Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

What is your favorite class?

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Since I couldn't access the Alpha, and I still don't have a clue which class I want to play.. how easy and quick is it to make a new character and get a good feel for a class? I'll probably make all three and then pick one after I've had a decent run with em.
Since I couldn't access the Alpha, and I still don't have a clue which class I want to play.. how easy and quick is it to make a new character and get a good feel for a class? I'll probably make all three and then pick one after I've had a decent run with em.

When you start a new character you get to choose class, then you go to a character creation screen where you choose race, gender, and then different hairstyles, skin/eye color, etc. If you don't really care, this process could go quickly. But I ended up spending 10 minutes or so playing around with all the different settings to make my Guardian look cool. Oh, and look in the OP or for a post of mine in the previous page. I have a link to YouTube videos that go into detail on each class.

Edit- I had posted an incorrect link to my Youtube video post, but just fixed it.
See I'm going the opposite route of cool. Everybody and their mums want to make a cool looking guardian. I'm going as ridiculous as possible. Emo bangs black eye liner lipstick the whole shebang.
yes I know, on the IGN first video today Lars was asked that questions and that was his response. If the answer was no he would have said so.

he clearly said no to boarding vehicles in that same video.

sorry my post was pretty obscure.
No boarding is sad. :/

I hope there would be Vehicles that allow passengers. I guess we'll have to wait and see.


I just don't necessarily understand this recent trend of having to name competitive multiplayer something other than... competitive multiplayer.

Halo does it now too.

"You guys up for some Crucible and War Games?!?"

I think it's more justified in Destiny though since the PvP actually has meaning to the Guardians, and it's not detached from the lore. The Crucible is an important place for them to train and face dangerous challenges.

I actually like that Bungie tries to keep every detail within the lore. The death system will probably have some kind of meaning and backstory as well.
Lame... I wanted to play at least one more game-type. Oh well I guess, I just hope they have different maps this time.

It appears we now know there will be a total of four Crucible maps in the the Destiny Beta:

Venus - Shores of Time
Earth - Rusted Lands
Mars - Blind Watch
Moon - First Light

How many gigs is the beta? Hoping it's not to big of a download.
The Alpha was 6.7 GB. We won't know until people start downloading it, I would imagine.

Evil Beaver

I really liked playing as the Titan, but I never had a chance to play as any other class so...I guess I don't know what I'm talking about.
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