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Destiny |OT16| Enrage is here, there, everywhere...

I ran normal crota last night with 3 experienced crota clan mates and 3 guys who have never done it before (well one had but he had only cheesed it before). Ran the lamps legit a few times and were struggling to get there but made decent progress. In the interest in time I ended up running ahead invisi hunter style to get it done for them.

The bridge we ran legit and it took 3 attempts. It was only daft things like moving off totems or standing on bridge plate to try and not die that wiped us. We managed to get 5 across (one of the experienced guys died trying to get the last sword bearer down.

Deathsinger they handled first time which was impressive.

Crota took 3 attempts. First one was just a quick run through to show people where to go and what happens. Second we wiped because they focused on crota rather than over soul when he insta-killed me from a kneel.

3rd time it ran perfectly. Timing on sword bearer kill was a bit off in one run so didn't kill crota till after the ogres. All this and we only had 1x gjallerhorn and 1x hunger of crota on the dps team. The other guys were throwing whatever they could at him.

Normal is such a fun raid. Even with glitches or lag it is still feasible! All these lfg groups asking for gjallerhorn only are ridiculous. Yeah it helps and makes things easier. But any rocket launcher with tracking or a maxed hmg will do the same job with decent coordination.


Guess i'm done with CE altogether. Yesterday was a superb haul (Edict. 2nd AR, Fang, Hunger). After a perfect Helmet for my Hunter the day earlier (orb regen, int).

I could play for Song of Ir Yut, Word of Crota and Necrochasm... but I don't even want them. Well, I guess I could still use a Warlock Helmet... and Exotic chance from Normal CE. sigh.


Did VoG for the first time yesterday with a couple guys here and some friends. I liked it a lot more than Crota. No hawkmoon but I did get Aetheons Epilogue so I finally have a primary with elemental (void) damage.


Super Destiny Street Fighter Turbo!


(Thanks Drizz for that simple .gif program!)


finally hit eries lvl4 = lv32 thank god finally
now I'm done with Destiny till the next DLC as I have every weapon that I wan't with the exception being ballahorn
Fig, I want to buy the cult/trinary star cloak (blue with deer skeleton on it) but I'm worried it might not look nice with anything. I love the coyote one but its so colorful and doesn't match most of the shaders in the game. Anyways, was wondering if it looks nice with armor/shader

Btw the quantum Phoenix blue looks nice too

Very late reply, but I wear it with the 7391726281-83836817362 shader, since both are blue and yellow. I think I have a set shader for each of my cloaks by now.
Did VoG for the first time yesterday with a couple guys here and some friends. I liked it a lot more than Crota. No hawkmoon but I did get Aetheons Epilogue so I finally have a primary with elemental (void) damage.

First time vog?

Wish I can go back to my first time. Single best experience of this game
Did VoG for the first time yesterday with a couple guys here and some friends. I liked it a lot more than Crota. No hawkmoon but I did get Aetheons Epilogue so I finally have a primary with elemental (void) damage.

VoG is the fucking bee's knees, glad you had a good time. Sadly AE has been nerfed pretty hard since the entire AR weapon class has been nerfed, but it's still great as a primary for void burns.

(Thanks Drizz for that simple .gif program!)

More gifs = more fun for everyone! :)

Wish I can go back to my first time. Single best experience of this game

Truth Rob, truth. It also stood out so much from the lackluster story and strikes, but now CE has to "compete" with VoG and the bar has been raised. CE as the first raid and VoG as the second would have been very different...


Yeah I have a plug one With accelerated coil with solar and arc damage. The charge rate is almost as quick as the light of the abyss and its better in every other category. It's too good

i have a void plug one with accelerated coils. it mows down minotaurs in vog like nothing :3
For a second I was worried I had dismantled mine. Man this fusion rifle > Plan C.

