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Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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Got the new Iron Banner emblem, cloak and shader(even though you can't use it)

Digging the cloak
Ditto, PSN is Mr_Wattson

Good playing with you earlier man. We had a great run there.

I like PvP a lot, but I'm gonna echo some of the complaints here:

-Auto Rifles are definitely an issue. They need a nerf.

-Shotguns are the only special weapon anyone uses. They need to make the other options more effective.

-Moon map should be limited to 1 interceptor that spawns in the middle. Make the people that want it fight each other away from the objectives to earn it.


My only problem with the balance of multiplayer is the revolver and pulse rifle are pretty useless as primary weapons. If you aren't using scout or full auto, good luck.

Yep, agree. The special weapons feel very balanced imo, people saying shotguns suck are nuts.

If they just tweak those two weapons, and either add more ways to kill vehicles or lower vehicle health, I think the core gameplay would be set. That and consider taking off orbs of light in PvP, I think it gives too much of a boost to the team if a couple people get successful super hits.
At first, I think that assault rifle and pulse rifle are OP in PvP.

Actually, scout rifle and shotgun are useless.

Shotgun useless? I think more of my kills are with my shotgun than any other gun. My Outlander Mk. 38 is modified to have better range and stability than most other shotguns. Right now, I find it absurdly easy when coming under fire to dip behind a wall, toggle crouch, and wait for them to rush. The second they rush, shotgun + melee at the same time. Usually the shotgun kills them, but the melee is extra safety. I can generally trade deaths this way or even come out on top.
I tried one round in Iron Banner (never tried PVP in this game before) and that was a mistake...to say I did horribly would actually be a compliment...got destroyed

oh well


Well I think I'm feeling pretty burned out with the Beta now, especially since its essentially the same content as the Alpha. Will play for a bit once it's on Xbox but after that, roll release day.

The high level gear teasing is just mean.


I literally don't think you could be any less specific or more vague in pointing out design issues. There's not actually anything to respond to in this post.

Lets put it this way: It is bad because it isn't fun to play.
The primary reason why it isn't fun is that it is fundamentally unbalanced. Pretty much every other PVP game i've played is more balanced, or have good enough "external" systems to balance the game (skill-matching, general skill-gap, level brackets, no random equipment, excellent maps, etc.) so that it is good enough balance-wise. WoW has (had?) the level ranges, and was balanced for max level PVP and it worked rather well there. SWTOR gives low level players a large boost to make them more competitive. COD's loadout system is fundamentally more balanced than Destiny's gear system as everyone has access to everything, eventually. In Destiny, you might never get a weapon that has ideal extra effects for PVP, even with the normalization.
The secondary reasons are other issues, some bad decisions (ADS, which doesn't add any depth to the game but it is working system at least).
I can live with the second group. Most games have other issues, they ain't perfect. But most are at least fun to play.

And i stress i'm talking about PVP only now. Destiny PVE is actually pretty good, though it has quite a lot of problems, though some of them may be due to limited content this "beta" offers.
Well I think I'm feeling pretty burned out with the Beta now, especially since its essentially the same content as the Alpha. Will play for a bit once it's on Xbox but after that, roll release day.

The high level gear teasing is just mean.

old russia mostly has me beat but crucible with a team is home. just wish the moon would be weighted less.

looking forward to the other maps in the default list
Someone in the DestinyGAF party I was in got one! Was super jealous. Can you equip it for use or is it level restricted?

Awesome! I have yet to see what it looks like in the load screens but yeah, quite a strange looking ship! Totally unrestricted btw! :)

Did anyone get major Star Wars vibes from the first 15 mins or so of the game? Especially when our guardians get their ship.
I put da team on my back that match. It's cool though the other guy deserved the legendary ship more than me. #wtfiswithcruciblelootdrops

I have mixed feelings about this. I get the Crucible drops are random, but I mean if I am putting in all the work shouldn't I get the cool reward or at least a better chance at the cool reward?

I'd like to see a % system based on scoreboard placement. The higher you on the scoreboard the greater % you are going to get that sweet legendary. That means others can still have a chance at getting it, but it wouldn't be as higher as if they were on top of the scoreboard.

Right now, there's literally no motivation for me to play the game if I am just looking for the Crucible rewards. I can just AFK in a match and I still have as good of a chance as the guy who gets 30 kills in that game to get a legendary. That's messed up.


Anyone know how the weapon balancing (as in stats) works for multi?

For example; which would be better a weapon with high stats in the 'stats bars' or a weapon with an overall higher numbered damage stat


Lets put it this way: It is bad because it isn't fun to play.
The primary reason why it isn't fun is that it is fundamentally unbalanced. Pretty much every other PVP game i've played is more balanced, or have good enough systems to balance the game (skill-matching, general skill-gap, others) so that it is good enough balance-wise. WoW has (had?) the level ranges, and was balanced for max level PVP and it worked rather well there. SWTOR gives low level players a large boost to make them more competitive. COD's loadout system is fundamentally more balanced than Destiny's gear system.
The secondary reasons are other issues, some bad decisions (ADS, which doesn't add any depth to the game but it is working system at least).
I can live with the second group. Most games have other issues, they ain't perfect. But most are at least fun to play.

