Fixin to run NF 3x, anybody need 1,2 or 3...
psn deafmedal
I'll jump in if there's space. Just picking up gear. Only need one.
Fixin to run NF 3x, anybody need 1,2 or 3...
psn deafmedal
Holy shit Hard Templar is difficult as hell. Gatekeepers and Atheon are nothing but this encounter is seriously challenging without the cheese.
My friend's Nightfall loot:
Mask of the Third Man
Yeah, she's rubbing her exotic loot in my face since I got crappy Nightfall rewards today.
Doesn't matter! She still got better shit than me!but you already have all those
Gorgon chestFrom strikes? Congrats
0 for 2 on Nightfall invites. Anyone have an opening?
PSN scarletham
PSN scarletham[/QUOTE}
Not seeing you on PSN search
If you need another 30 Hunter I play after 8:30pm EST. Tuesday and Wednesday I can really only play till 1/1:30. I took off on Friday, so if it's done on Thursday or Friday I have no issues with time. I understand if the timing doesn't work out. If you want to use me as an extra man that's also fine.
GT = Iceman829
P.S. misterthirsty loves to drop his titan bubble as you are about to shoot a rocket launcher
Not seeing you on PSN search
What's your PSN? I think there are issues tonight
Yeah, I think PSN player search is busted.
Awwwww yes...just got Gjallarhorn from Nightfall.
Would just like to add to this thought.Jeeeeez. So many this week.
0 for 2 on Nightfall invites. Anyone have an opening?
I'll be on in a couple minutes if you're still looking thenLooking for a third. Nightfall.
Psn: almightyderrick
How many Exotic Shards are you all planning on grabbing from Xur this weekend?
Datto is streaming live Hard Mode Templar and his group is all spread out killing oracles and everything and they wiped at least once already.
His Twitch Stream Now
Seems like it would definitely be easier for everyone to just stick together.
Datto is streaming live Hard Mode Templar and his group is all spread out killing oracles and everything and they wiped at least once already.
His Twitch Stream Now
Seems like it would definitely be easier for everyone to just stick together.
Ps4?Is anyone raiding? 29 Titan or Warlock, would do either normal or hard (if someone would take a 29).
this breaks my heart. that's the only gun I've wanted.Ha ha ha ha I can't believe I was asking for the cheese spot in this nightfall. This is the greatest nightfall ever. Vision of Confluence is seriously the best thing ever. Took 3 of us probably 5 mins. More solar strikes Bungie, this was good shit.
Got Multi Mida tool from the strike, I think I'm gonna shard it.
this breaks my heart. that's the only gun I've wanted.
You didn't buy it two weeks ago? If I could trade it to you I would. I just don't want another scout rifle.
I've never seen Datto NOT do anything the Hard way. He's good though.
Dis gon be gud
Ice Breaker from Nightfall and account approval. Today was a good day.
Apparently there is a new cheese method for Templar?
Apparently there is a new cheese method for Templar?