It's void too, thought I had an arc one. :3



Maybe I can give you some insight, or maybe I should say some perspective. Bungie saw how frustrated people were with having to farm materials like Spinmetal, Spirit Bloom, etc. Instead of playing the fun content of the game like raids and Night Falls, people were farming. After around three months, Bungie decided they would let players spend marks, which become almost meaningless once you start raiding, on these materials. Players rejoiced. Finally.

Then Bungie did something weird. They increased how much glimmer it cost to upgrade items as well as "fixing" some of the methods people used to farm glimmer like certain spots or missions where people would kill the Major/Ultra's and then kill themselves to repeat the situation. It was unnecessary. Then, they did something even more strange.

Whenever The Dark Below released, they made it possible to upgrade your exotics. This is important, because especially for armor light level is the most imports stay. It costs an inordinate amount to upgrade, 7-8k. Some might argue they didn't have to give the players an option to upgrade, but I find that notion hilariously wrong because how few exotics there would be at max level. Four weapons and three armor pieces per character?

So now what happens is of people want to upgrade a quality weapon of gun, they need to farm for glimmer. No big deal right? The perks are reset, so they have to farm experience and glimmer now that they've already dropped 8k for the upgrade. Instead of just playing the game, they have to farm. Again, Bungie has said numerous times that isn't their design goal.

So now Hard Mode Crota releases. Xur hasn't sold Heavy Ammo for 2 weeks (I think), so it's likely you are low trying to do Hard Mode for the first time. Between how difficult Crota is, how buggy he is, and how dependent the fight is on heavy, if you want to attempt the fight you are almost forced to farm glimmer. So let's recap:

You have to farm glimmer to upgrade an item, you have to farm glimmer to purchase expensive perks, and you have to farm glimmer to buy heavy ammo which is 1k for a single pack. Instead of making the game more accessible, which they were clearly trying to do buy allowing the player to buy materials, they made it just as farming dependent as ever.

That's not good post launch support. And that's just the changes they have made. The raids are still a buggy mess, and that should be a priority in this game. It's inexcusable to me.

Had to quote this since it speaks so much truth. To upgrade any legendary I need: glimmer, ascendant materials and mats. 3 currencies. Before, glimmer was an after thought since you had so much of it.

But now since it costs so much to do anything, I have to make it a point to farm it somehow since you get jack shit for a normal days play. For iron banner I played hours on a weekend to grind to level 5.... Only to be met with ridiculous glimmer prices. The 20 hours I played to get rank 5 where I was kicking ass in top 3 most matches.... Not enough work bungie says! I need to also spend 45 minutes repeating some bullshit section of a mission to get glimmer

Man I hope Bungie is reading. If I play your damn game daily or for 20 hours a weekend, that dedication alone should make me feel like I am stocked full of most basic shit. Raid or activity only materials can remain, since it encourages me to play other content. But damn I shouldn't feel I can't upgrade the guns I have when I am putting in that kind of time. I'm not even excited about new vendor legendary weapons anymore because why waste materials or glimmer on them when I know it means needing to grind tons more for special event weapons, like raid gear and iron banner.

When we got those legendary christmas gifts, I got some auto rifle I never would have bought normally. Curious to see if it was good, I stuck some glimmer and materials into it to level it up a bit to try out the perks. Felt like an idiot for doing that when I got the iron banner stuff cuz of the time it takes to get those currencies. Literally felt stupid for trying to use my loot!

Glimmer should be the easy reward for time spent. If you play daily you should have glimmer in spades. If I am really good at your game, and best content quickly, grind up every faction, get in the top of the crucible.... I should get bonuses so I feel simply being good at your game gives rewards. I should be completing missions to maximize glimmer, not farm one tiny section of it over and over

Deku Tree


Dhruv as host, running sword. Crota chops him and walks around the entire time he should be kneeling. Fun!

Lag? What lag? o_O

Here's another fun gif to add to my collection, invincible Sword Bearer:


OMG lolz too Crazy. Bungie look at this gif! The timing is too tight on this fight for the lag that always happens!
I can't believe that I find myself wishing to go back to the Venus Minotaur health regen lag glitch after doing HM Crota!


