Cool. You're on my friends list alreadyAt CP now. PSN is DrDrizzay101. Going to shut it down in a few minutes but feel free to grab it 3x, or anyone else that still wants to snag it.
Cool. You're on my friends list alreadyAt CP now. PSN is DrDrizzay101. Going to shut it down in a few minutes but feel free to grab it 3x, or anyone else that still wants to snag it.
edit: speaking of which, almost forgot I got #6 this morning...
When I was Hornless, I would probably feel the same :/
As a hornless guy myself, yeah, no, don't reschedule.
... I always tell myself weeks with lots of people getting Horn statistically mean there are less chances for me to actually get one also...![]()
At CP now. PSN is DrDrizzay101. Going to shut it down in a few minutes but feel free to grab it 3x, or anyone else that still wants to snag it.
Cool. You're on my friends list already
Really, right now? Really? .
Friend is about to run my first one. No mic though.Looking for one more player for Nightfall/weekly
As a hornless guy myself, yeah, no, don't reschedule.
... I always tell myself weeks with lots of people getting Horn statistically mean there are less chances for me to actually get one also...![]()
Yeah... yeah... I'm only half-joking.
Shockingly, I didn't reschedule. Normally, the "lower brain" screams the loudest but doesn't get his way () and my upper brain vetoes any stupid decisions... but tonight, lower brain is getting his way. Upper brain is actually nodding in approval.that's a lie
Hey Gaf I brought Destiny at launch, got to lvl 20 and stop playing. Want to get back into it any tips for me.
Gotcha, let me know.I'm down for this. I don't need the loot but I miss VOG. Can't do it anytime soon though. Maybe in a few hours
No problem. You can also ask a group here to carry you through normal crota
I can carry you thro CE if theres a group whenever.Sweet, thanks!
Just heard someone from Bungie on the stream complain about the Shotgun range
Pretty sure your dick is going to rebel against you soon if you don't stop this line of thinking.See... these days are just awful for me. I'm supposed to have a date tonight and instead I'm actually thinking about rescheduling for tomorrow night so I can run NFs and all the other reset stuff tonight because Horns seem to be dropping all over the place.
To review:
Potential horn > getting laid
Thunderlord, Hard Light and Necrochasm are the only 3 weapons I'm missing. HL and the Nec I don't care about, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't peanut-butter & jealous earlier when a guy got 2 Lords in a single Crota run. Dupes for him.
Jesus what was suros like before the nerf. Second game with it and I get 6005 points.
Jesus what was suros like before the nerf. Second game with it and I get 6005 points.
Thank for Gorgon cp again, Drizzay! I love my new shards and energies![]()
Jesus what was suros like before the nerf. Second game with it and I get 6005 points.
Pretty sure your dick is going to rebel against you soon if you don't stop this line of thinking.
I know a lot of DGAF is prepping to become Bloodborne GAF later this month but I couldn't help but think we could transition into a little Helldivers GAF in the meantime too? Picked it up today, looking forward to playing it after work. Looks like some solid co-op fun.
Jesus what was suros like before the nerf.
I know a lot of DGAF is prepping to become Bloodborne GAF later this month but I couldn't help but think we could transition into a little Helldivers GAF in the meantime too? Picked it up today, looking forward to playing it after work. Looks like some solid co-op fun.
Also FYI Ray- WoL doesn't work on rocket launchers
But wtf was up with that second Gorgon? We (mainly you) killed one but I tried to shoot the second guy (one of the stationary Hard-mode-only Gorgons) and all hit markers were immune??? I know they get stronger but I also know you can usually kill lots of them.... damnit VoG, stop pretending like you have more secrets to reveal instead of just Bungie spaghetti code making me get my hopes up....
5sk with headshots and it could cross map. using cover, i could kill 4 people without reloading.
the mythoclast was even worse (kinda still is): toe to toe with Suros, it only lost at range.
The gorgons dont get stronger, they just rise from the grave as zombie gorgons!Trying to find the video, where a group I was with manage to kill 5 gorgons on HM.They just keep respawning
5sk with headshots and it could cross map. using cover, i could kill 4 people without reloading.
the mythoclast was even worse (kinda still is): toe to toe with Suros, it only lost at range.
You mean what was it like before the three nerfs?![]()
A scout rifle that shoots like an Auto Rifle.
I'm down for itDoing a NF, 1 slot open if anyone wants to join. PSN is Lordsirsama
I'll definitely be getting it as well. Looks like a ton of fun.
Oh I'm in. Euro GAF, I'll have to wait until tomorrow.
Thank you for my second Gjallahorn
Thank you for my second Gjallahorn
Next week will be your week.... Yeah Hall of Famer got 2 drops, still don't think I've ever seen anyone go 3 for 3. Definitely seen a lot of exotics so far this week.
edit: speaking of which, almost forgot I got #6 this morning...
You're killing me =/
edit: speaking of which, almost forgot I got #6 this morning...
Yep, got one of the stationary gorgons. He couldnt see what was comingYeah I know they keep respawing, lol @ zombie Gorgons though. Did you kill one or more of the stationary Hard-only ones though?
The reason I'm curious is that one of the VoG-secrets theories revolves around finding the one non-immortal Gorgon that would parallel Medusa from the original Greek myth. Since all the Gorgons respawn this is considered "immortal" but if one or more was "immune" to all damage ??EXCEPT THE RELIC?? then it would be similar to Medusa being killed by the Aegis in the myth. Yeah, it's a crack pot theory but more interesting than anything else I can do in the game nowadays...
edit: also it's based on needing to add Medusa's head to the Aegis to complete it, i.e. kill the one non-immortal Gorgon with a relic. Once again: crack pot but fun to think about
Nice! This is the first time I've been part of a game community on GAF where I want to try to play other games with the same people. Fireteams who work well together would probably translate to Helldivers based on the impressions and gameplay vids I've seen. Always on friendly fire should be pretty great.
Just started one join me. 2 spots open.I need 2x NF, anyone up for it?
I tested this, one of the two numbers a rocket impact generates isn't affected whilethe other one is. so it's like a 15% total buff instead of what it should be but it does still improve.Also FYI Ray- WoL doesn't work on rocket launchers![]()
I will be down for a fresh VoG HM however..there's gonna be an issuse :/we both need the foil >
Yeah the truth has the best tracking
good choice![]()
Starting now I'm open for:
3x NF
3x Weekly
3x Crota NM (aka Black Hammer)
3x VoG Hard fresh or Oracles (aka Praetorian Foil)
Pretty sure your dick is going to rebel against you soon if you don't stop this line of thinking.