Are you on the PS3 version?I hope it wasn't me. I was just doing that and wrecking everyone dropping from those ships. Kept switching between my bazooka and my sniper. I think I pissed everyone in the area off, lol...
Are you on the PS3 version?I hope it wasn't me. I was just doing that and wrecking everyone dropping from those ships. Kept switching between my bazooka and my sniper. I think I pissed everyone in the area off, lol...
Lol AmethystEnd is a gun hoarder.
Play for a whole day straight?
It's weird that they would highlight the attack number instead of the impact number. As far as I can tell the impact is the actual damage your weapon can do, but attack is your ability to damage higher leveled enemies. But if PvP is supposed to be balanced, your attack number is useless, on impact matters....or am I reading this wrong?
Either way, I'm REALLY enjoying the PvE/story elements. It sucks that the PvP (to me) is not all that entertaining.
Also, F the moon map...wow what a terrible map.
Not just ammo, right? Real loot?Loot is popping off enemies all the time
If my issue is that there's nothing to like, then there's nothing to show.So that's 100% purely subjective with nothing to back it up.
You think that hasn't been done in another game?You're moving the goalpost. You told me to name something that wasn't found in other games. I did.
Nope. I liked Journey.And I guess you also didn't like Journey.
I'm not, but I'd refuse to play this with friends and encourage them to play something like Borderlands 2 instead; a game with unique art and actual loot. Unfortunately I don't think I have enough power to convince them.Meeting up with random people and making friends is fun if you're into that, which I am.
I thought Impact was just enemy stun?
If my issue is that there's nothing to like, then there's nothing to show.
You think that hasn't been done in another game?
Nope. I liked Journey.
I'm not, but I'd refuse to play this with friends and encourage them to play something like Borderlands 2 instead; a game with unique art and actual loot. Unfortunately I don't think I have enough power to convince them.
Not just ammo, right? Real loot?
My primaries:
My secondaries:
Aaaaand my depressing, almost-full weapon section of the vault filled with amazing things I can't use due to the level 8 cap:
Play for a whole day straight?
Tooling around, random shots
I've tried this game again, but I have the same issues as the alpha. I feel like I'm the only one that finds this incredibly boring.
No loot, three enemies and bad menu navigation. It's actually a generic shooter but nobody seems to notice.
I did the opening mission and walked around the hub world. I died at the start of the next mission because the enemy was in the dark. I can't do this anymore.
Is there an easy way to upload shared shots to the web or so you just have to rip it off twitter or facebook and upload it?
Played with a buddy and we got the moon map twice in a row. I love the map design in this game, but God, I hate that map. Absolutely not enjoyable for me. Dunno why.
If you have a USB, you can plug it in and mass transfer screenshots to it. Not great, but much quicker than ripping from Twitter/Facebook. Also should be full quality.
I thought Impact was just enemy stun?
I thought impact was damage per bullet, lower impact means you have to unload more of the clip. I think.
Limited time events, like Iron Banner, are awesome but I do hope that when it's live they consider the time in other parts of the world too.
Anyway, is there any actual confirmation on what we keep yet, or is it still vague? I've seen people say you only keep the Emblem you earn for playing on the 26th, but others think they get to keep their shiny purple ship from this weekend's event too.
What's the deal with those "hollowed" enemies? They're pretty much invincible.
Is there an easy way to upload shared shots to the web or so you just have to rip it off twitter or facebook and upload it?
I there a way to buy back accidentally dismantled gear like I borderlands? I made a big mistake...
Is there anyway to remove the text or hud in the tower?
Time to earn that Level 20 weapon that I won't ever be able to use.![]()
Wow, just found a bug. Sometimes (not everytime) when you go to the Cryptarch you can get many more items from him when you rapidly smash X on the items you want to decrypt![]()
Are you sure you're not just accidentally buying stuff from him?
Anyone found the graphics to be really, really bad for last generation?
The PS3 version looks like a launch game. Some launch games might even look better. It runs well though.
I can't imagine playing this on anything but a PS4/X1.
Fortunately it's a beta and Bungie has a feedback forum ready to hear your brilliant design ideas for how to make it less than beyond stupid.
What's that you say? That I should have read your post history and realized that you only shitpost complaints (aside from that one 24 hour period where you pathetically begged for an alpha code) instead of offering any real constructive criticism? Oh. My mistake.
The PS3 version looks nothing like a launch game. It does have really bad AA though
Launch title is pushing it. They're not great, but they're not "launch title" level. I think the graphics level on PS3 is understandable when we think about the number of players and things going on in a huge map like Old Russia. I will say, it was certainly jarring to go from PS4 to PS3.
At least one thing that's appealing. Nothing here stands out as entertaining.