First time vog?

Wish I can go back to my first time. Single best experience of this game

Yeah it was very well put together. Great team work, especially the teleporting part.

VoG is the fucking bee's knees, glad you had a good time. Sadly AE has been nerfed pretty hard since the entire AR weapon class has been nerfed, but it's still great as a primary for void burns...

Good to hear. I have another AR (I forget what it's called...for the people or something?) but the impact on these things is just ass now.

Deku Tree

Im just about done maxing out my GHorn and my Crota primaries
except for the pulse rifle lolz
Otherwise I have maxed everything by now.
Im thinking about putting Destiny on farm after I'm done with this maxing at least until HoW.
I'll do my NF+ weeklies and I'll do my Raids, and I'll keep trying to get my Titan to 32 and looking for the Hunger of Crota.
But otherwise I'm considering doing nothing more than that for a while.
OMG lolz too Crazy. Bungie look at this gif! The timing is too tight on this fight for the lag that always happens!
I can't believe that I find myself wishing to go back to the Venus Minotaur health regen lag glitch after doing HM Crota!

lol my favorite part was watching Crota's health drain while he was running around. For a split second I thought my scout rifle was doing damage...Oracles and Minotaur are good examples of how lag is always present and annoying but should be possible to compensate for relatively easily, when the encounter is designed with that in mind.

I think the Swordbearer is even worse than Crota in terms of lag. Fucker just won't go down sometimes.

Oh man, I have another one of these that's even more insane, SB getting his full health back twice, need to find that video somewhere... (edit: yay for more gifs!)

Good to hear. I have another AR (I forget what it's called...for the people or something?) but the impact on these things is just ass now.

As a general rule, low impact + high rate of fire weapons are clearly worse than high impact + low RoF ones, regardless of weapon class. There are exceptions of course, but still a good rule of thumb.


Mrs. Harvey
LOL. We got to Omnighul and died.

I accidentally threw a grenade instead of putting up a bubble when trying to revive Silver.


If you want better tracking from Truth (like a boomerang), turn the velocity all the way low.


I think the Swordbearer is even worse than Crota in terms of lag. Fucker just won't go down sometimes.
Worse is when you can't pick up the sword while running. Multiple times.


Anyone feel like doing some ROC strikes for a while?

Sick of getting into a strike and someone leaves instantly or are AFK....

PSN is Langoit


had enough motes to buy 2 exotic engrams... 2 ruin wings >:\

i just burned 15000 in glimmer for some random weapons and armor upgrades. this is insane :|

For a second I was worried I had dismantled mine. Man this fusion rifle > Plan C.

It's void too, thought I had an arc one. :3

just noticed mine has armor piercing rounds too... not sure how useful that's on a fusion rifle tho
Looking to run a normal mode raid...ideally for flawless raider but I'd do it for kicks too.

31 Titan


psn - bigdaddygamebot

If there's enough interest I could help on a flawless raid sometime today, although I would recommend trying to have everyone be Lv32 unless they are very experienced. I've done several flawless CEs with 1 or more Lv31s in the group but every enemy starting at DSinger is Lv32 so you have to be extremely careful when under-leveled. Doing damage isn't a problem, dying much more easily is the issue.
Thunderlord is even better.


If there's enough interest I could help on a flawless raid sometime today, although I would recommend trying to have everyone be Lv32 unless they are very experienced. I've done several flawless CEs with 1 or more Lv31s in the group but every enemy starting at DSinger is Lv32 so you have to be extremely careful when under-leveled. Doing damage isn't a problem, dying much more easily is the issue.

Roger that.

I've managed to to do it at 31 but other people have died so no trophy. I'll also just run it for materials to upgrade. I need 17 shards for 32...or the alternative mat so I can swap them for shards. A little bit grindy it is.
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