I bet they'll show us one more weapon, a Sniper Rifle, and that'll be it.
Double Lightning grenades is the best.
but the Armatorium is ugly, I can't sport ugly gear on my guardians.
I bet they'll show us one more weapon, a Sniper Rifle, and that'll be it.
Double Lightning grenades is the best.
I'm betting the quick revive/more orb generation exotics will remain a staple. They're pretty basic and fundamental.
Yep. I think that the gauntlets are useful. The others not so much. But who knows, lots of stuff are being changed for TTK.About those gauntlets. Dont the new Nightstalker smoke bombs fall under melee?
About those gauntlets. Dont the new Nightstalker smoke bombs fall under melee?
I bet they'll show us one more weapon, a Sniper Rifle, and that'll be it.
Mango anything is so good.
One spot for NF.
It's also wise to not expect another St.14 where you're basically forced to use it over everything else. Build diversity is important.
Mango gelato is so good.
One spot for NF.
Guys, I can finally fulfill my dream of becoming a werewolf Hunter with those gauntlets.
PS id for that nightfall: Acidote
Whatchu talking about Willis?Why not direwolf jpeg
This is literally the "how bungie should balance broken exotics" argument that I've continually seen for gjally, TLW, and thorn. Let's balance the game by breaking it further then complain about how broken it is. I know Saint-14 isn't broken but exotics need to come in tiers and flavors for different situations. Saint-14 is near the lineOr make everything St. 14 tier to add uniqueness/fun to the game. A tame exotic doesn't do Bungie or players any favors.
I'm not going to poo-poo any items before I get to see how they perform myself. Bungie's itemisation team don't just randomly pick out perks from a hat when designing Exotics. They have a special build or use in mind, no matter how niche it may be.
It's also wise to not expect another St.14 where you're basically forced to use it over everything else. Build diversity is important.
This is literally the "how bungie should balance broken exotics" argument that I've continually seen for gjally, TLW, and thorn. Let's balance the game by breaking it further then complain about how broken it is.
Join up or toss her a FR or myself US-Frostburn
Or make everything St. 14 tier to add uniqueness/fun to the game. A tame exotic doesn't do Bungie or players any favors.
But then you get lfg bullshittiness and the game is no longer challenging. I've hated using my gjally since I got it in February but it's necessary for "easy mode" when you're carrying or fucking around. Gjally, thorn, and TLW has made the game worse off.For PVE, break the game, I don't care.
Don't need to play fair against the AI.
Then Bungie gets to hear all day about how RNG is unfair.My personal opinion is that St. 14 tier Exotics should be harder to obtain. If something is so good that it dominates your equipped slot then it shouldn't simply be bought with strange coins.
I wish I could have a chat with Bungie's lead designers.![]()
Okay, I mean, this isn't really a counter, but I think these would be fair, enjoyable, and not unbalanced exotic effectsThose were just suggestions I pulled out of my ass as example for my post. Feel free to counter my argument with anything you can pull from yours.
fr sent to you
Starting last NF with best class. Asses will be whupped.
Then Bungie gets to hear all day about how RNG is unfair.
is this helm for Defender? cuz i wanna scrap the Saint for this asap. looks good.
is this helm for Defender? cuz i wanna scrap the Saint for this asap. looks good.
xur, you trolly mofodestinythegameI can not endure this place any longer Before I depart, a final offer for you.
Sleeper Simulant: a Fusion Rifle equipped in your Heavy Weapon slot. This weapon's laser tears through enemies and ricochets on hard surfaces. - Xûr, Agent of the Nine
I'd be absolutely ecstatic if Xur were removed from the game. I'm not a fan of everyone having access to an exotic store.My personal opinion is that St. 14 tier Exotics should be harder to obtain. If something is so good that it dominates your equipped slot then it shouldn't simply be bought with strange coins.
