I was about to say that lolPeople who have the xbox version should be greatful they don't have that map in the rotation.
I was about to say that lolPeople who have the xbox version should be greatful they don't have that map in the rotation.
Got this for coming in last place in crucible lol:
Just soloed the level 28 daily heroic. 17 deaths and 30ish minutes but I felt accomplished lol. I wouldn't advise it to be done solo though, so frustrating at times.
With that said though, if anyone needs a member to complete their daily or weekly (any level), send an invite to PSN: GhostFaceDon. I'll be on for the next couple hours at least, grinding up vanguard/crucible ranks.
I'm still stuck at level 24, had absolutely nothing but rubbish drops today, don't think I'm ever going to get out of it until Xur comes along again. I have 23 mote of light and 15 strange coins just waiting to be spent.
Just finished the Dust Palace strike. We won after one of the Flayers jumped off the edge. Haha.
Stop farming engrams. Farm marks and rep.
Just buy your purple armor.
This has happened to me before as well. The one that always hides at the very back.
This has happened to me before as well. The one that always hides at the very back.
It would certainly be an interesting idea.The better the community does at collecting resources, the better gear is produced for players. I know WoW did some community events where players work together to unlock something for the world. Maybe Bungie put that in...
I think I'm confused on how the Titan Defender's Ward of Dawn barrier works.
Was trying out the subclass last night in the Earth strike, and had the perfect opportunity when the big ole Orb boss teleported literally inches from my face. I immediately busted out the "indestructible shield" before making nyah nyah faces from the cozy safety inside.
My mocking was short lived after he fired two boss bolts at me and the shield disappeared. Must have lasted 5 seconds in all, and there I was with a sliver of health running my ass off in the opposite direction.
What am I missing? Is the thing indestructible, or does it just have a certain amount of HP? Usually they tend to stick around for a good while.
So is it better to head to the Crucible at level 20 or does it not really matter?
I actually got a legendary from a legendary engram I'm not really a fan of scout rifles, though.
I also bought the vanguard boots.
Im inIs Destiny down on the One?
Now THIS is an answer I can live with. At least that has some logic and consistency behind it. Thanks.I believe the Defender Titan is Void based. And Sepiks Prime does Void damage. So he would wipe out your shield really quick. The opposite should also be true. Void weapon vs. enemy with Void shield should knock their shield out quick.
Im in
I went from level 20 to 23 fairly quickly just playing crucible. Thought it would be more of a grind.
I'm scared to give any of these to this greedy shit Rahool :/
Thanks so much Dax! I just got home, working out how to split it up to make the GAFbots happy.Hawkian, when you post your guide I'd be happy to put them in the next thread's OP.
I made a Destiny comic for you guys.
I made a Destiny comic for you guys.
I made a Destiny comic for you guys.
Which is the best way to get marks in the Pvp?
Which is the best way to get marks in the Pvp?
Thousands of blue armor pieces with 2 light.what does leveling up the cryptarch get you? after every lvl increase I know you get a gift at the postmaster. But what else?
got my cryptarch up to level 16 and the postmaster is still giving me blue shit for leveling him up...wtf is wrong with this game
I made a Destiny comic for you guys.
Whoa dang! Is that true? I need to edit the end bit of my guide if so.They are...
A lot of people don't know this yet, but VoG legendaries give +30 light when maxed out (same as exotics) versus the +27 light of normal legendaries.
A full set of VoG gear with an exotic subbed in is needed to cap at 30.
Amazing work.