Which is the fastest, probably the moon right?
Earth one takes ~15 min / run so it maybe is fastests.
Do Vanguard bounties work for this?
If you have factions class item on then all Vanguard and Crucible rep goes towards said faction.
Which is the fastest, probably the moon right?
Do Vanguard bounties work for this?
Yup, noticed during strikes when someone I was playing with tried to show where the purple was. He picked it up and it disappears with the "username has picked up legendary" messageUh, wat?
...why the fuck would Bungie do that?
Do Vanguard bounties work for this?
Yup, noticed during strikes when someone I was playing with tried to show where the purple was. He picked it up and it disappears with the "username has picked up legendary" message
Yup, noticed during strikes when someone I was playing with tried to show where the purple was. He picked it up and it disappears with the "username has picked up legendary" message
Yup, noticed during strikes when someone I was playing with tried to show where the purple was. He picked it up and it disappears with the "username has picked up legendary" message
Why can the blues be picked up by two people then?They wouldn't. Dude doesn't know what he's talking about, all loot is instanced. Only one person can ever see it, much less pick it up.
Play the crucibleI have no idea what to be doing right now to try and get some better gear :/ I'm maxed out on vanguard/crucible marks, and ran the weekly already.
just strikes i guess?
Level 9 hard right?
Hey I just played against :bNeed two more for weekly strike before it resets! I am a level 25 hunter on ps4. PSN - Beantsprout. Hit me up on gaf or in game we can knock it out real quick.
good question, also, they didn't...why the fuck would Bungie do that?
i'm certain that it's not, easily provable being in a fireteam with someone with a drop. -_-You sure thsts an actual thing?
So I just got booted from the PS4 servers. Got a "Use of user-generated media is not allowed for your account" message, some other similar-ish message and now I can't log in. I didn't get banned did I? Only thing I've ever done is some chest looping for about 30 minutes and get in 1st place a whole bunch of time in PvP.
Why can the blues be picked up by two people then?
That farming route PCP posted is pretty great. While I didn't get anything too good out of it but it build up cryptarch levels quick, I got a lot of glimmer, and made good progress on my Sunsinger. It's also actually fun to do, which is nicer than most grinding.
That farming route PCP posted is pretty great. While I didn't get anything too good out of it but it build up cryptarch levels quick, I got a lot of glimmer, and made good progress on my Sunsinger. It's also actually fun to do, which is nicer than most grinding.
It happened whether it's meant to or not. Why the fuck would I make it up?
That farming route PCP posted is pretty great. While I didn't get anything too good out of it but it build up cryptarch levels quick, I got a lot of glimmer, and made good progress on my Sunsinger. It's also actually fun to do, which is nicer than most grinding.
What are Orbs of Light? I've noticed getting them after using my super charged move.
Nice ad hom, grow up.Probably because you're in crazy town. It doesn't happen.
Level 9 version of the first Moon missionwhat farm route? care to explain please
Link?Can't find said post.
what farm route? care to explain please
Level 9 version of the first Moon mission
When the temple gates open up and the Hive attack, kill all of the Thralls and Acolytes and let the Knight kill you. Repeat as many times as you like to rack up huge kill numbers so the chance of drops is very high. Activate a Black Wax Idol for a massive glimmer boost too.
unless there's some other one:Link?Can't find said post.
I get about 9 blues an hour doing that
Switched over to wired. Works perfectly.That along with basic drops fro the Bungie servers kept happening to me. My router somehow stopped going over 5 GHz and switched to a really congested channel in my apartment complex. After I switched back on 5 GHz, 802.11n, over an open channel the errors completely went away. Perhaps the client is just sensitive.
I swear, Shotguns are gonna get a nerf soon and I'm going to be very very sad.Warlock Melee OP
It happened whether it's meant to or not. Why the fuck would I make it up?
:OOOOOO doing it right now
There was a patch?Did we get patch notes for 1.02?
Does crytarch level for sure affect your chance of getting Items of the engram colour?
Fair enough.No one is saying you're lying, just you're mistaken. You do get notification when someone gets a Legendary though,at least in PVP. At the end of the match it says in the text areas where it shows who killed who "X has found a Legendary Engram" or something.
Does crytarch level for sure affect your chance of getting Items of the engram colour?
Yeap 1.03.There was a patch?