Probably fake. Will wait for Redditors to test it.
Awesome! Thanks for the heads up!You can download ShareFactory on your PS4 and easily trim parts of the video, it works really simple. After that you can save the clip or upload it to Youtube.
Damn, now if only he sold exotic HC engrams...Why do I have such good luck with Xur Engrams?
Got Nighthawk (again), Eternal Warrior and RAM. :3
I know :/
There's a fireteam out there somewhere right now trying this for science.
If it works, will they ever tell us? Or keep the hidden riches for themselves?
After all, Bungie says there are areas in VoG that we haven't explored.....
It's gonna be fucking nothing.
what is this?
Why do I have such good luck with Xur Engrams?
Got Nighthawk (again), Eternal Warrior and RAM. :3
Need a 3rd for trials
Awesome! Thanks for the heads up!
I know :/
There's a fireteam out there somewhere right now trying this for science.
If it works, will they ever tell us? Or keep the hidden riches for themselves?
After all, Bungie says there are areas in VoG that we haven't explored.....
It's gonna be fucking nothing.
Why do I have such good luck with Xur Engrams?
Got Nighthawk (again), Eternal Warrior and RAM. :3
I know :/
There's a fireteam out there somewhere right now trying this for science.
If it works, will they ever tell us? Or keep the hidden riches for themselves?
After all, Bungie says there are areas in VoG that we haven't explored.....
It's gonna be fucking nothing.
Opens the Vault of Glass? WTF am i reading?
Edit: Sorry forgot the link
When's the Fig, Drizzay, and Wicked ToO stream?
wanna do some Trials? i dunno the map tho
I gave xur enough motes to light the city up for a few days. Didn't get anything in return.
Fig are you here? We need to kill all the gorgons. I'm so sick about bungies bullshit haha there may or may not be a sixth chest talk. If it exists it has to be gorgon killing that triggers it. Plus all the other chests are around that location. For the most part.
I'm not joking. We need to do this tonight. You two Lik. Someone light the nami signal. Bring your ghorns. I'll bring the warlock grenade party.
I gave xur enough motes to light the city up for a few days. Didn't get anything in return.
Fig are you here? We need to kill all the gorgons. I'm so sick about bungies bullshit haha there may or may not be a sixth chest talk. If it exists it has to be gorgon killing that triggers it. Plus all the other chests are around that location. For the most part.
I gave xur enough motes to light the city up for a few days. Didn't get anything in return.
Fig are you here? We need to kill all the gorgons. I'm so sick about bungies bullshit haha there may or may not be a sixth chest talk. If it exists it has to be gorgon killing that triggers it. Plus all the other chests are around that location. For the most part.
I'm not joking. We need to do this tonight. You two Lik. Someone light the nami signal. Bring your ghorns. I'll bring the warlock grenade party.
I wonder if its even possile. dont they get stronger after you kill one. and then stronger after you kill more? I guess if you take it slow, unload horns at each one. but what would happen if more than one gets alerted at once?
I was in a group where we were able to mostly kill every gorgon but the last two were kinda impossible to kill due the gorgon buff
If the 6th chest in VoG is anything like the perfect Templar chest, it's not worth your time for 2 shards.
that's a good question
not really in the mood right now, just watching Nghtly's stream
only signed on to get the daily coin
Maybe even try to split up and kill them in pairs so they can't modulate as many times.
God damn it I want Red Death but I'm missing a single Strange Coin.Strikes for dayz
no way. you want coins, run 28 POE, those little chests at the end spit them out like candy please.
I just love then fact they nearly a year later, we are still excited about something, anything new about VOG. I really wihs the rest of the game was like that. Destiny would have been the biggest game of all time.
I was in a group where we were able to mostly kill every gorgon but the last two were kinda impossible to kill due the gorgon buff
Tons of Gjallarhorns going out today. Welcome to the club!![]()
I was under the impression that the Gorgon's respawn anyway.
I never tried it myself but a bunch of GAFFERS including iRAWR made a video of killing a huge number of gorgons with GHORNS and I thought they told me that the Gorgon's kept respawning.
On The Size of The Taken King:
Schreier: How many story missions are there?
Smith: Were not talking about the number of story missions. Its really hard to quantify that.
On the size of The Dreadnaught:
Smith: Its tricky to try to conceptualize how large or small or anything that the Dreadnaught is, because its this labyrinthine creepy fortress.
Stop that.
Luke Smith turned into deej.
Politicians and CEO's have been perfecting this since the Roman empire
Lol I love how our only hard evidence is rumors of respawn. We really need to test this out. It should be doable now that we have more powerful weapons.
I want to lead a precision attack against the gorgons. I'll need 5 people with ghorns. One of those people needs to be a bubble titan for attack buff. Hunters with nighthawk might be useful as well. Six hunters shoot one gorgon and that's the equivalent of 36 golden gun shots all at once. Damn I'd pay to see that kind of damage output.
my god! so much violence on such gentle creatures!
its madness Todd, youve gone mad!
I'm always waiting for people. You guys are always getting on sooo late.Yeah we were talking about it yesterday. Our group never raids so I gotta branch out.![]()
So just finished a PoE 32 where nobody died. I thought you could get flawless raider from PoE? It didn't pop for any of us. Guess that's not a thing.