Is PVP any good? I gave it a miss during the Alpha, so should I give it a go? If so what kind of rewards do you get for doing i.e. special/exclusive loot or is it just bragging rights.
Guy in a trenchcoat who can't jump? Must be a warlock....
Best way to get better loot is by purchasing Engrams from the Engram vendor in the Tower. You can also get Heavy Weapons from him.
Best way to get better loot is by purchasing Engrams from the Engram vendor in the Tower. You can also get Heavy Weapons from him.
Is PVP any good? I gave it a miss during the Alpha, so should I give it a go? If so what kind of rewards do you get for doing i.e. special/exclusive loot or is it just bragging rights.
I'll give it a go then, just to try and get some better loot, in the Alpha I ended up with uncommon everything.
There is a lot of depth to the multiplayer. It's easy to write it off by jumping to the conclusion that because it handles so familiarly, there's nothing new there.PVP for me was by far the weakest part of the alpha. Just completely mediocre and uninspired. Hopefully that's just due to Control being a bad way to show it off.
LolololololGuy in a trenchcoat who can't jump? Must be a warlock....
I'm not sure if this is confirmed, but I think the crucible specific gear that you get by earning crucible points is more catered to pvp play.
Is PVP any good? I gave it a miss during the Alpha, so should I give it a go? If so what kind of rewards do you get for doing i.e. special/exclusive loot or is it just bragging rights.
PVP for me was by far the weakest part of the alpha. Just completely mediocre and uninspired. Hopefully that's just due to Control being a bad way to show it off.
There is a lot of depth to the multiplayer. It's easy to write it off by jumping to the conclusion that because it handles so familiarly, there's nothing new there.
Got my Xbox code sorted no problem but my EU Playstation I can't get until the 17th. Why is PS4 region specific but Xbox global ?
Got my Xbox code sorted no problem but my EU Playstation I can't get until the 17th. Why is PS4 region specific but Xbox global ?
love those bassoons[/B], man.
I can see the balance aspect being an issue. Especially for people who make one character. But just like with dark souls I have a pvp and a PvE character.I enjoyed the PvP more than the PvE, which was seriously shocking to me. I love competitive multiplayer, but I like it to be balanced. Destiny PvP is in no way balanced, but I really loved it.
I don't know Hired, I really didn't see much depth to it. Care to explain? See if I agree with the you.
Really? I thought the PvP was great. Map design really kept the action flowing.
Got my Xbox code sorted no problem but my EU Playstation I can't get until the 17th. Why is PS4 region specific but Xbox global ?
I enjoyed the PvP more than the PvE, which was seriously shocking to me. I love competitive multiplayer, but I like it to be balanced. Destiny PvP is in no way balanced, but I really loved it.
Sure, there's a huge emphasis on accuracy because of headshot bonuses, a smooth trade-off between power and speed of firing to suit your preference, and a very wide skill range because of the high player agility across all of the classes. Maps are designed to suit the movement abilities with lots of pathways and very deliberate sight-lines that create interesting encounters and a meta-game unto itself, as in Halo. Control is actually quite good at pushing players towards encounters, and strikes a great balance between objective and slayer.
Well, it'll be interesting if this goes for EU PSN pre-orders as well...My First PlayStation Announcement Notification
You're in but for future reference people please apply in the DestinyGAF request thread and mention your Bungie id in that thread after applying in bungie.netCan I get accepted into Bungie Destiny group?
Bungie ID: jkanik
Yes, it takes time to adjust. Coming from Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, I was dismissive of Halo at first. We haven't had to do this in 10 years.I don't necessarily disagree with you here and with the way you have explained it.
The problem I feel, is that the above doesn't come across to me in the gameplay as clearly as the depth in Halo did.
I have a question about the us psn store regarding destiny. I have the game pre ordered but with shipping it comes out to about 65 euro. I can buy it digitally from the us store for 45 euro or so. Will there be a problem with me buying it from the us store and playing it with my eu account (where all my friends are). Also what about dlc? Will they work with no problem from the us store(although i dont care that much since i rarely get dlc).
Yeah, it's not a new video, but people seemed to be confused on the last few pages, and I haven't seen much official comment on the subject, plus this comment is buried in a video.Yeah that was already known.
Yes, it takes time to adjust. Coming from Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, I was dismissive of Halo at first. We haven't had to do this in 10 years.
Since thread is growing, I've requested to join DestinyGAF. Also, I'm in the PST area (west coast America) So anyone want to add me on psn we will have same schedules most likely. I'm going to be on 530pm to ??? most Mondays through Fridays.
BeOneWithTheGun = psn
AcesAndEights = Bungie id.
.for future reference people please apply in the DestinyGAF request thread and mention your Bungie id in that thread after applying in
Oh, I did. My post was more to find people on psn on west coast to run with. Just advising I also have applied to join DestinyGAF.
It's already there.Might be smart to put that info in the OP Dax?
Might be smart to put that info in the OP Dax?
alright i ordered destiny from the us store through paypal but i got an error. I got a message from paypal though that the amount was authorised (but not payed). I see nothing on the psn store. Should i wait and they will charge at some point and then i will be able to get the beta (well a third beta key anyway). Should i cancel it somehow and retry?
Sorry for posting this here but its a destiny issue (and i cant find the psn thread i could have sworn we had one).