Missed the Iron Banner, what is it?
Two new Crucible maps, levels matter, limited-time rewards.
Missed the Iron Banner, what is it?
What time is iron banner up tomorrow?
Yeah, I went a bit too far but it's definitely not a looker for me. It's been a while since I've turned on a last gen console so that might be it.
I think including MP was almost something they had to do because they're Bungie but compared to Halo 2 and 3 MP they took a lot of steps backward. The controls, the movement, the hit detection, the balance. It's just a mess right now.
Just to add some social variety, and to make the world itself feel more alive and changing. This is obviously a beta, but as of now, the Tower feels too sterile and a little hollow. Things such as this could make it feel more lived in and dynamic.
I want it
A few thoughts on PvP:
The multiplayer feels pretty uninspired. I think their big hook is just "you get to bring your SP loot in" which really isn't that compelling. I think the main game is fairly ambitious, but the MP feels so familiar at the moment. Not to say that Destiny is doing anything totally new, it's just that the whole is greater in the SP and isn't in the MP.
- You don't get enough points for a full cap and neutralize. I think you should get more especially if you capped solo. In an objective gametype, playing the objective should be worth more than getting a kill.
- There should be an assists-count-as-kill mechanic.
- The vehicles on the moon need a bit of work.
[*]The only super that's balanced in the golden pistol. It's clear when someone activates it and when you are vulnerable. For the other spammable supers, you just have to hope the guy doesn't choose you. Supers need to be harder to get or easier to detect. Maybe you should lose your super if you die or after a certain time.
- I can't tell where I'm being shot from as clearly as I think I should.
- The loot system in PvP is brutal. I think it needs to be a bit more predictable and it should reward skillful play.
- The hit-detection varied wildly. I'd get kills a full second after I stopped shooting.
That cloak didn't load properly...right? I have to say that looks atrocious unless that is the PS3 version, no cloak on my PS4 lacked that much polish.
2pm PDT, 7pm PDT. Each for two hours.
I think including MP was almost something they had to do because they're Bungie but compared to Halo 2 and 3 MP they took a lot of steps backward. The controls, the movement, the hit detection, the balance. It's just a mess right now.
The other ones have no warning and you're already dead if they choose to aim it at you. Can't do anything about it.
I dunno if its just me, but I hate destiny multiplayer. I used to play cod, and halo mp, and nowadays I play bf4, but I really dislike destiny mp and I can't pinpoint what it is. Maybe its 30 fps but halo was like that and it was fine. Maybe it feels like shadowfall in terms of movement and that's why. Anyone else feels this way. Am seriously wondering if I should cancel my prouder since I'm disappointed with this aspect of the game.
I am torn with Destiny.
I want to like it, but I feel very underwhelmed.
In control, getting kills is the objective. The cap zones are just score multipliers. Every player you kill gives you points and that is added to your final score (including assists). Somebody who captures a zone is indeed denying the enemy more points, but doing it solo isn't helping the team any more than other members who are controlling the map and killing the enemy. I'm not necessarily against an increase the score, but it's kinda beside the point.
Maybe I just haven't found the more high powered weapons yet, but it's hard and frustrating going solo. Almost enough to put me off buying the game...
I was blown away at the start but the more I get frustrated with the shortcomings in the game and other issues the more the allure wears off.
Agreed for me. I enjoyed playing solo enough that I was considering buying. Then I played with a buddy and saw the difference in "fun levels." Astronomical. I think I'm going to wait until my friends move over to PS4 from their PS3s.
Yeah, the intro and opening levels were very strong, but it soon starts to drag as you become more and more frustrated by missions that can't be done solo, even though it clearly says the mission can be completed by 1 - 3 people.
They really need to balance the game more for those who won't always be playing with others.
Yeah, the intro and opening levels were very strong, but it soon starts to drag as you become more and more frustrated by missions that can't be done solo, even though it clearly says the mission can be completed by 1 - 3 people.
They really need to balance the game more for those who won't always be playing with others.
This seems like a massive oversimplification and misinterpretation of the control game type to me. Killing is not the objective. That would just be a TDM game. Capturing objectives is also not the point. That would be Domination a la, COD. Killing while holding objectives is the objective. It's TDM + Domination. Those score multipliers are what make your kills valuable. A kill made while holding one or no objectives is far less valuable than a kill made with two or three objectives held.
Yeah, the intro and opening levels were very strong, but it soon starts to drag as you become more and more frustrated by missions that can't be done solo, even though it clearly says the mission can be completed by 1 - 3 people.
Which missions are you struggling with solo?
Which missions? I've completed all of the story missions on my own.
Yeah, the intro and opening levels were very strong, but it soon starts to drag as you become more and more frustrated by missions that can't be done solo, even though it clearly says the mission can be completed by 1 - 3 people.
