Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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Like many others, I wish they would have been more detailed on how this worked. I just now left playing IB and never had a chance to even see the tower.


u wot m8

David Bowie confirmed.


I consider Destiny PVP to be bad due to various issues. A PVP mode should always be balanced in some way. Destiny's isn't in any way as far as i can see. "Normalization" is a joke as it is, though perhaps it will be strengthened for the retail.

I literally don't think you could be any less specific or more vague in pointing out design issues. There's not actually anything to respond to in this post.


Don't know how I'm so bad at multiplayer. I'm not great at all FPS multiplayers, but for some reason Destiny is just absolutely brutal on me. I've played several games now and have yet to get a positive k/d. I feel like all of my weapons take forever to kill someone and every weapon someone uses against me drops me in 1 or 2 shots. It's extremely frustrating. I just don't understand it. /rant

Aim for the head. Every weapon I've used inflicts a decent chunk of damage when its a head shot


I have a feeling people that are complaining about balancing are just bad at the game. I haven't had any problems at all with it. I haven't felt this kind of draw to a game since Halo 2 and 3. I had to force myself to quit playing today so I could go to work. I had a blast.
What do you guys think of the sprint turn speed?

It was annoying but acceptable in single player, but in PvP the turn speed is super annoying... feels heavy and clunky, even after cancelling sprint there is a buffer time in which you turn slowly.

It's very clunky. Movement is in general. In an out of sprinting, aiming, jumping, etc is very clunky. Not a smooth experience.

It's my main sticking point with the game for me so far.


Unconfirmed Member
Can't believe I missed the Iron Banner event, bah. What makes me chuckle about it is seeing a lot of people going on about how good the Mars map was when I missed the event due to watching Total Recall. lol.

Oh I was also wondering, are their any semi automatic pistols in the game at all ? I love the revolvers but it's all I've seen so far, would like some other types of pistol in there like semi automatics.


I guess I don't understand what is so unbalanced and horrible about PvP. And I've played 24 hours of it since the beta began.
The radar is key. Once I started to focus on that more it helped a lot. Also I switch load outs depending on the map.

I've found that tough. By the time you know what map you're playing and bring up the options to change weapons, it kicks you back to the landing/planting flag screen. If you do get shit changed, you start with no special ammo.
Shores of Time is my favorite map. So much meta and great for frantic sniping. Saved a game when we were down by several hundred points by going on a ridiculous streak at the end, winning by barely a few points. Next game i score like 12 kills back to back in under a minute. I miss just as often as i have these moments, which really speaks to how precise you need to be. Auto aim can definitely be toned down, but things like supers or vehicles arent going to win the match alone.

Will post the clips later. The PvP definitely has its issues but im enjoying every single game and recording every single moment to last me through August.

GG Bungie. Lightning, meet bottle.
I literally don't think you could be any less specific or more vague in pointing out design issues. There's not actually anything to respond to in this post.

Whenever you see a guy like this try to post his "take" on why everyone should hate PvP and all his reasons are vagaries like "X is bad" or "Y is a joke," invariably the real reason he hates it is because he's bad at the game.


Did anyone get rewards for the bounties other than rep. Was i supposed to go to the Iron Banner dude for equipment rewards, or was that all aftermatch stuff?

Nice playing with some of you btw.


Game is balanced pretty well IMO, usual halo rules apply in that people working together in Party Chat will absolutely wreck randomly assembled teams. This goes double for right now as there's only objective type matches and some folks only care about kills to the detriment of the rest of their team.

Team balancing seems kinda broken, most my games are either my team walking all over the enemy or getting absolutely wrecked, very few close matches.

Will say the warlock/titan area clear is fucking disgusting in Control points as you can just blindly run in and trigger it netting multiple free kills

Few tweaks and it'l be golden. Perfect evolution of the halo multi-player for me.


If anybody is in the IB part of the tower, please invite me! PSN is surhaj.

Ditto, PSN is Mr_Wattson

What do you guys think of the sprint turn speed?

It was annoying but acceptable in single player, but in PvP the turn speed is super annoying... feels heavy and clunky, even after cancelling sprint there is a buffer time in which you turn slowly.

This is my major complaint about PvP, and it's what I really disliked about Halo Reach as well. The low fov, sluggish sprint, and obtrusive sights bug me much more than anything concerning balance or vehicles. It's the same reason I got turned off of the Battlefield series.

That being said I'm still having a lot of fun. I like all the maps that aren't The Moon.


My only problem with the balance of multiplayer is the revolver and pulse rifle are pretty useless as primary weapons. If you aren't using scout or full auto, good luck.
My only problem with the balance of multiplayer is the revolver and pulse rifle are pretty useless as primary weapons. If you aren't using scout or full auto, good luck.

I agree with this. Pulse rifle and revolver need some change to make them advantageous right now. There's no reason or desire for me to use pulse rifle or revolver. If I wanted a single-shot gun, I'd use a scout rifle. The pulse rifle is like a hybrid of the scout/assault rifle, but that actually makes it less useful than either. At range, scout rifle will generally win and mid to close quarters automatics will win every time.


Speaking of immune, I almost lost my shit when I went to forgotten shores earlier today and saw 3 of those immune things in the big boat at the back of the map. I looked at it from the stairs and it sensed me haha
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