Any PoE 32 happening?
im game for poe 32 or 34 but someone has to carry me if its 34 cuz im only rank 33
lets see if theres a 3rd person who wanna do POE 32
Any PoE 32 happening?
Thanks MT.
I am EST as well, and barring the probability that I crash after work I'll try to get on. My GT is the same as gaf. I couldn't get ColonelOCorn which bugs me. Someone took it, I just know it had to be Major Nelson as he didn't want me out ranking him.
I need one more nf for this week. Not sure what time your typically on but if you play after 10pm est ill probably be on. GT is same as GAF.
I can also help with the weekly phenom if your on when I'm on. Should be easy with void burn.
I use the poor teammates to distract the other team and kill everybodyA big part of it is that people are fucking awful at that mode. They run around capping points they have no hope of holding and then just get instantly rolled over by the other team. My favorite strat is letting the enemy cap while I stand nearby and then just slaughtering them and disarming. Getting stuck with poor teammates in Salvage is probably the most frustrating mode for it.
Any PoE 32 happening?
I could go for another 32im game for poe 32 or 34 but someone has to carry me if its 34 cuz im only rank 33
lets see if theres a 3rd person who wanna do POE 32
I could go for another 32
PSN: hedera_
No.Will that strategy result in the trophy unlock? That's all I want out of this.
You need to get the point first... you can lose it after.
It's not in the party settings. It's in the Share settings.
The UI and controller are pretty awful. Not to mention worst performance in most games.
Xbox One is my biggest gaming purchase regret. I bought into that Titanfall hype.
So Stabie and Ned what's the deal with P3? Do we need to start a Twitter campaign?
Is Phil going to buy you a desk if you get him to Mercury?
Hey Kirk wrote an article
Where is that?
27 then I bought legendary boots. 29 now.What's your XB character up to now? I think I saw 27 last night.
So I have a Her Benevolence, what are the best perks I should be re-rolling for?
So I have a Her Benevolence, what are the best perks I should be re-rolling for?
What did we got today... Zero Point LOPT. I miss that mythical day were I got three exotics.
27 then I bought legendary boots. 29 now.
Need legendary chest and hoping for a Titan helm. St 14 come on!
I'm down for some PoE.Anyone for any activity? PoE or raid.. Just spent ages wiping in lfg..
I'm down for some PoE.
I'm down for a 34Cool. Anyone else? Im up for any lvl
And I get dropped in the middle of a salvage match where the team I was put in is losing by nearly 4000. :/
All of you doing the grind all over again on the XBOX. You are the true Guardian Lords.
All of you doing the grind all over again on the XBOX. You are the true Guardian Lords.
I'm down for a 34
Well for those that literally do everything with 6x characters, this is true. Along with people maxing Grimoire with 1 account alone. Now if you're doing both for both accounts... Then you're The GL.All of you doing the grind all over again on the XBOX. You are the true Guardian Lords.
You are raid ready!
You can even get into a HM Crota and get carried.
Any good weapons drop for you yet?
All of you doing the grind all over again on the XBOX. You are the true Guardian Lords.
I want the least amount of Grimoire on xb1. Then the raid group I joined yesterday with narmer and Josh decided to kill a gorgon in attempt to do the shortcut and failed so we did it legit -_-
Pretty sure that's still me.
Yep.Are you farming salvage right now? I'm not terrible but I won't be using my mic--I need these salvage wins for grimoire!
Shortgaze, hidden hand, quick draw/snap shot, unflinching. I have one without unflinching and it's still great.
Scopes - Ambush / Shortgaze
Hidden Hand / Unlfinching
Injection mold / quick shot / snapshot
I use Ambush / Hidden Hand / Snapshot / Performance bonus
I use quickdraw with my hunter and I don't think there's that much of a difference with unfliching. I would rather get more ammo for kills
I have a nice purple MG. That's it so far. I'm maining the Stranger's Rifle still.
Nah that's Ji66a who has two plats. Dag yo! Or Fig, the original.
I could have led the non jump way. Heck, Narmer could too unlesshard mode.
Yeah, but if he could afford it Josh would get you an XBoX just so he could grab you for every raid and nf and weekly and skirmish...
Yeah Fig is popular in my house. "Oh look she's not playing FIFA! Ask Fig!"
Still waitiNG to team up and play some CarFootball/Rocket League
I honestly don't recommend it. Not good for your mental or physical well being.All of you doing the grind all over again on the XBOX. You are the true Guardian Lords.
I have a nice purple MG. That's it so far. I'm maining the Stranger's Rifle still.
Nah that's Ji66a who has two plats. Dag yo! Or Fig, the original.
I could have led the non jump way. Heck, Narmer could too unlesshard mode.
Yeah, but if he could afford it Josh would get you an XBoX just so he could grab you for every raid and nf and weekly and skirmish...
Yeah Fig is popular in my house. "Oh look she's not playing FIFA! Ask Fig!"
Still waitiNG to team up and play some CarFootball/Rocket League
There's 27 weapons and 36 armor pieces. Having 63 Exotic Shards is a damn lot but doable. Shame they don't sell for anything.I will soon have more exotic shards than there are exotics in the game... sigh. I'm never getting Hawkmoon.
On that note, anyone have a gorgon checkpoint?
My PvP stats will look alright in a month or two at this rate. As my first FPS, my first months with Destiny I averaged 0.5ish. Took me a long ass time to learn the decision making in this genre. I started off playing Crucible Where's Waldo style - if I saw someone I went Terminator after them no matter what. "Oh there's a bad guy!!!" Died so much lol. I've been averaging 2.0 over the past few weeks.
I think it's one of the most satisfying aspects of the game for me and why I keep coming back to it. Like that Halo / CoD craze which I skipped a few years back is here in full force for me at last: I'm loving FPS PvP.
The dude in me grows...
That's a pretty good scout actually.