The Walker is not part of that (I assume) green explore mission. It's a Public Event.The mission where you have to scout the enemy in Old Russia. A huge walker dropped out of nowhere and it was virtually impossible for me to take it down at my level. (level 4)
There are also the knights, who are great enemies with great AI, but frustrating to fight against as they seem to destroy you will little to no effort.
The mission where you have to scout the enemy in Old Russia. A huge walker dropped out of nowhere and it was virtually impossible for me to take it down at my level. (level 4)
There are also the knights, who are great enemies with great AI, but frustrating to fight against as they seem to destroy you will little to no effort.
The mission where you have to scout the enemy in Old Russia. A huge walker dropped out of nowhere and it was virtually impossible for me to take it down at my level. (level 4)
There are also the knights, who are great enemies with great AI, but frustrating to fight against as they seem to destroy you will little to no effort.
I still didn't see anyone mention the some of the game faults like the UI being a pain to navigate to.
Why do I have to use this pointer with the pad joystick just to go click somewhere to travel?! Why no use of the trackpad? Why no use of the built in speakers in the DS4? Why can't I see my clan mates in game? Why always the same monsters spawns on the same locations? Why although the skyboxes are so beautiful and are full of promises of a vast world, why does it feel so cramped up in here? Why the poor variety of loot? (Every class looks the same bar a few color variations at lvl8).
Yeah, the intro and opening levels were very strong, but it soon starts to drag as you become more and more frustrated by missions that can't be done solo, even though it clearly says the mission can be completed by 1 - 3 people.
They really need to balance the game more for those who won't always be playing with others.
The mission where you have to scout the enemy in Old Russia. A huge walker dropped out of nowhere and it was virtually impossible for me to take it down at my level. (level 4)
The mission where you have to scout the enemy in Old Russia. A huge walker dropped out of nowhere and it was virtually impossible for me to take it down at my level. (level 4)
There are also the knights, who are great enemies with great AI, but frustrating to fight against as they seem to destroy you will little to no effort.
- A lot of people hate the moon because of the overpowered vehicles. My question is: why are you going outside in the first place? Two of the three capture points (A + C) can be accessed by running back and forth underground in the compound. Never have to deal with a tank or armed sparrow (unless they're at one of the capture points). If you can continually capture these two points, your team or at least you should do well. If you need to get to point B, you can go in between A and C and sparrow it over there. Minimal time spent outside, no time in the views of gunners.
Both of these are really good pointers, and are things that I've found myself pointing out to people over and over.- If two or more of your teammates are trying to capture a point and there's at least one enemy in the immediate vicinity, don't go into the capture radius with them. One grenade or special could kill you all, so sometimes it's best to keep a little distance. The enemy or enemies will likely be focused on your teammates in the circle anyway, so you have free range to do some damage.
Well yes, this is true, but to say that "playing the objective" is more important that "getting kills" in Control is also a misinterpretation of the gametype. Both are important, but you aren't going to win by capturing the zones all by yourself.
Would love to play one of these missions, because the ones they gave us were too easy IMO. Takes an average of 10 minutes to complete each of them [solo] on the normal level and then on the harder level it can go even quicker once you've leveled up and equipped better gear.
Everything can be done solo ... ??
"If a Hunter accuses you of hopping, tell them you're using rapid bounding traversal" -
Gravitas Doctrine,
The Walker is not part of that (I assume) green explore mission. It's a Public Event.
The knights get much easier to kill as you gear up.
The problem is the lottery we all play when it comes to finding items. It's possible you just haven't found good items and are suffering because of it while someone else lucks across a really good weapon or good armor and has an easier time.
I guess it depends of people but I smoked out pretty much anything in the beta that could be killed and I go through knights like butter with headshots or just get close hit and fusion rifle. Even wizard from the moon goes down in seconds. I've completed all the missions solo in upper difficulty and didn't die once. As it stands the game is easy, throwing you mobs always at the same locations.
I've got to say, out of all the things I could pick at with this game, frustration/difficulty in the story missions is not one of them. I played through all the story missions fairly quickly by myself without any trouble, I believe I died once. Later when I was level 7 or 8 I played through them again on the higher level difficulty solo just to see what they were like, and to pick up the gold chests. It was still a breeze.
Maybe try out different weapons or buy some from the vendors? You may just not be using a good gun. The only things that seem to be much harder with one person to me are the strikes and the public events, which makes sense considering one requires matchmaking and the other notifies everyone currently in the game.
That's a public event. You're not supposed to take it on by yourself (not unless your level is ridiculously high), but you can just as easily ignore it and move on to your mission or objective
Same thing happened to me earlier, except there were 12 people in the area and it went down in 3 minutes.
So what's everyone's stats?