I wish I could have a chat with Bungie's lead designers.![]()
But then you get lfg bullshittiness and the game is no longer challenging. I've hated using my gjally since I got it in February but it's necessary for "easy mode" when you're carrying or fucking around. Gjally, thorn, and TLW has made the game worse off.
calling whining whining is merely to label something as observed. Honestly now. It doesn't stop being whining if the concerns expressed are justified. My threshold for complaints is pretty high and has grown since starting to play Destiny, but please observe the posts decrying the gloves that you underscore have an actual viable, practical perk as useless- and you only went over the potential use case for Bladedancers in the first place.Calling it whining is sort of dismissive. People's concerns seem justified. I look at them and think, 'is there a reason I would ever use these over x? and if so, how frequent are those situations?'
The hunter gauntlets are a great alternative to Don't Touch Me's since you get to control your use of invisibility, not to mention the reloading of the magazine. Would've been especially useful w/ lightswitch Skolas this past week, since LS renders DTM utterly useless.
Warlock chest armor has a case to be made. A high Str/Discipline build could be flameshields and fusion grenades for days in PvE when using Fireborn, since you're holding your super for so long anyway.
The Titan helmet though. I imagine there'll probably be some encounter in the game that's similar to the Urrox burn the floor mechanic, and that'll be the one time you might want to use it. The titan melee is the worst of the three though, and using orbs to charge that as opposed to a future bubble or FOH is a terrible trade-off. Add to that the fact that the Warlock exotic does the same but also for grenades and you've got a pretty shit-tier exotic.
fuck it"Unless you have something nice to say, don't say anything at all" is the new OT motto.
Okay, I mean, this isn't really a counter, but I think these would be fair, enjoyable, and not unbalanced exotic effects
-Stealth while stationary and ADS with a special weapon (any class I guess, i.e.: Patience and Time's effect for any special weapon)
-Sliding causes melee damage to enemies in your path (any class)
-Scoring a precision kill with throwing knife refills your special weapon ammo (Gunslinger)
-Enemies inside your Ward of Dawn take damage over time (Defender, basically New Thorn's max DOT applied to anyone inside the bubble)
-Kills with Shoulder Charge produce Orbs of Light (Striker, for crazy PvE orb gen builds and max agility aggressive players in Crucible)
-The duration of Radiance is extended and your super charges more quickly. Fireborn may not selected. (Sunsinger, if you have Fireborn equipped it's just a lost perk, you won't be able to self-res while wearing it).
-Nova Bomb is replaced with a smaller, more damaging projectile that also tracks enemies. This Nova Bomb will not produce orbs. (Voidwalker, basically a Nighthawk-alike for bosses)
the effects can range from subtle to profound but should basically shape your build to some degree, being chosen for playstyle or a specific task at hand if not both
yeah, that makes sense. Sorry.So in that short amount of time between replies you came up with more interesting perks than any of the exotics revealed today is my problem with the news today.
Got it, someone joined just a minute before I saw the notification though
Thanks Xur for showing an exotic that's already been shown before.
Still damn sexy tho.
Oh, you had that problem, too, huh? Shit annoyed me greatly with my stock DS4. My White Camo doesn't seem to have that problem, but I have been dropping it considerably less that my first one. Too bad that LE console DS4 won't have decals on it. But it'll probably be collecting dust anyhow once the PSX DS4 drops.Got my new DualShock today. Now I can finally sprint again. And my little monster is happy too.
Dgaf and you aren't the only ones playing the game. And sheesh guys, you do realize xur is there to balance the game for those that don't play everyday, right? You Say xur is useless but he's only useless to you because you have 17+ strange coins and multiple exotics. For casuals strange coins are hard to come by and xur is their only hope of even getting an exotic without playing hours for rng to reward them.I'd be absolutely ecstatic if Xur were removed from the game. I'm not a fan of everyone having access to an exotic store.
I don't use LFG and GAF doesn't have that mentality. I don't see it as a problem if you'd choose to not use it.