Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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There is a small difference between something not being for you and something being bad.

I consider Destiny PVP to be bad due to various issues. A PVP mode should always be balanced in some way. Destiny's isn't in any way as far as i can see. "Normalization" is a joke as it is, though perhaps it will be strengthened for the retail. EDIT and then there are other issues. Bad maps. Generally lack of innovation or anything truly interesting. Inconsistent melee and weapons.
I've played better PVP games that are not really for me.
That said, i've played considerably worse things... so i am being a bit unfair perhaps. But i'd also like to like to the game completely, so far it is only partially something i like.


I'm having fun with the game but I just can't play it on PS3 any longer. It looks great but it's just so low res for me. Looking forward to the PS4 :D


Neo Member
I consider Destiny PVP to be bad due to various issues. A PVP mode should always be balanced in some way. Destiny's isn't in any way as far as i can see. "Normalization" is a joke as it is, though perhaps it will be strengthened for the retail.
I've played better PVP games that are not really for me.
That said, i've played considerably worse things... so i am being a bit unfair perhaps. But i'd also like to like to the game completely, so far it is only partially something i like.

I find the balancing to be near perfect.
What do you guys think of the sprint turn speed?

It was annoying but acceptable in single player, but in PvP the turn speed is super annoying... feels heavy and clunky, even after cancelling sprint there is a buffer time in which you turn slowly.

It's fine. In fact, in makes the difference between sprint and regular running appreciable with different advantages, as opposed to say, Titanfall (which even has an auto-sprint option).


Man, I want to join the GAF EU clan but EU2 only has 15 members and 7 clan mates. Why bother being in the clan if you aren't going to set it as your primary? :l
Got this from pvp IB

Ilúvatar;121777195 said:
Has there been any word on if anything will carry over from the Beta to the full release? Equipment, story progress, etc

DeeJ said during their Iron Banner stream that "There will be items that will carry over from Beta to Live" but he stressed that the vendor stuff from Iron Banners was not it.


Shoot, I was too busy playing the PvP that I forgot to go back before the time was up and buy stuff from the npc. Does anyone still have the area open in their game?


I find the balancing to be near perfect.

What balancing? The classes are not balanced against each other (at least there ain't no rock-paper-scissors balancing). Certain weapon types are far superior to others, even though this game doesn't have utility weapons like arena shooters have. Vehicles are overpowered (not an issue in-itself that much but lack of counters is a big issue).
Maps are not balanced as they're asymmetric.
Skill-matching seems to be non-existent.

EDIT for a balanced game, look at Unreal Tournament (arena shooter) or Team Fortress 2 (Class-based) (as far as i know it is balanced). Hell, some of the CODs are more balanced as ADS shooters.

REV 09

pvp still sucks. Maybe the other modes will be better, but the map design, vehicle combat, weapon and power balance are all over the place. Don't see competitive mp catching on like Halo.
I'm ok with vehicle on the moon. It suppose to be strong like titan in titanfall.

I'm not one to bitch about balance, and to be honest the tank is killable with the turret, sniping, and some other things, but it's just not fun. It's too fast for it's strength. A competent driver can just slide between A and B and just clean up. If you're spawning near A, you have to go almost all the way around the map to get to the back of the turret above B to down that bitch if it's early in the game without specials or supers.


The Iron Banner event WILL happen again during the Beta. So you haven't missed your chance to buy that exclusive gear.

@Bungie said:
Iron Banner maneuvers have concluded in Destiny. For now... Stay tuned. The doors between Guardians and Lord Saladin will open again.

Has the beta soundtrack been ripped yet? There's some awesome music in this game.

I ripped (most of) the music from the Alpha. And I'm working on the music from the Beta.


Don't know how I'm so bad at multiplayer. I'm not great at all FPS multiplayers, but for some reason Destiny is just absolutely brutal on me. I've played several games now and have yet to get a positive k/d. I feel like all of my weapons take forever to kill someone and every weapon someone uses against me drops me in 1 or 2 shots. It's extremely frustrating. I just don't understand it. /rant


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Pretty normal in mmo games
Not really.

It's a purposeful design choice.
They want you to earn your own gear. So no trading

Well at least at launch...

Just find it odd, my brother like the Machine Gun style weapons, I like the pulse rifle. he find nothing but scout and pulse rifels and I get all machine guns.

Figured it be like any other MMO, don't use something should be able to give it to someone, BoE.
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