Hung Wei Lo
anyone want to knock off 3 x nightfall right now? PSN is Kinezo
Got room for 4 more at hard templar.
PSN CamoKid42
I don't understand why they didn't introduce something to bring the exotic armor up to par/32 like they did with the exotic weapons.
Only in the sense that Time's Vengeance makes Atheon easy mode. The rigmarole of the Portals is harder work than the Templar section.
I'm not getting reward packages from the postmaster for the first public event of the day since the update. Is this a known problem?
Got room for 4 more at hard templar.
PSN CamoKid42
Got room for 4 more at hard templar.
PSN CamoKid42
No problem. Hope it's fixed later tonight. Can't even raid at this rate either :lolAh, so that's what is going on. Thanks for hanging for my kid, Pickman and Geneijin. Tomorrow, if search is back up? I'll try to add you in the morning to her friends list.
I'm not getting reward packages from the postmaster for the first public event of the day since the update. Is this a known problem?
this game man.
so many raids, still not a 30 and still no atheon's epilogue.
If there is still room I'll join you MiniMe637. Hopefully I can find ya.
Got room for 4 more at hard templar.
PSN CamoKid42
Thought I heard the ib boots don't give shards
Anyone for normal raid from the start?
PSN ps4 westonianb lvl 29 hunter, fully leveled ice breaker and VoC
I'm in if you can form a group.
Two guys on couldn't search for my PSN nor could I theirs, so I guess I have to ask despite everyone seeming to be end game raiding mostly, if anyone's willing to "carry" me through a lvl 22 Weekly Heroic?
PSN is drassill
Im also looking for normal raid, maybe we can form a group?
Yup. Known. That's what happens after the update.
Ill join you guys, 29 hunter PSN MoridhinThat makes three then.
Thanks. Now that I have Ice Breaker I need Gjallarhorn and then I'm set, until Tuesday.Welcome. That's basically the only gun that I am fairly desperate for. It's eluded me.
Thanks!Welcome aboard!
I don't understand why they didn't introduce something to bring the exotic armor up to par/32 like they did with the exotic weapons.
Two guys on couldn't search for my PSN nor could I theirs, so I guess I have to ask despite everyone seeming to be end game raiding mostly, if anyone's willing to "carry" me through a lvl 22 Weekly Heroic?
PSN is drassill
Ill join you guys, 29 hunter PSN Moridhin
taking my baby level 7 into control for a game. wonder if i'll regret this or not
Anyone for normal raid from the start?
PSN ps4 westonianb lvl 29 hunter, fully leveled ice breaker and VoC
Weeklies gave me 2 purple engram's but they turned into a strange coin and energy.
Sorry got invited to another raid while waitingOkay two more now.
Okay two more now.
Add me I can't add you.
I'm sitting on two purples and ~25 blue until next week. Worst case, I get what I would've gotten anyway.
What's your PSN?
Still need one? Psn KaikkenWhat's your PSN?