|OT♦25| We're not talking about that ...
It was my first GAFers match... you guys player really good.
Started a new card after another 2 matches...went 8-0.
To be honest, the only thing that makes Fatebringer special is Firefly.
Hand Cannons are the hardest-hitting class in the game. Since Firefly damage is proportional to the crit that caused it, Firefly on a Hand Cannon does way, way more damage than Firefly on a Scout Rifle. Since a headshot on Tier-1 mobs is overkill with a HC, the residual Firefly damage is enough to kill any other adjacent Tier-1s.
You can kill 10 Thralls with 1 Fatebringer bullet. There is no other gun in the game which can do this. But we already saw some of the E3 weapons and Firefly was in one of the Hand Cannons. Just like HoW added Auto Fire to Scout Rifle perk pool where it was previously a Vision of Confluence exclusive.
Really, outside of Firefly on a Hand Cannon and White Nail on Black Hammer, there are zero old legendaries truly worth trying to keep. Everything else from past expansions can be re-made (and often improved) by re rolling identical archetypes in HoW.
We might wax nostalgic about Fatebringer, but if other Hand Cannons get Firefly it'll kind of stop being special. Still good, like how Vision of Confluence is still good, but nothing special.
Seems I struck a nerve. =)
Unrelated: Destiny |OT♦25| We're not talking about that ...
Should I nab another Red Death if I already gots one?
You did better than us Grim, we traditionally scrub it up on Friday.
Taking a cue from Borderlands there?
Even E3 Destiny had a bunch of loot fly out of enemies when you killed them. This is good news.
I mean, I've been to Mercury a number of times. And it wouldn't be such a problem if the Mercury weapons weren't, without a doubt, vastly superior PvE weapons that the Prison of Elders ones. I think it's fine having certain gear locked that you can only get from playing certain modes. But at least make all of it worth while.
I know Destiny 2 is a long ways off, but I want to know would we be able to transfer anything over (weapons, armor, light level, etc.)? If not, how you do guys feel about basically starting over?
Oversoul Edict is a better choice for arc burns against hives.Superior to PoE sure. Superior to VoG or even Crota's End? Not really.
Fatebringer is still king of Arc burn.
Visions if my preferred Solar burn.
The void choices before were severely disappointing so that's the only element people should really care about. But even then, it's hardly ever void burn and there's only one enemy in the game with a void shield.
2 people interested in a 35 PoE?
1. Palom12
I know the goal is for us to have the same "characters" but we don't know if that means same gear or just the same face or anything in between.
Personally, I'm going to have a hard time giving up:
- 4 Raids
- 2 Arenas
- 28 PvP Maps
- etc...
Especially if Destiny 2 vanilla is only going to offer less than half of all of that. I really hope that Destiny 2 just acts like a bigger version of Taken King. Give us more stuff without taking away the old. There's really no reason to throw all the old stuff out when it will still function perfectly well.
The only major change needed to to drop last gen support so there aren't as many restriction.
So those of you guys playing trials, whats the most common startup strategy? Do people just charge for the main building, or do people play the sneaky snake game outside?
Ahh, sorry. Destiny has been at E3 for 4 years running, wasn't sure which time you meant.
2 people interested in a 35 PoE?
1. Palom12
Are you asking for yuhas?
Cool... we got on MercuryStarted a new card after another 2 matches...went 8-0.
Me and Xo used TLW.should i use a TLW or Thorn for this map?
should i use a TLW or Thorn for this map?
Both have their uses, and it's really situational or dependent on what the other team is doing. If they're sitting back, use thorn. Rushing hard, use last word.should i use a TLW or Thorn for this map?
Holy shit whoever told me to hold off on the greaves and buy Red Death, thank you.
Thank you.
Pretty much only Street Fighter can pull me away from Destiny. And only Destiny can pull me away from Street Fighter. Kinda shitty since I've bought other games and have barely touched them.Anyone else find themselves unable to play games other then Destiny since it released? Apart from a few month or two breaks that I've had before new DLC was coming out I find once I am playing again it is pretty much all I can play. Stupid thing is all I am really doing right now and until TTK is trying to level a bunch of weapons to 365, not exactly exciting. Yet every time I try play something else I'm back on destiny within an hour.
Bladedancer grenade + Warlock grenade (or two Bladencers/Warlocks works too) is a killed machine... the unstoppable combo for these sitting back.Both have their uses, and it's really situational or dependent on what the other team is doing. If they're sitting back, use thorn. Rushing hard, use last word.
This is me, with the only exception to this rule being Bloodborne for a sole run.Pretty much only Street Fighter can pull me away from Destiny. And only Destiny can pull me away from Street Fighter. Kinda shitty since I've bought other games and have barely touched them.
should i use a TLW or Thorn for this map?
Well I will say choose Messenger if you are not good at HC headshot (or HIPFIRE in the case of TLW).Why no Messenger?
You should always use TLW :{should i use a TLW or Thorn for this map?
Pretty much only Street Fighter can pull me away from Destiny. And only Destiny can pull me away from Street Fighter. Kinda shitty since I've bought other games and have barely touched them.
Yeah I've put a good 25 hours into bloodborne, but that's nowhere near the amount of time I put into all the other Souls games. I really need to get back on that.This is me, with the only exception to this rule being Bloodborne for a sole run.
Starting to get really bored and frustrated by SF4, though: SF5 can't come soon enough!
Anyone else find themselves unable to play games other then Destiny since it released? Apart from a few month or two breaks that I've had before new DLC was coming out I find once I am playing again it is pretty much all I can play. Stupid thing is all I am really doing right now and until TTK is trying to level a bunch of weapons to 365, not exactly exciting. Yet every time I try play something else I'm back on destiny within an hour.
should i use a TLW or Thorn for this map?
Wouldn't you do 0 damage on anyone 32 or higher? I forgot what the spread was before you start seeing "??". I think it was 5 levels but I could be wrongdunno if i wanna do trials this week as getting mercury wont mean as much as it did last week when i was only level 27![]()
Getting matched up against a Dutch friend and his team, fun game.