Fellwinter can drop? I thought only the last 2 weapons (pulse rifle and LMG) dropped?
Is anyone else unable to sign in? I'm being told the Destiny serves are unavailable when I try.
Edit: And as soon as I post this, it lets me in. Bizarre.
Good morning dgaf!
I feel like hunting some more grimoire. Need auto rifle kills 1,000, about 50 hydras, and 80 ogres. Net 15 points.... worth it? Meh.... but I want's it![]()
I'm shocked how often I log in and see all my PSN friends playing Destiny. It's a game with some serious legs.
Good morning dgaf!
I feel like hunting some more grimoire. Need auto rifle kills 1,000, about 50 hydras, and 80 ogres. Net 15 points.... worth it? Meh.... but I want's it![]()
I'm saving the auto rifle grimoire for when they buff Necrochasm. Going to use that thing a lot I imagine.
Seems like the weapon grimoire on weapons i am missing are shotguns and fusion rifles , my least used weapons. Still need ogres and hydra kills and some crucible kills mostly with my hunter which turns out i use the least - crucible hard mode activated lol. Oh and i almost forgot that infamous sidearm kills got like 200 of em![]()
It changed with HoWs I've seen everything drop bar the pulse rifle
So... guys
Skolas Round 4
Is that meant to just be a "bang your head against the wall" encounter or are their weapons that can actually kill in a reasonable amount of time
All the maxed weapons we used were still taking forever to kill and you really have a small window with the sheer number they threw at you.
We just ended up calling it a night >.<
I saw that some people were using Arc Shotguns to deal with the rare captains but thats so dangerous when you can die in 2 shots. Clearly some of you guys have this all figured out though
Share some tips if you can
It's all about add management and doing damage to Skolas in increments.
Here's what you need to know.
- Adds come out every 10% dmg you do to skolas, clear them before you damage him again.
- Essence shows up after 75% (stick together)
- Mines show up at 50% and 25%
- If you get overwhelmed by adds, rotate around the edge of the map and then back around.
- Captains are the biggest threat, when adds come out, burn them down first.
- Having a titan bubble, and hunter invis are very helpful
I've found that the best weapons to use for the encounter are, vision of confluence, found verdict, and gjallarhorn
I think DrROB is asking about R4 though not R6.
I think DrROB is asking about R4 though not R6.
His tips still apply and Ive been watching videos
We were worried we couldnt even do a SKolas fight if we couldnt take down adds effectively
We could definitely have finished it but it would have been a very long and drawn out battle.
I do have a few ideas of how we can tackle the fight more effectively
Again ... I need some confirmation;
Does every IB weapon drop in Iron Banner? Or are it just the previous two? I've seen people claim to have received a Fellwinter (and other weapons) this IB. But ...I just need that confirmation before I start grinding for an IB shotty.
Again ... I need some confirmation;
Does every IB weapon drop in Iron Banner? Or are it just the previous two? I've seen people claim to have received a Fellwinter (and other weapons) this IB. But ...I just need that confirmation before I start grinding for an IB shotty.
If I haven't cleared VoG/Crota on a character at all would I be able to do them on Hard if I joined someone else's game, or do I have to have cleared it with that character period on Normal first? I've only done both Normal on my Hunter thanks to DGAF.
This video should be saved in the archives of Hawkmoon's former glory. Shame that Xbox players will never get to experience something like this.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJwwujZc9Vw&feature=youtu.be
This poor dude must of been wondering what hit him.
After playing the strike many times, I kinda think that the Shadow Thief is indeed one of the best right now. Really enjoy the pacing of it.
Can't login to Destiny.
Rocket League it is!
Edit: fuck! It let me in!
Sorry, Rocket League.
Struggled a bit through a NF carry last night with my lower-level friend. What was my reward? A No Land Beyond.
This poor dude must of been wondering what hit him.
Oh thank god! I don't need to do that many ViP kills. Just need 36 more for rank 3.
Down to just 49 Hydras left.
Currently farming the Hydra in the black garden.
My favorite as well, hopefully we get more strikes like this with TTK.
Pacing, lenght, boss are all fun.
There were PSN login issues this morning, I think they might still be working on them.
I don't understand...
Why do I prefer the Ill Will over the Fulcrum by so much?
It's like, Fulcrum is lighter and feels less weighty. I got the weapon specifically so that if I am up against a majority of Hunters I can switch to it and get better kills.
I dunno, I think Fulcrum having 7 bullets (with Small Bore) is the issue. I don't wanna reroll it to have 6, but... A 5 Bullet Ill Will is like my fav primary in the game for PvP.
More so than Thorn...
Managed to win consistently with my Hopscotch though. Outlaw and uh... The one that makes reloading cause more damage. It's nice. Speed Reloads with Arm Piece too, I definitely recommend it. Feels very rewarding to get a guaranteed 2 shot for your second kill.
I've been doing this for 35 minutes. Went from 167 to 220.How many Hydra's per minute?
Yes, especially since they are nerfing. If the bosses are not sponges, then I will be happy.
I deleted 3 Ill Wills and have never seen another drop for me lol.
Its getting a buff at least?
That rumble grimoire card can kiss my ass. I think I only have like 7 wins overall.
I've been doing this for 35 minutes. Went from 167 to 220.
Black Garden.Not bad, I might be able to do this pretty quickly. I need to kill about 60. Where are you farming them, and how? Kill/Wipe repeat?