I need to do two. You want to start one?
Can't mic.
Starting one.
PSN Mindlog
Sure one sec
Therefore: have 1 spot open (nightfall)
I need to do two. You want to start one?
Can't mic.
Starting one.
PSN Mindlog
Sure one sec
Therefore: have 1 spot open
The new armor may have some uses but damn are they Boring new perks to me. They all look great, though!It's way early, but I really hope they don't end up sacrificing creativity for the sake of balance with the new exotics.
i'm getting better at just letting it wash over me harmlesslyThe whining is just ridiculous ugh
Never noticed that, the people i normally do my flawless runs with do it all the time.
Damn, I want that Telesto badly.
Warlock Farmer's Armor is hilarious
lmao at both perma-invis and target mark as acceptable exotic perks in contrast, for opposite reasons. lol
Can this please be the unofficial name of the warlock armor?new class of item: "farmor"
We already know two: hawk moon and TLWI wonder what the exotic handcannons are going to be. So excited!
The whining is just ridiculous ugh
Those were just suggestions I pulled out of my ass as example for my post. Feel free to counter my argument with anything you can pull from yours.
At the same time, Starfire Protocol with Gift of the Sun still only gives you 2 fusion grenades. We'll see.The gauntlets are basically Don't Touch Me 2.0 for Bladedancers. Given that Bones of Eao give you Quadruple jump, I have to think you'll get a 3rd throwing knife too. We'll see how good the smoke bombs are I guess.
I don't know if countering "perma-invis" needs an argument.
At the same time, Starfire Protocol with Gift of the Sun still only gives you 2 fusion grenades. We'll see.
I wonder what the exotic handcannons are going to be. So excited!
I've only played with invisibility tied to blink strike, I can't imagine not using it that way. Chaining invis blink strikes is going to be so great.I was just thinking about blink striking, then getting killed instantly because hunter armor is so lol.
I guess invisibility would help.
Also smoke bombs with this gear would be nuts.
It's worse during Weapon Balance Release Notes. Some people are hard to please. But really we all need to reserve full judgement until we see for ourselves if they're useful since we don't have all the info to make the most accurate judgement.
And Off Topic: I'm craving Krispy Kreme donuts, badly. IDK why.
You're forgetting the new Void Fusion Rifle.Id be surprised if we get any new ones. I am not even sure how many new exotic guns we are getting at all. There has only been 4 new ones so far. 347 vesta, jade rabbit, and the simulant, and that new Suarons Shotgun (dont remember the name). Im sure there will be a few more. Hopeully there not gated behind a "POE" type thing. I want a quest for all of them!
i'm getting better at just letting it wash over me harmlessly
lmao at both perma-invis and target mark as acceptable exotic perks in contrast, for opposite reasons. lol
whatevs they'll probably redo some of them in a future patch so just keep the complaints coming
I read the perk on Sealed Ahamkara Grasps and my thought is "I can use that" which is the first and last question for me with regard to exotic armor. Hell I can certainly use the Alchemist's Raiments when it comes time to farm some glimmer... so in actuality I'm sold on 2/3 of those they've shown so far, lol. I'm actually more of a fan of Angel of Light than most but I'm not too clear on how it'll play for a Titan. Then again Sunbreakers are mysterious to me.
You're forgetting the new Void Fusion Rifle.
Not praising boring exotics = whining
"Unless you have something nice to say, don't say anything at all" is the new OT motto.
Yep. Just got mine as well. Thanks again, Colonel!Off topic disclaimer and humble apologies offered:
But I just got a Rainbow Six code in my email. So those of you that I sent emails to way back when, hooefully you did too.
Destiny! Yeah! Iron Wafer?! Double Yeah!
Lag for all and even better more Felwinter's in pvp! Greeeeeeaaattttt
in PvP for Titans, i run the Skullfort due to the respawning Melee, freeing up Infusion. I don't even think over any other Exotic for PvP as Striker
I'm that Skullfort guy
Not praising boring exotics = whining
"Unless you have something nice to say, don't say anything at all" is the new OT motto.
But they look so sexy!Not praising boring exotics = whining
"Unless you have something nice to say, don't say anything at all" is the new OT motto.
Yep. Just got mine as well. Thanks again, Colonel!![]()
I never had it be a problem myself, but I had someone point it out to me and showed me a video no reddit for the research.
It only triggers if you rez someone after the round is officially over. As in, a warlock rez on the other team wont even let the round resume.
I'm in also
in PvP for Titans, i run the Skullfort due to the respawning Melee, freeing up Infusion. I don't even think over any other Exotic for PvP as Striker
I'm that Skullfort guy
Off topic disclaimer and humble apologies offered:
But I just got a Rainbow Six code in my email. So those of you that I sent emails to way back when, hooefully you did too.
Destiny! Yeah! Iron Wafer?! Double Yeah!
Lag for all and even better more Felwinter's in pvp! Greeeeeeaaattttt
I wear armor that looks good together over something better stats wise. This game is so easy regardless that being rigidly min max always is totally unnecessary.But they look so sexy!
HiThese seem underwhelming too...not sure I know anybody that ever wears the Warlock Claws of Ahamkara "extra melee" hit exotic...
I bet they'll show us one more weapon, a Sniper Rifle, and that'll be it.
Double Lightning grenades is the best.
I'm happy that my favorite Warlock armor piece is being moved forward. LBN.
Cant have enough felwinters in PVP! hopefully it will change up how often I get killed by a matador.
Have no desire to run IB except for the laggy fun. I love watching wasting all my special ammo on a guy before realizing they are just walking into a wall. In all seriousness, IB is kinda of fun, if for anything its the only 6 player gaf activity
I'm betting the quick revive/more orb generation exotics will remain a staple. They're pretty basic and fundamental.I'm happy that my favorite Warlock armor piece is being moved forward. LBN.
Calling it whining is sort of dismissive. People's concerns seem justified. I look at them and think, 'is there a reason I would ever use these over x? and if so, how frequent are those situations?'
The hunter gauntlets are a great alternative to Don't Touch Me's since you get to control your use of invisibility, not to mention the reloading of the magazine. Would've been especially useful w/ lightswitch Skolas this past week, since LS renders DTM utterly useless.
Warlock chest armor has a case to be made. A high Str/Discipline build could be flameshields and fusion grenades for days in PvE when using Fireborn, since you're holding your super for so long anyway.
The Titan helmet though. I imagine there'll probably be some encounter in the game that's similar to the Urrox burn the floor mechanic, and that'll be the one time you might want to use it. The titan melee is the worst of the three though, and using orbs to charge that as opposed to a future bubble or FOH is a terrible trade-off. Add to that the fact that the Warlock exotic does the same but also for grenades and you've got a pretty shit-tier exotic.