We did Iron Wafer last night and while Nilla kinda did save me a spot, I did ask to be included and was online. Many of the other guys I hadn't run with before or often and we had fun. We won most of the time but did have a couple scrubby rounds.
I know the conversations can be clique-y but there is nothing clique-y about DJ or RAWR or mehrmantrout saying
which is open to all. Hawkian's noobie raids are open to all. "I'm at the boss if you need NF join on _____" are open to all. Posts by Koro, Ned, Doge (weeping) saying "Hey 1st timers with no Mercury visits post here" are open albeit console specific.
Sometimes people ask for clannies or such for specific trophies but I think that deserves a pass. While our conversation can be inside jokes sometimes or whatever else I think we're pretty dang open, but we can always do better.
Hi, I'm Glenn, I'm bad at PvP and I do moderate to decent imitations in party. I try not to be a boat anchor but unfortunately it seems to be my lot in life on occasion.![]()
I've always operated on a first come first serve basis with organizing groups. You and Nami asked to be included so I saved spots. Nami didn't show up so it was filled. Admittedly it can be hard to do sometimes because the thread can be fast and if you're on mobile it's almost impossible. Plus some people just join the fireteam or don't post a response in the thread.
I played with 4 people I hadn't played with before and it was spectacular. Then again, I hadn't played with anyone for 7 weeks.