well that certainly depends what you define as bulletsponge. Like I said, I did the normal version of the strike in the alpha, with a group that was supposedly overgeared and overleveled for it at that difficulty. And we still took roughly 15 minutes on the spider tank, and 8-9 minutes on septik prime. And I was certainly doing nothing but going for weak spots on both bosses. That do me is just a ridiculous amount of time for those kinds of bosses, regardless of the fact that sure, it could have been done quicker with a more coordinated and efficient group of players.

Keep in mind that these are not the end game raid bosses. They are the early game strike mode bosses, on normal. And they're commonly taking up to around twice the time to kill, as freaking hardmode raid bosses do in WoW.

I'm all for making the hardmode version of strikes require coordination and effiency. but let the normal mode versions be tuned so that a random group of players, at the suggested level, can actually go in there and fight some bosses and feel it was a fun yet challening, rather than boring and tedious due to the insane healthpool of the bosses.


Pics or it didn't happen.



Here you go!


Well my point there is that the bosses aren't really bullet sponges for the people who have gotten more into the game and geared up appropriately and have a good team.

They still are, let's not kid ourselves.

But they certainly don't take 15 minutes to kill, and killing them is fun with a good squad.


First match was actually the best I've ever done. My team had zero interest in capturing anything til halfway but we almost came back once we got organized


Have the emblem from the vendor, is there something else I'm missing from this? Or do you just buy the emblem for the event from Salim?


holy shit I just had the worst round with randoms

It literally felt like it was their first time playing a shooter online jesus

like they capped the home flag and never made attempts to other are we going to win if you just stay at one flag lol
Played my first match with randoms in Iron Banner.

My team mates basically ignored all the objectives. The game mode itself is the normal PVP but even more unbalanced. Great.


Wow, loved the verticality of the Mars map. Really great stuff. Feels a little bit like Titanfall but with slower jets and better gun control.

Also, it's really cool how each map has a unique feel to it so far.


what's up with the rewards? are they totally random? I Was #1 in a round, we won, and I still didnt get any reward.. but this other guy got a lvl 20 gun :/

I want shinny stuff :'(


There's a Dead Ghost on the far railings in the area where you go see Lord Saladin. Just in case anyone missed it.

Won my first Iron Banner match, can't believe I actually dominated with 21 kills and 3.something K/D.


Unconfirmed Member
Man, I am really not feeling Crucible.

When it works, it's fun, but man, those games where you just get battered down by Super after Super after Super are some of the worst experiences I've had playing multiplayer. And that Moon Map is horrible. Ugh, that Moon map... ;-(

Not even going to bother doing the Iron Banner thing as I've still not found any decent gear in the short time I've had to play.

Also, what the fuck is up with Crucible loot? I've never gotten any... One game I own, but the loot goes to the worst player on the team, next game I suck; loot goes to the best player on the team. It just seems like it distributes it completely at random, which is a horrible way to do it.


Just watch as they announce on the last day of beta that any items you have found during beta, can be carried over to retail release by placing them in the bank or something.
Haha I wasn't the one to get it so pretty mad about that, considering it was my first time on a new map and played my best pvp match ever in this game lol
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