And i stress i'm talking about PVP only now. Destiny PVE is actually pretty good, though it has quite a lot of problems, though some of them may be due to limited content this "beta" offers.

are you going to point out anything that's not balanced and explain why you feel that way?

i still can't quite figure out what, specifically, you're upset about -- i can only make assumptions based on the generalities you've made.
Anyone know how the weapon balancing (as in stats) works for multi?

For example; which would be better a weapon with high stats in the 'stats bars' or a weapon with an overall higher numbered damage stat

From my understanding and experience, all attack damage is equalized. This means the primary thing that you're looking for in a gun is stats like rate of fire and any bonus upgrades. For example, I can absolutely rock with my 48 damage scout rifle even though it has less damage than my 62 damage scout rifle. However, because damage is equalized, my 48 damage scout rifle actually has better stats and is better for pvp than my 62 damage scout rifle.


I consider Destiny PVP to be bad due to various issues. A PVP mode should always be balanced in some way. Destiny's isn't in any way as far as i can see. "Normalization" is a joke as it is, though perhaps it will be strengthened for the retail. EDIT and then there are other issues. Bad maps. Generally lack of innovation or anything truly interesting. Inconsistent melee and weapons.
I've played better PVP games that are not really for me.
That said, i've played considerably worse things... so i am being a bit unfair perhaps. But i'd also like to like to the game completely, so far it is only partially something i like.

I don't think normalization is a joke. I just don't think it's been very well explained. A higher leveled player is advantaged in a number of ways, but it does remove the biggest one: attack and defense ratings are irrelevant. That still means you can have a better weapon, or better piece of armor than someone else, and the subclass upgrades are still relevant too.

I've been using a pretty weak common scout rifle that I started using at level 5 and have had a ton of success with it. Level normalisation works. I think a lot of people are confused at how the game actually works, and perhaps it's poorly explained... right on this page we have people claiming that scout rifles are both useless, and great, that shotguns are both useless, and great. As I said before, people are jumping to conclusions.

I think it's a pretty smart way of doing it. It removes the biggest imbalance, while still allowing all the variety. With the rest of your comments, it's all just statements of this is bad and that is bad. Hardly persuasive.

Jedi Otter

So, I kinda got a bone to pick, specifically with Old Russia, I guess.
Back in 2013, There was an E3 Demo that mentioned a much larger playing space than what we seem to be getting.
At the 2:16 mark, he mentions "all of this is playable space"
Currently, I don't see that happening...


From my understanding and experience, all attack damage is equalized. This means the primary thing that you're looking for in a gun is stats like rate of fire and any bonus upgrades. For example, I can absolutely rock with my 48 damage scout rifle even though it has less damage than my 62 damage scout rifle. However, because damage is equalized, my 48 damage scout rifle actually has better stats and is better for pvp than my 62 damage scout rifle.

Thank you. Explains alot
Managed to play about 7 matches in the iron banner.

Things that really bugged me about it:

-2 hour limitation. I live in mountain time zone, so it wasn't a big deal for me, but I feel bad for people in Europe through Australia.

-some bounties were a little ridiculous, especially the one that required you to play with all the equipped iron banner things. How are you supposed to get them all and then do the requirements within the two hour time limit? I'm imposed at anyone who managed to get more than one or two of the bounties completed.

-warlock class got shafted as far as rewards go. That hunter cloak is sick. I can't even tell what the class thing is for warlock. A bracelet? Cool.

-same control game type. Should have been a new exclusive mode.

-two exclusive maps in iron banner eh? Well I got to play Mars once and earth one. The other times it was just the same maps from the normal playlist. Moon and Venus are fun enough, but it blows my mind they would make those maps exclusive to this event and still have the regular maps in the rotation. Sad days.

-closed the doors before people had a chance to redeem their rewards. I anticipated this so luckily I got an emblem but still.

-every game I saw someone get something cool in the past game lobby. I got a single white rifle that I can't even use. Oh well, probability working against me.
It's very clunky. Movement is in general. In an out of sprinting, aiming, jumping, etc is very clunky. Not a smooth experience.

It's my main sticking point with the game for me so far.

I like the weightiness. It kinda reminds of Killzone which I love so even in PVP I feel at home


So, I kinda got a bone to pick, specifically with Old Russia, I guess.
Back in 2013, There was an E3 Demo that mentioned a much larger playing space than what we seem to be getting.
At the 2:16 mark, he mentions "all of this is playable space"
Currently, I don't see that happening...

True, but remember this is a Beta.

If when the full game is released, we still cant go out there, we have a right to complain.
Well I think I'm feeling pretty burned out with the Beta now, especially since its essentially the same content as the Alpha. Will play for a bit once it's on Xbox but after that, roll release day.

The high level gear teasing is just mean.

Doesn't make sense to cap level 8 and then have content drop high level gear that can't be used.

It's pretty much detracting me from playing anymore Beta.
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