That first game...
Second game, could not believe it lol

Second game, could not believe it lol

I don't understand why people are complaining about this... Why is this a problem? Why are people begging for Bungie to make our old guns irrelevant again? Plz stop.
it killed weapon variety in HoT.
Bungie has been holding back from talking about Destiny's future from what seems to be for a while now. Not shocking but disappointing but it makes it easier for them not to over hype.
It's the Traveler all over again.
I agree completely.I don't understand why people are complaining about this... Why is this a problem? Why are people begging for Bungie to make our old guns irrelevant again? Plz stop.
Automatic doors were the dumbest ideaBlack Shield?
Gross. That room with automatic doors that tells you which door is opening is going to be the perfect place for teams to camp.
Garbage week. May skip.
I don't understand why people are complaining about this... Why is this a problem? Why are people begging for Bungie to make our old guns irrelevant again? Plz stop.
Is there actually a 6th chest in VoG though?
Nah there is more weapon variety than ever in HoW. Keeping old weapons relevant only increases variety.
If I had to keep grinding Skolas to be able to use 365 electable primaries with shank burn I probably would have quit. I don't want my elemental primaries grind progress reset three times a year. Not interested in it.
Smith: One of our opportunities for potential improvement is how do we reward players moving forward? How do we reward the types of things youre gonna dolike, the Trials of Osiris weapons, to pick on them, theyre very powerful from getting to Mercury, and theyre not super powerful in that you dont need a damage type for PVP, you dont need an elemental damage. So we dangled this carrot in front of players that has led to players having to go outside of their comfort zone to do this thing thats a very hardcore PVP activity and you know, were learning a lot of lessons from the way that were itemizing things.
So moving forward I think were gonna be much more sensitive to that. Imagining what a PVP player really cares aboutthat killer player archetypeits about showing off whats the thing that you see on me that doesnt necessarily make me more powerful but makes you like oh my gosh that dudes been to Mercurywhat is that, what are those experiences? And thats the sort of stuff that weve gotta continue to think about as we go on.
I'll join you. Just putzing around in the towerDoing daily story real quick if anyone wants to hop on. It is really quick today.
Translation: putting elemental primaries on Mercury was probably a mistake.
I don't understand why people are complaining about this... Why is this a problem? Why are people begging for Bungie to make our old guns irrelevant again? Plz stop.
Nah there is more weapon variety than ever in HoW. Keeping old weapons relevant only increases variety.
If I had to keep grinding Skolas to be able to use 365 elemental primaries with shank burn I probably would have quit. I don't want my elemental primaries grind progress reset three times a year. Not interested in it.
Schreier: In PVE, something thats frustrated us a lot is that sometimes to ramp the difficulty up instead of adding new encounters or challenges, you guys just raise the level cap higher than players can get. That happened with Crota on hard and it happened with Prison of Eldersis that something you guys are going to continue to do? Is it something you saw as a temporary solution?
Smith: I think that were not gonna talk too much about difficulty today, but I will say that I empathize completely with those concerns and the level delta stuff has been a source of controversy and discussion internally. And when we unpack the way the games gonna work later this year I hope that people see that were learning and reacting to those criticisms.
Loot is secondary to interesting mechanics. I'm not going to stop playing when I get the drop I want. I want drops so I can use them! Give me more interesting things to shoot and more interesting environments to shoot them in.
Using the same weapons for the next 9 years will be boring. There need to be viable successors for the old stuff instead of new weapons that aren't as good and ultimately won't be used.
Translation: putting elemental primaries on Mercury was probably a mistake.
There is viable alternatives, Now I think the biggest issue with House of wolves is the lack of access to PVE players to the elemental primaries but I find myself using different weapons all the time than I use to.Ideally they wouldn't make them irrelevant, they would complement them and be viable alternatives. People want a reason to use other guns without feeling like they're consciously handicapping themselves.
Yeah I don't think it's a bad thing at all, I just wish there was an alternate way to get elemental's for PVE players. I barely want to play Skolas as it is and It doesn't need to be a guarenteed drop from skolas but it feels like he should be able to drop them more than he is since they almost never drop.Far from.
Having PVP rewards worth going after was a great idea.
PVP players aren't solely playing PVP. They need elemental weapons.
And there are elemental primaries to PoE too.Far from.
Having PVP rewards worth going after was a great idea.
PVP players aren't solely playing PVP. They need elemental weapons.
Far from.
Having PVP rewards worth going after was a great idea.
PVP players aren't solely playing PVP. They need elemental weapons.
And there are elemental primaries to PoE too.
I don't understand why people are complaining about this... Why is this a problem? Why are people begging for Bungie to make our old guns irrelevant again? Plz stop.
And there are elemental primaries to PoE too.
And there are elemental primaries to PoE too.
Black Shield?
Gross. That room with automatic doors that tells you which door is opening is going to be the perfect place for teams to camp.
Garbage week. May skip.
As of now? No. Reddit would've been all over it.
Well 8 Skolas kills... 5 dropsThat have the worst drop rates in the game.
its almost killed the game for me. I don't care about running nightfalls for armor when I am already 34 and have almost every exotic. The new stuff isn't going to replace me old stuff so whats the point.
its definitely a problem.
Perfect.30 mins good for you?
Going home now.
30 mins good for you?
Going home now.
its almost killed the game for me. I don't care about running nightfalls for armor when I am already 34 and have almost every exotic. The new stuff isn't going to replace me old stuff so whats the point.
its definitely a problem.
Well 8 Skolas kills... 5 drops![]()
The PoE guns are in most cases worse than vendor guns since they trade the second perk for shank burn and whatnot.
|OT| House Divided
We must play for different reasons. I'd much rather play for no gun than for a less fun gun that just has a better damage rating but weaker perks. I want to use the guns that I worked hard to get and just have fun killing shit with them. Give me puzzles and other challenges (Like ToO) to keep me playing.
The PoE guns are in most cases worse than vendor guns since they trade the second perk for shank burn and whatnot.
I know... I'm just kidding.I've got at least 13 Skolas kills and two drops. A void pulse and a solar scout.
Just because you've been lucky doesn't mean the drop rates aren't horrible.
If you squint a little, that perk says Skank Bum. Makes it worth having.